View Full Version : 175 tri-moto yay or nay

10-06-2010, 08:26 PM
Ive been looking at a tri-moto online it looks to be in good cosmetic shape but the seller says it needs work but it does run. He did not have a year or price so what would you say a reasonable offer would be. It is local so no shipping.

10-06-2010, 08:36 PM
The little 175's are a pretty fun wheeler, and fairly easy to work on. I would say in that condition, 150 - 200 dollars. It looks like it needs tires (front for sure), and a couple other cosmetics, but otherwise looks to be in fair condition.

10-06-2010, 08:40 PM
Well i had one that was really close to being mint. it was a really fun trike (especially in the winter). but from the pic i can give you an estimate of repairs. 25$ on a headlight assemble if your lucky, new seat cover is kind of pricey but id put some marine vinyl on it which is only 5$ for a huge roll on ebay. but thats all i can really tell about that one right there. otherwise brakes and stuff arent too spendy. if it runs without problems and the plastics are in good condition and it doesnt need any engine work. id say around 250 maybe 300 for it. if you need any tips on making it look mint pm me. but it all depends on what your planning on using the wheeler for to be honest, hunting its somewhat good but it wouldnt do you much good for hauling stuff. For riding its fun though. and it can keep up with most wheeler except for the high power racers like tri-z 250r's and stuff like that.

10-06-2010, 08:53 PM
I want it for razzing around on fairly good trails were im to there is a old rail road tracks with good trails off it its bacily a gravel road with dips. I have a sx at my cabin for rough trials and any sort of hauling. I don't plan on restroing it just the basics to make in run. My brother told me to stay clear of 2 stroke yamys if u dont have the skill to fix them your self cause there not dependable trikes like the honda's .(his words im to experienced to make that kinda statment)he seems like a rush to sell so I might offer him 175 see if he bites if not ill do 200 if not Ill say shag it and wait till i see another faster bike pop up.

10-06-2010, 09:07 PM
I'd say jump on it, but I'm partial. I owned one back in the late 80's. A kid sold it to me with a box of parts.... needless to say.. in that "box of parts" was a swingarm and shock setup. WOOT!! Had me a decent runner for a while. It did pretty good with my friends who all had the Honda 185's / 200's. I outgrew it, left home, etc etc and sold it to the kid across the street who proceeded to blow it up within a week of buying it :( .... I always keep my eye open for one again for fun or a rebuild... so who knows.

10-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Just depends on what you want to spend really...I just sold a 84 YT125 (same just smaller), for $200 and it was in very good shape...Parts avaliability is becoming VERY limited for those trikes, that's one thing to think about...I had to spend double the price for a float needle of what any other float needle would have cost because the parts are just rare...Never rode a 175 but my 125 was fairly fast for a small trike...wouldn't hold a candle to my 250r unless the Honda was just sitting there idleing :) but still fun nonetheless...If it needs work at all, tires, anything, I wouldn't spend more than $200 for it because more than likely you will not get your money back out of it if you decide to resell it...Good luck with your decision...

By the way, not trying to sound against the YT's, things vary from state to state, maybe they're just not a hot comodity here in Nebraska but they are where you're from...? Just my .02...

10-06-2010, 09:42 PM
YAY! they are awesome trikes, great in the snow with great power. only thing is no rear shocks. they made a kit back in the day for adding rear shocks but its extremly rare

10-07-2010, 04:46 PM
Are they durable and this is hopefully going to be my first project. It needs brakes and bearing so i offered 80$ cash in hand. How is it handling i heard bad things about the fact the engine is in the back.

10-07-2010, 04:53 PM
Wheelie monster. :)

I have a 125 that is great plus I'm rebuilding a 175. I can't wait to get my 175 running again.

10-07-2010, 06:08 PM
New news on the bike is there is new bearings rear tires and he put a new pisten a rings in it to wich makes me think if I can trust the motor? can any one put some light on this mystery. Its been for sale for two mounths and this will be MY first bike so i dont wanna spend a few hunderd bucks on a bike thats gonna die on me. Im 16 making minimum wage so money is tight.

10-07-2010, 06:14 PM
You are talking about a 25+ year old piece of machinery that may have been abused by a previous owner or owners. There are no guarantees. Your trike can break at any moment. That is what makes the hobby so rewarding! LOL You just have to buy the trike and take care of things as they happen. Plenty of people have had to fix 25+ years of abuse, you won't be the first by far. Just buy it and have fun. Fix what needs fixing. Get yourself a shop manual and start picking you up some tools for fixing it.

10-07-2010, 06:59 PM
What you say is true. My step father is into fixing motorcycles so he will be my mentor and he has the tools we need. I would just like to know what im getting my self in to and Ive never even drove one before to so before i drive for two hours out there to look at. Ill be sure to post up after i buy it if I do.

10-07-2010, 07:28 PM
I'd grab it. their a blast as a flattracker on the ice or dirt. Like anything old it's gonna need something fixed

10-07-2010, 07:44 PM
Yea I think I may. The guy im buying it off takes forever to email back tho. I'm definitly getting new brake pads and lines, head light, seat and front wheel. Ill do anything else that is needed. Im willing to do the full deal on this kat. I gotta hope the engine is good tho. Accordingly its good for rust so I hope the frame is good.

10-25-2010, 10:49 AM
If you need any parts I got a whole part bike t sell parts off of.