View Full Version : Good Buy?

09-22-2010, 08:44 AM

Does this seem like a good buy? Rings?
Not a problem doing the work myself but i am a big gu 275lbs so should i hold off and wait for a good deal on a 350X or will this thing blow away my 82 185s? Just looking for a fully suspended trike. Man i never realized 3 wheels were so addictive.

09-22-2010, 08:50 AM
i would wait you can get a good running 200x for a little more.

09-22-2010, 11:15 AM
says he'll negotiate so probably 400 plus the ring job?back up to 500 now.thats an ok deal, not a great deal.if all else is good maybe.it wont blow away your 185s but will beat it.a suspended trike is a definate improvement over a hard tail so thats a plus.but i would hold out for a 350x if i were you.

09-22-2010, 11:37 AM
If you could get it for $350.00 that would be a good deal. Make sure the brakes work, the bearings are tight and that the everything else looks solid. Check the frame for cracks. If you can put the rings in your self it would be a good deal at $350.00.

09-22-2010, 01:39 PM
I would say if you want a sport trike and can't wait, then go ahead and get it. It's hard to say how much cash you may have to sink into the machine, but that's the same with any used trike, running well or not. I've seen nice machines eat their engines within a week of purchase, so they all can be a crap shoot. If you can get the trike and you think you would have no problem selling it once you find your 350x, then give it a shot. Only you know what's best for you. Have fun no matter what you decide to do. A 200x is a neat little "learning" trike to give you an idea what to expect for a 350x. 200xs' are alot of fun for what they are. And 200x parts are pretty plentiful.

09-22-2010, 01:44 PM
You have to take with a grain of salt when someone says it just needs new rings. The cylinder could be so worn or scored that rings are only part of the story. You pay your money, you take your chances. Buy it with the understanding that it could need much more work. It would be better to replace the piston and bore the cylinder at the same time you have it apart, assuming the cylinder is in good enough shape for an overbore.