View Full Version : 86 ATC 250R swing arm extension need help with how to jig it properly

10-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Does anyone have any pointers or advice on how to extend a swing arm 2 inches and keeping it square so that the trike will stay tracking correct??????

10-10-2010, 12:21 PM
put it in a jig,,,

10-10-2010, 12:58 PM
There's a dozen ways to do it but essentially you need to keep the swingarm pivot and carrier in line, square, parallel and so on while you weld it and let it cool in the jig.

You just need to have some fab/welding skills , if you don't send it to someone who does.......

Or do what most guys do, jam some flat stock in there (after the shock) and weld weld away :D

Billy Golightly
10-10-2010, 01:49 PM

That might be of some interest to you.

10-10-2010, 01:59 PM
There's a dozen ways to do it but essentially you need to keep the swingarm pivot and carrier in line, square, parallel and so on while you weld it and let it cool in the jig.

You just need to have some fab/welding skills , if you don't send it to someone who does.......

Or do what most guys do, jam some flat stock in there (after the shock) and weld weld away :D

what about the type of steel??? and welding rod should a person use?? Ive been looking around and all of the after market swing arm descriptions talk about it being fabbed out of a chrome alloy steel, but i cant seem to find any specs on the steel that a oem arm is made out of. would you know what type it is so that i can match it and what type of rod would you recomend i was thinking that i might should by a tube of some sort of a chrome alloy rod but im not sure. does anybody have any recommendations. I dont mean to sound stupid but im new to the 3 wheeling world and its turned into 1 awsome project and im having a blast improving it. My goal is to keep all of the mods im doing looking as profesional as humanly possible. I appriciate all of the advice and all the pointers from all of you who have helped me with all my technical questions. I'm gonna post my pics of my build on here sometime in the next couple of days

10-10-2010, 02:03 PM
thanks bro thats exactly what i needed to know

10-10-2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks buddy thats exactly what i needed to know. Thats the reason why I go to this web site more than any other. ya'll are awsome :naughty:


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