View Full Version : Spark issue, Help please

09-04-2010, 09:54 PM
First the particulars. 1982 Honda 185s with cable operated compression release. I just re-installed my wiring harness and before I went any further I wanted to check for spark. I have spark but it sure isn't what I would call " snappy blue ". I tried two different plugs, both new. Same results. I then drug out two different ohm meters and checked the ignition coil. Right within spec. Next I checked the Pulser generator. Right on the money. I'm not really feeling good about this. Next the A.C. generator. The lighting coil is good but the exciter coil only measured 207 ohms. The book calls for 245 ohms. Oh my! I didn't poke around on the CDI cause I was afraid I'd zap something. I know just enough about this stuff to get me in big trouble. Can anybody venture an educated guess on my weak spark issue? All the grounds have been shined up. Thanks guys...........zeeker

09-04-2010, 10:11 PM
dont get sidetracked on the lighting coil.did you check your coil wire?coil to plug.

09-04-2010, 10:46 PM
Yes I did. Book calls for 8 to 15 ohms and it measured 9.5 Acording to my Clymer manual it says "two coils are attached to the stator plate, One coil is used to generate primary system current for the ignition coil. The other coil generates alternating current for the lighting system". The exciter coil is the one that doesn't read right but I don't have a clue if 38 ohms means squat.