View Full Version : tri-z went nuts!!!

Mr lovebucket
09-02-2010, 11:05 AM
hi there i am quite new to the trike scene i have a couple of tri-z's.
the other day i was working on one of them i jumped on kicked it
over till it started reved it a couple of times & clicked it into first gear
i had only just released the clutch (slowly) when without me giving it anymore throtle
it went nuts taking me straight through a hedge. i know i know it sounds
like the throttle jamed but if it had it would of jamed in a very low rev?
when i say nuts it went on full revs in first. anyone got a clue what happened?

09-02-2010, 11:09 AM
My vaccum line came off my fuel pump and it leaned it out like crazy the only way i got it to stop was to shift into 5th and dump the clutch to kill it. maybe your is sucking air somewhere.

09-02-2010, 11:33 AM
Fuel pump died, ran out of fuel and created a lean condition. Same or similar to the above poster.

What color is the plug??

Mr lovebucket
09-02-2010, 05:02 PM
it wouldnt start for ages i looked at the plug & it was wet & dark but not to sooty. that was a bit earlier though.

Mr lovebucket
09-02-2010, 05:04 PM
ok cool i will check it out. a friend told me it could of been a build up of fuel in the crank case? a common problem with 2 strokes? all i know is i wanna sort it before i get back on it lol am just glad it was only 1st gear i was in!

09-02-2010, 08:38 PM
Yes, it is a common problem when the gas is on and it's leaking through a float from a tank higher than the cylinder.

Your Z has a fuel pump, it's only filling the bowl when it's running.

Billy Golightly
09-02-2010, 10:25 PM
Its also possible it developed an air leak, allowing the engine to suck additional air into it that created a lean out condition and high revving as well.

Mr lovebucket
09-03-2010, 02:45 AM
so it makes sense that there is an air leek in the pump or lead up to the pump as it wouldnt start for ages before it?

09-03-2010, 03:28 AM
air leak...i've had it happen before and it sent my flying through the trees and scared the sht out of me. my leak was at the reed cage boot. you could kick it over and it wanted to take off and change gears on it's own.

Mr lovebucket
09-03-2010, 10:30 AM
that sounds about right i ended up flat on my face on a golf course as for the tri-z it thought chasing a couple of golfers was a good idea! not cool. all this after i had crashed through a big hedge! HAS ANYONE ELSE GOT ANY STORIES ABOUT DEMON TRIKES TRYING TO KILL THEM OR OTHERS? I WANNA HEAR THEM!

09-03-2010, 04:01 PM
that sounds about right i ended up flat on my face on a golf course as for the tri-z it thought chasing a couple of golfers was a good idea! not cool. all this after i had crashed through a big hedge! HAS ANYONE ELSE GOT ANY STORIES ABOUT DEMON TRIKES TRYING TO KILL THEM OR OTHERS? I WANNA HEAR THEM!

A matter of fact: I got an 82 200 about a year ago brought it home pushed it in front of my shed did the usual air filter, spark plug fresh gas cleaned carb. got called inside to do something, went back to the bike choked it pulled the pull start oops it was still in gear, it ran through my shed doors, over a 250sx that was in there and trying to go up the back wall when I " caught " and killed it. If it wasen't for that shed I don't know where it would be today.

Mr lovebucket
09-03-2010, 04:51 PM
AWESOME! something tells me there are many stories like this out there LETS HEAR EM! i think we can even turn this into a new sport? start the broken trike then RUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-03-2010, 05:09 PM
The guy that bought my first 200x from me told me a story about his buddy "fixing" the carb on his 185 when he went to push start it in 3rd (didnt have a pull cord) it started and ran wide open because he put the slide in the carb backwards. He said it went all the way acrossed a field and crashed into a big ditch! wish i could have seen it!

Mr lovebucket
09-04-2010, 02:33 AM
dont you think its mad that on there own theses things are unstoppable its only when you add a human they topple over lol. they should take them to afganastan strap bombs to them & push start them in third lol.

09-04-2010, 11:04 AM
Ive had something like that happen to me. It was with a sled tho. I had just gotten a new carb in and put it on and desperately wanted to hear it run. When it started it fired up and ran wild straight into the wall in the basement before i could hit the kill.