View Full Version : Busted with too loud exhaust!

09-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Well today we left from Gillette WI went to shawano county and got stopped by the warden he did his little test and then said he was going to mail me a ticket for $150-200 he thoughtwas the amount . That was nice! I have a FMF pipe and Turbine core muffler and just repacked it 2 rides ago it was 94 db at idle and 105.3 using there Amish vibrating tach to check at half of the max RPM's . What the hell! the muffler is supposed be in the 96 db FMF told me and the warden said it dont matter its to loud. I cant beleve it no warning to fix it how the heck am I gona know if it ok or not. At first he tried telling me the system was illegal and I stated the law from the book and showed him the sparkarrestor stamp (he acted like he had no idea what it was) Has anyone had tests done? I was going to call the DNR and see if they would come and test it for me at home. I would think its my right to have them test it for me cops will answer equipment questions if you wanna do something on you vehicle. I haven't decided if I'm going to court on this I tried to do the right thing and still got punished. Plus I noticed earlier in the ride there was a rattling noise more so on the waterpump side and 20 miles after the ticket it was even louder and my bro in law said it was louder too. I can feel it thru the bike when its idling and its pretty loud when I put my ear kinda by were the FMF stamp is on the fatty pipe. I took the machine even thought it was at 148psi compression I fattened up the jetting and it ran awsome today other wise I've been messing with it all summer. The noise has always been there since I had it since april and it got louder today. Any Ideas? I'll check compression tomarrow. My other 250 r makes the same noise but its not now where near as loud you gotta have your head 12 inches from the motor to hear it. The rattlle can be heard 15 ft away and my wife even said it didnt do that thr nite like that. That could throw off the reading too I think.

09-04-2010, 09:50 PM
dont know anyone that has a db meter.i take the same chances.your at the mercy of them,(wardens,co's ,cops)

09-04-2010, 09:53 PM
What I liked is when they are messing around with there little test there was atvs flying by at like 60mph in a 25 zone but your trike was the real problem out there and the fact that they didn't even check my registration or anything.

09-04-2010, 10:01 PM
What I liked is when they are messing around with there little test there was atvs flying by at like 60mph in a 25 zone but your trike was the real problem out there and the fact that they didn't even check my registration or anything.

He was with me. Its was sad If I did somthing and intentionally broke the law I would be on here joking about it, but its not the case. It was funny the warden couldnt figure out how to start it and asked if it had electric start and a tach. on my 86 250r. And last time we went a oconto county sheriff said its all good when he checked me.

09-04-2010, 10:05 PM
Stupid law enforcers with nothing better to do.

Yeah yeah, I know how they keep us all civil, serve and protect - HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The majority of them lie very well and have a big chip on their shoulder too............

Losing Battle, Big brother is well in effect.

Sorry to hear about your troubles :(

09-04-2010, 10:10 PM
You will get a false reading if the rear area is not in a wide open space, or in other words if the rear of the machine is 12-15-18 feet from a edge of a wooded area, it will give their test equipment a false reading (louder).
I know that from the sound checks at Silver Lake state park in Michigan.
When ever they do sound checks on me it seems they are always training a new person at the same time and i have been asked a couple of times to turn my machine around so the muffler will point to the open parking lot area.

09-04-2010, 10:18 PM
On the lake down here the DNR are all over the atv and atc's for loud exhaust.

09-04-2010, 10:19 PM
you may have a fighting chance to get it thrown out,dismissed.i am sure they have to calibrate the machine,see if that was done.area of test,should have sop's.see if those were followed.distance from muffler should be a standard distance,were those measurement used

09-04-2010, 10:21 PM
Well I was on a gravel road 12-15 ft on the right side, 30 ft on the left side and nothing in the rear it was all 50 ft trees on my sides with 20-30 mph winds swirling from every direction. The whole deal was like driving a car and a tail lite burning out and not knowing it and getting a $200 fine.

You will get a false reading if the rear area is not in a wide open space, or in other words if the rear of the machine is 12-15-18 feet from a edge of a wooded area, it will give their test equipment a false reading (louder).
I know that from the sound checks at Silver Lake state park in Michigan.
When ever they do sound checks on me it seems they are always training a new person at the same time and i have been asked a couple of times to turn my machine around so the muffler will point to the open parking lot area.

09-04-2010, 10:24 PM
Dang, that sucks. I have heard nothing but good about steel wool. It makes a silencer quieter, less blow out, and gives the same performance as fibe packing. I am going to start running that in all my stuff. 1 huge bag of Iron wool is cheaper than 1 kit of fiber packing.

Tri-Z 250
09-04-2010, 10:25 PM
Much like DUI breath machines the equipment needs to be tested. The battle may not be worth the cost and don't think they(the cops) don't know it. At $100 they bet on the fact your gonna pay, and look for out of towner looking suspects to revenue.

09-04-2010, 10:35 PM
The mic was the same hight as the center of the muffler, at a 40 deg angle off to the right side and he measured it I'd say 18-20 inches away. I think the knocking in the motor threw it off I have no idea what that noise is. Its loud

09-04-2010, 10:37 PM
Much like DUI breath machines the equipment needs to be tested. The battle may not be worth the cost and don't think they(the cops) don't know it. At $100 they bet on the fact your gonna pay, and look for out of towner looking suspects to revenue.

Exactly if we would have been local they probably would have given a warning because they know you would go and fight it but being over 2 hours away you probably wont.

09-05-2010, 12:11 AM
your dealing with the WI DNR here. it seems the wardens can do whatever they want, with less restrictions than the police. so far i've had no real problems, and i ride the same area you talking about. but i've got a DG pipe on my z and it barks a bit, so i worry about getting bagged for it. i've been thinking about adding some kind of elbow on the pipe, to direct the sound down. you guys think that would work?

09-05-2010, 09:54 AM
the real lesson you learned is dont stop for the pigs or the wardens theyre in a car they will never be able to pursue a 250r off road

09-05-2010, 09:58 AM
actually here in wisconsin the warden and police use quads.

09-05-2010, 10:04 AM
i think some of these laws are so stupid ive had some pretty loud vehicles in my day but nothing ive had is as loud as some of these harleys riden around and they dont get hassled. I put a set of 2.5 inch straight pipes on my 76 f-250 highboy and the day i picked it up from the exhaust shop was some kind of state police invasion in my town and it made me a nervouse wreck trying to get it out of town (quietly?) was the loudest truck ive ever had, had to get glasspack to shut it up a little. I see a reason for quiet atvs if you ride near a residential area but if you have respect for people and dont rack the crap out of your pipes at 11pm and be a jerk i dont see why people sould hassle the little guys.

09-05-2010, 02:27 PM
Well I did a compression check its still 148psi which is consistent with the other times I checked it thru the summer so the rattle is maybe water pump or crank. I pulled the muffler apart the packing was pretty wet with oil. Is there a video of step by step for the FMF turbine core for the 86 250r The turbine part is about 2/3 to one side and there is packing on both ends of it. I will put up some pictures. I can only find vague descriptions of how to do it.

09-05-2010, 02:45 PM
up at silverlake sand dunes i have been tested many times. my dads 1983 yz490 is grandfatherd in and can be as loud as he wants just as long as it has a spark arrester. my 99 warrior had a DG pipe and it was 2 db too loud, but because it was a 99 it was allowed to go up exactly 2 over. the theory behind this is back in the day they didn't worry about sound levels so the older it is the louder it can be to an extent where its grandfatherd in like the 83 490. though the DNR at silverlake are very professional (somewhat lol) with their testing and are somewhat consistent (though they let open header buggys threw sometimes. they dont test everything, they just do "random" tests)
I'm not sure if it was a DNR testing you but try looking up what a 86 250r can be legally.

09-05-2010, 03:08 PM
actually here in wisconsin the warden and police use quads.

So what's your point? A quad off of the factory floor for law enforcemnt isn't going to be much of a match for a 250r anyways.

A buddy of mine who has plenty of cop friends said that they limit them to 50mph because they don't want dangerous pursuits. Same thing with cop cars being limited to 130.

(no, I'm NOT recommending running from the law, no matter how stuck up and mal-informed they are)

09-05-2010, 04:46 PM
just sayin, the can follow you into the woods, and they patrol there, too.

09-05-2010, 10:25 PM
I had a turn down on mt trx with a lrd with no crappy packing it always passed even though it was loud as hell it just diverts the noise away from the meter .

If you test an illegal pipe from the front of the trike it will pass as well thats the basic idea of a turn down on the silencer

09-06-2010, 08:35 PM
Well I did a compression check its still 148psi which is consistent with the other times I checked it thru the summer so the rattle is maybe water pump or crank. I pulled the muffler apart the packing was pretty wet with oil. Is there a video of step by step for the FMF turbine core for the 86 250r The turbine part is about 2/3 to one side and there is packing on both ends of it. I will put up some pictures. I can only find vague descriptions of how to do it.

could be a counterbalancer issue too

09-07-2010, 03:36 PM
Only kind of cop patroling trails around here are on sleds in winter trying to get people for trail passes in the city out around home the clubs think they own the roads that there trails run down or any area they go threw and get alot of problems because of it.

Ive never had a cop on a atv before seen dnr out in there trucks and they just wave.Gotta say i dont like cops just simply because of all the stupid thinsg they do because they think theyre imunne to the everything since there a cop kinda like this guy getting rammed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA-RS6Y_N0s notice how he says "hes not stoppin" before you even hear sirens then they ram him. fight the case and try to prove something wrong on the cops part.

09-08-2010, 01:07 AM
knock on wood ive never gotten stopped for anything yet. its a good thing too because i have no papers on my trike..