View Full Version : 84 250r probs

09-17-2003, 07:09 PM
hey i just bought an 84 r the other day its in ok condition the prob is when i ride it it goes good for about 5 mins untill it gets hot then it starts missin and sputtering it just wont go ive cleaned the carbi changed the needle clip position its right up top now.Thats the only spot it can b where it goes (just)but i know it shouldnt b right up top ive tried adjusting the mixture screw it goes if i lean it like right out so im not to keen on that idea i think the main jet is to big i know its hard to tell ppl wat jet sizes to run over the net but does a 170 sound to big i think its way to big because it flooding up or could my reeds b stuffed oh yeh and is the 84 ment to have the flat slide carb on them.

thanks fellas.

09-17-2003, 07:29 PM
alright....well it sounds like your jet is too big if its a stock engine, it had a 130 stock size, so i think your running wayyyy to rich, also....an 84 250R is NOT meant to have a flat slide carb, its suppose to have a kehin round slide carb....