View Full Version : Trikes are dangerous LOL

09-07-2010, 08:17 PM
Yesterday I was out in my barn to fire up the 83 atc 200, I pulled the rope and my hand went up and hit the rafters in the barn. Instant swelling, turned purple and hurt like he--, but the trike started right up, I stood back holding my aching hand then leaned over and shut it off. I figured if I got hurt trying to start the damn thing I better save my ride for another day. I wanted to ride today and it's cold and rainy.

09-07-2010, 09:08 PM
Hit the rafters? damn. You must have a 7 foot pull start rope and really really REALLY long arms.

09-07-2010, 09:17 PM
or a really short barn lol

09-07-2010, 09:30 PM
really short barn

09-07-2010, 09:33 PM
your right, dangerous.... those things should be outlawed.... ha ha ha.....

09-07-2010, 09:35 PM
A month ago I was revving my 85 250r up in the garage with the black water tires on it and I was standing up on it started getting off on the shifter side and my boot shifted it in to gear it was coming down from full throttle at about half it knocked me down and ran my leg over I pulled the clutch to stop it BOY that hurt! But hey, could a happened with a 4 wheeler

09-07-2010, 10:04 PM
Yup! Trikes are dangerous. LOL I've been told that by everyone around here. Mainly my bro and dad who have both rolled their quads over backwards while climbing hills. So far, I've only had one close call/near roll over. I was loading it up on a 6 ft tilt deck trailer. The trailer didn't tilt back when I drove up on it. the front brakes slipped and the trike rolled back down slowly. When the back tires hit the dirt, the trike flipped up pointing straight at the sun. Of course, I fell off landing on the ground. I was laying there laughing my trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro off calling for help as I held the trike up from coming right over on top of me. The GF came running over all panicked as I lay there laughing. No harm done.

Now when I load it, if the trailer doesn't tilt after climbing it, I don't hold the brake and let it roll down slowly. Instead, I keep my hand right off the brakes and if it tilts, great! If not, I let it roll back off the trailer at its own speed while leaning forward. No more loading problems.

09-07-2010, 11:34 PM
lol try the front brake next time it dont tilt.

tri again
09-08-2010, 12:20 AM
I rev'd mine just enough to displace a screwdriver balanced on the tank and that sucker lined up and dropped that screwdriver diREcTly on one of my favorite toes.

Barefoot, of course.

Hurt for over an hour.

09-08-2010, 03:06 PM
Since we are sharing stories of how dangerious 3 wheelers are I will share my recent incident.

Got back from riding some dunes in the high desert last July 4th in or near Reno Neveda. Just after I unloaded the 200x I sat on it and decided I wanted to take it for a quick ride up the street before I parked it. I had my flip flop sandels on and when I tryed to kick it over and my foot slipped off and I jammed my middle toe directly into the asphalt. Broke that someb!tch. My son was laughing his trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro off. I hobbled into the house and drank a beer and relaxed. I employeed the kids to move the 200x into the backyard. The funny thing is my middle toe has always been a little longer than the other toes but after this it is normal now. :lol:. My family still laughs about that.

One time I was starting my 200s and I yanked the recoil rope and the rope snapped and whipped my right nipple. GOD DAM DID THAT HURT! :lol: The kids again laughing their asses off.

One time my oldest son killed his 90. He couldn't get it started so I walked over to help him. I said "Is it is nuertal?". He says "Yes". I yanked the recoil and that trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro started up and proceeded to drive over my shin and foot. I said to my son "I thought it was in neutral?!". In between laughing he "said I thought it was.. ".

Great thread :) Look farward to hearing everyone elses danger stories.

09-08-2010, 04:02 PM
I took an sx with no brakes to a ride. When the other guys got to the hill climb, I decided it would be stupid to try it (with no brakes), so I let it roll back down a gentle slope backward, like I always do. Problem was, normally I have brakes! I rolled faster and faster, so in my quick thinking, I cut the handlebars to the left and it flopped over and rolled right over me, hitting my head on a sapling. I arrived at the ride location about 10 minutes before this happened. How embarrassing. Now all my trikes have brakes. The end.

09-08-2010, 04:15 PM
I went to go buy a 250r one time, took it for a test run, and I had stalled it at the bottom of a hill, couldn't get it into neutral, so I'm pulling in the clutch trying to kick it over, and its not starting, so i peg the throttle wide open and give it 2 fast kicks, it starts up, i let go of the clutch because i was so excited that it started, it flipped me off and as i'm realizing what happened and getting up, i see the 250r crest over the hill, without a rider on. Luckily the 3 wheeler stalled out again before it hit anything.

Needless to say, I took it home

tri again
09-08-2010, 05:48 PM
I can't tell you how many people get scared and put a foot down like they would on a 2 wheeled bike.

That can easily rip one clean OFF the trike when the foot gets run over and the trike keeps going

(ps it was me)

Mr lovebucket
09-08-2010, 06:11 PM
ah yes the famous driving down a steep hill & then having to drive sideways for a bit... you start to loose your ballance putting your foot down the knobbly tire grips your leg & rips your god damn calf off!

09-08-2010, 06:21 PM
i was trying to pull start my old cold blooded 225 dx. i had a freind flipping the compression release so i could just keep pulling. needless to say, our timiming got out of whack, and i gave a hard yank at full compression. my wedding ring cut my finger almost to the bone. of course, the trike's not the one that made me wear the ring....

09-08-2010, 07:02 PM
One time I was riding my 110 in my backyard at my old house, and I tried to pull a wheelie. I feel on my back, and the 110 slowly crept forward on 2 wheels. Now that was funny :lol:

09-08-2010, 07:31 PM
So i was brush crashing putting a trail up the side of a old hydraulicly mined valley. basicly theres steep hills, then benches, and a bout 5 of those pairs. it took a few trys kissing the headlite and gunning it to get up the first hill (i had to cave in the old ditches they used to carry water on every hill). i finaly got to the top of the hill and ended up on tundra with all those lumpy grass things and swamp. as i was riding, i all the sudden dropped nose down, and came to a halt with my tires spinning. turns out i drove over some really weird tiny ravine thing 20 feet deep, and got caught in the alders at the top. so i get off the trike all quick like and get back onto the tundra.. then it falls through the alder. it fell pretty hard and cracked plastics and bent the axle on the right side, and bent the right handle bar almost 90 degrees to the rider. naturaly, im 15ish miles from the cabin when this happens, so i climbed down, and pulled the rope. started right up. just did some more brush crashing through the bottom of the ravine with he trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro handle bars and axle, then got out in the the river and rode it down to where the road crossed (a small shallowish river with lots of big boulders in it) and limped it home. alders have saved my life on a bike and trike many times... damn oversized weeds.

09-08-2010, 09:19 PM
Today i took mine for a spin down to my buddies like 2 miles down road and about 3/4 of the way there i feel a weird bump in trike. So i look down don't see anything so i smash the throttle in and all of a sudden it stalls and everything locks up in rear end and sends me skidding down road. Once stopped i realized chain tensioner was in many pieces mangled under trike and my case is cracked! So i get my axle to move and have a fun mile and a half back to my house most of it being up hill!:cry:

Louis Mielke
09-09-2010, 12:42 AM
I swear one of mine tried to knife me in the back the other day. I turned my back and bent down to pickup a screw driver and I felt something brush quickly across my back. Stood up and looked forward to see a 7 inch steak knife quivering in edge of the work bench. The trike and I were the only ones in the shed. I'm just saying is all.

tri again
09-09-2010, 05:27 AM
forgot my favorite rookie wreck.

Puttering around the field, I came upon some old growth hay, say 9 feet tall and about 50 feet long by the creek.

slowly I figured I could just mash it down and get thru it.

Well about 1/2 way thru , as the grass laid down, the angle of the mashed grass increased to over 45 degrees and yes, it did roll over on me but it was like I was in a dream and landed softer than 4 feet of cotton. Pretty sure that was a 90 so I didn't feel a thing.


it kept rolling, righted itself, and idled right into the creek before I could chase and stop it.

THAT's how I know they float

tri again
09-09-2010, 05:40 AM
neighbors turn now.

GF and I are sitting nice quiet evening, looking over the pasture towards the river a couple hundred yards away.

I remember saying I didn't ever remember a light in the trees like "that"...ufo style.

Looked like a fancy up light you'd see in a fancy garden to illuminate statues and stuff, but the nearest anything is way over 1/2 mile away.

Lo and behold, a few minutes later, the neighbor is walking towards us.

He (we) never walk anywhere since we are trike addicts, so that was odd by itself.

Apparently, cruising the river trail, he clipped a sawed off log, kick the rear sideways and perfectly, backed down the almost vertical embankment at least 18 feet to the waters edge.

After we checked for bleeding and breaks, and stopped laughing, we got the 100 ft towrope over a tree branch to get the angle right and the tractor and pulled it out of there.

Why? are any of us still alive?