View Full Version : Totally ignorant guy with '84 Kawasaki KLT 200C

08-29-2010, 04:41 PM
I've got this, um, friend who just got a non-running '84 Kawasaki KLT 200C. Unfortunately, he only knows how to fix lawn mowers and an old Ford truck. This guy is really ignorant :rolleyes: and is too embarrassed to ask the guy he got it from his dumb questions. Like, does it take straight gas or gas mixed with oil?

I -- I mean, he -- got it started with starting fluid. It runs at high idle for about a minute, then quits. The plug is black with carbon but dry and has to be cleaned before it'll start again. It's not flooding, though. The plug never gets wet no matter how much it's cranked without starting fluid, but obviously it gets gas when it's running. It's got a good blue spark when the plug's cleaned.

Also, it stalls when the dumb guy disconnects the jumper cables from my truck. Does it need a battery always to be hooked up just to run?

Any ideas/answers/advice y'all have, I'll pass along to the idiot, and I'm sure he'll appreciate it.

-- Ken

08-29-2010, 05:42 PM
KLT's are four strokes meaning no premix, I don't remember if all KLT 200's were electric start or not ( I believe some were) if it starts with a charger/jumper cables but will not run without them its likely the charging system (like when you unhook the battery from your, opps his old Ford truck... if it still runs the alternator is good, if it quits it ain't) If you put a new battery in it it will likely run until the battery dies...

Like I said (or at least think) its probably the charging system (stator/mag) I would check around on eBay and see if I could find one, but just be aware that stators don't generally come cheap but you could luck out and get one for under $50 to $75 bucks if you look hard enough. If it runs with the jumpers on it, the coil and rest of the ignition system is likely ok.

08-29-2010, 06:34 PM
Arent these KLT fuel injected or whatever you call it, with a fuel pump pumping fuel directly into the carb?
I know 250ccs are , dont know about 200's tho but it would explain why it stalls when you disconnect, well he disconnects the jump cables.
No more fuel pressure.

08-29-2010, 07:04 PM
200s and 250 have fuel pumps....

08-29-2010, 11:10 PM
Your battery and/or regulator run the ignition system in the KLT trikes. So yes, it needs constant power. It should run without the battery, but since it does not, I would say your voltage regulator has gone bad or come unplugged. I'm trying to find a newer (cheaper) regulator that works, since many of the originals have somehow formed a short-circuit internally. I would check for loose wires initially, and if that isn't the case, try to find one on eBay. The original fuel pumps are vacuum-powered, but I have replaced those with cheap electric pumps in my KLT's, so as long as it's original, that shouldn't be the issue. Good luck, let me know if you, er... he needs more help.

08-29-2010, 11:17 PM
fuel pumps were actually vac or electric depending on the year...and also the lakota regulator works if u have the connector also...ran one on my 84....i still have a few parts for one if anything is needed just send me a pm.

08-30-2010, 10:47 AM
Welcome Joykey. Where do you live in Mo? Zagames is really knowledgeable when it comes to the KLT's.