View Full Version : Both of my 200 machines refuse to idle

10-04-2010, 09:21 PM
Well, not exactly a question all about a trike, but I still need some help. :lol:

BOTH of my 200's (My 200X and an XR200R) refuse to idle properly. Both of their carbs have been thoroughly cleaned, and soaked overnight in cleaner, and both appear to be in great shape, so I haven't bothered to deal with a rebuild.

Both have new plugs, fresh fuel, and the whole 9 yards, but neither of them will idle properly, and when I do get them to idle, it's usually way too low, and they will only idle for 5-10 seconds. I have also sprayed a bit of starter fluid around the intake boots, and the engine doesn't rev on either of them.

For some reason I have a feeling that it's the needle on the bottom of the carb, and not the one on the side. Both of the slides are in good condition, and have very little wearing on them from where the needle rests, and playing with those needles do nothing but make the engines idle too high, or too low.

The only thing I can think of it being is the needle on the bottom of the carb. Can anyone tell me how far out it is supposed to be?? Yes, I have let them warm up too.


10-04-2010, 09:39 PM
If the carbs are clean inside and don't leak fuel, that's a good start. You could have issues with the float/needle, choke plate moving on it's own (broken or missing return spring), vacum leak at one of the O-rings between the carb and the intake boot or the boot and the head, possibly even a stuck centrifugal weight plate behind the igntion rotor or timing chain with too much slack in it.

If you've checked everything else out, can't find anything wrong, and keep coming back to the carb as the problem, think about replacing it with one of those $30.00 eBay carbs. I fought my original 200x carb for days when I was restoring the trike, cleaned it, cleaned it again, replaced all the gaskets, tried all kinds of settings - finally bought a new carb off eBay, bolted it on, and zero problems since then.

Sometimes they just get worn out.

10-04-2010, 09:43 PM
Yeah, I am starting to figure that replacing the carbs is the most logical way to go about fixing my idle problem, but I'd like to try the needle on the bottom of the carb first, so I don't have to spend money that I don't need to.

The carb in the picture is on my 83 XR200R that I'm selling, so I don't want to dump too much money into it- wanted to get it running good first too.

Actually, it looks like a rebuild kit is $15, so I might go about that route.

10-04-2010, 10:02 PM
Actually, it looks like a rebuild kit is $15, so I might go about that route.

For $10-$15 more, you can have a new carb. From my experiences something gets worn on the inside of the carb, and the rebuild kits don't fix that.


10-04-2010, 10:09 PM
even though your "slides" appear in "good" condition, your idle screw probably has been adjusted in the past without throttling up cause a small divot or pit on your "slider"...even the slightest divot can make it impossible to adjust the idle screw......I also say... new carb