View Full Version : 1984 200s Idle Issue

08-22-2010, 07:11 PM
My 200s starts and runs great, but it won't idle for more than 1 minute and just stalls out. It will start right back up and idle, but same deal just stalls out. Its a new carb, just can't keep it running at Idle. Also noticed when I tip the trike a little, it will also stall right out.

Any Idea's?


08-22-2010, 09:20 PM
sounds like a fuel issue.can you drive it for more than a minute?petcock may be partially clogged(not getting enough fuel)float level wrong

08-23-2010, 08:41 AM
Yea, as long as you stay on the throttle it will stay running. Runs great, no hesitation, backfire etc. As soon as it rests at idle for about 1 min, it will stall out every time. I checked the fuel flow out of the tank and no problem there. I thought about the float also. How do you check/adjust? Also thought about spark advance not returning at idle????? Thanks........Bob