View Full Version : Spotted a 350x in the weeds :(

08-12-2010, 02:04 PM
Ok guys Im taking drivers ed in the town next to me and evryday we drive by this one house. He has a 350 just sitting net to his house in some weeds. I hate when people do this why not sell it to someone who can enjoy it rather then leave it rot away. i want to go to his house/call his house and see if I can buy it off him. My problem is Im not good at this kind of stuff and need help on what to say. Or if its a bad idea idk but I want to save it

08-12-2010, 02:16 PM
I'd say knock and ask. Worse case possible, he/she tells you to leave any not come back.

Or, they say they want to sell it yet won't actually part with it.

Or, they realize you want it and may sell it cheap.

Just be polite. Say 'Hi, I noticed the three wheeler you have sitting over there. I am big into them and could really get some use out of that. I was wondering if you had any interest in selling it?"
Something along those lines

08-12-2010, 02:25 PM
all you have to be is friendly.dont go up to the house with a bunch of friends,go solo.knock on the door and smile.say i noticed your 3 wheeler on the side there and really love those things.would you mind if i looked at it.then say i would love to have one of those,this aint, for sale is it?

08-12-2010, 03:02 PM
In these times where people need or would like some extra money. GO FOR IT. I bet the last thing they are thinking about is that 350. UNTIL NOW. Like the rest said be polite and do it alone. Don't wear some gangster gear or go all freaky looking. Go looking like a nerdy plain old kid. Tell them you wanna be a mechanic and your shop teacher said the best way to learn is to find a project. BINGO! simple as that. If you wanna get more detailed then add " My shop teacher also said you can't learn what you need to learn in a 3 month class" or how ever long a shop class is now. If they are cool they will help you out or maybe they will say no. It won't hurt to ask. Also the more you hit people up for stuff the easier it gets.

If you really want it, then go back if you see it moved a few days later with cash in hand what ever you have or wanna pay. Never sit and think about this stuff or it will be gone and you will kick yourself for not trying harder to get it. Lesson 101 on getting something you want cheap...You snooze you LOOSE.

08-12-2010, 03:35 PM
yeah. just say "hey, i noticed that 350x in your yard. do you know much about it?" if he says something like "yeah, that theres a 1985 honda atc 350x. shes seized up, but it shouldnt take much to get her running" then he probly knows what its worth. but iif he says something like" o that old thing? that hunk o junk has been sittin there since i moved in." than say something like "will you take 200 bucks for it? im really into these things and i'd love to have a project to tinker on" and go from there... remember it doesn't hurt to ask, better to ask than have it sit and rot good luck and let us know what happens

haggard 2hundie
08-12-2010, 07:43 PM
good luck bro just dont sweat it be nice and maybe youll get a hella deal

08-12-2010, 08:32 PM
Cash talks.

08-12-2010, 10:25 PM
I bought a 68 Chevelle SS w/ 396 for $500 by just going up to the door and asking if he wanted to get rid of it...

Fungo Wizard
08-12-2010, 11:21 PM
I am smelling a killer deal here. X200X hit the nail on the head. They clearly don't care too much for it or it would not be sitting in the weeds next to the house. I am feeling a 100 or less if you are patient on this deal. I would definately be there tomorrow to start asking questions about it.

08-12-2010, 11:27 PM
Go for it! Just be polite and friendly.

08-12-2010, 11:40 PM
just be ploite thats the key here and have some confidence dess decent noram jeans and t shirt and the school project is a good way to go abotu it i di da 350x for my senior project and i gave 75 bucks for it and rode it 15 min afyer i got it home. but just have confidence and dont be timmid and just dont let them know what they are really worth and be fair but also rember leave a number if they say no and throw out a dollar amount offer also and then also know how to take no and walk away sometimes. or if he may sellit but wants a ton bring up the alot of parts are discontinued card

08-13-2010, 12:25 AM
Alright thanks for the tips guy Ill either go there tomorrow or monday. It just sucks cuz my dad thinks its a dumb idea even though he likes trikes. Idk if itd be bad if I found the address and found the phone # and called. Idk I just feel wrong going to his door.

08-13-2010, 12:27 AM
ask nicely be polite and if they say no jump on it, it should start first kick (its a honda) and ride off

08-13-2010, 12:28 AM
write a short letter and stick it in the mailbox. indicate that you show interest in it, and ask for a return phone call. if you get one, its for sale. could solve the problem for the non confrontational person.

08-13-2010, 12:29 AM
write a short letter and stick it in the mailbox. indicate that you show interest in it, and ask for a return phone call. if you get one, its for sale. could solve the problem for the non confrontational person.

Never thought of that. I like it

08-13-2010, 12:31 AM
when you get older youll learn the hustle. i use that for those "sketchy" looking porches. you probably cant approach it packin anyways.

08-13-2010, 12:32 AM
just go to the door they are going to be so creeped out by a letter remember they are humans and we are social creatures just grow a pair

08-13-2010, 12:52 AM
Never thought of that. I like it

dont write a letter just ask them if you write a letter they might just throw it away or missplace it anything can happen what if they dont have a phone or they only call people they know get 500$ go up and ask them if they want to sell the 350x i have done this many times and theres nothing to be afraid of. the worst they can do is tell you to go away but with how the economy is im pretty sure thats not going to happen now be confident and just go up and ask them if theyre interested in selling it.

just do not send a letter that is creepy and u never know what they do with their mail.

08-13-2010, 12:56 AM
if your not sure about talking to them just have a friend go up and say i have a friend thats looking for another trike are you interested in selling your 350x?

if it was me i would have gone up and asked them the first time i seen the trike. when something interestes me i do not hesitate!

08-13-2010, 04:44 AM
I wouldn't worry about a reaction, they at one point were interested in trikes (because they have one), therefore the probably wouldn't mind talking with another person who is also interested in trikes. It has probably been years since they guy had anyone to talk to about trikes. LOLGot get that thing! and dont even act like you know what model it is

08-13-2010, 06:43 AM
just do it! you will regret it if you dont!

08-13-2010, 08:13 AM
Your pop will be proude of you if you score CHEAP. He may not realize the potential is all.

08-13-2010, 11:20 AM
yeah i was nervous my first time, now i do it once a week. I like the ones that say its yours if you get it out of the weeds before my husband gets home.

08-13-2010, 11:28 AM
just go to the door they are going to be so creeped out by a letter remember they are humans and we are social creatures just grow a pair

I agree... young people don't know how to interact with other people anymore, they'd rather text them:mad:

08-13-2010, 11:36 AM
I agree... young people don't know how to interact with other people anymore, they'd rather text them:mad:

lol it was an alternate idea. some porches i dont want to stand on. and its not just young people, i got a text from both my parents this mornin for my birthday. wth is going on!!?

08-13-2010, 11:45 AM
k that young people thing is a stereotype im young and i dont even text id rather talk and i am never shy about talking to other people.

08-13-2010, 01:51 PM
Alright Ill go to their door monday

08-13-2010, 01:59 PM
good you stepped tell us how it goes right after you talk to him and dont forget the pictures.

08-13-2010, 02:04 PM
Alright Ill go to their door monday

Make sure to bring some cash. If he tells you a price, don't insult him but shoot him a lower offer. Let us know how it goes!

Fungo Wizard
08-14-2010, 02:26 AM
I am not sure what all the discussion is about, just knock on the door and worst case scenario he tells you he wants to keep it. I am betting though if that was the case it would not be in the weeds. I agree with devilman, ask if he wants to get rid of it, not if he wants to sell it. I still think you are going to get a killer deal on it. Get pics of it before you remove it from the weeds.

08-14-2010, 11:26 PM
ask him if he knows any history on it too

08-15-2010, 10:43 AM
You must have alot more patience than I do. Theres no way i could make it through a weekend if i spied a 350x. Id be all over it. Just walk up to the door and ask the guy about it. Try and not seem to excited about it and maybe you will get it cheap or even free you dont know till you ask. good luck!

08-15-2010, 12:38 PM
I understand That you are nervous, I found my 350X in a similar situation. I live in the CA desert, And the place that i found it was very remote. I was concerned about getting shot!!! When I knocked and asked the guy gave it to me for nothing. So dont be scared just do it

08-15-2010, 12:41 PM
Look at it this way, you might make a friend or a riding buddy out of the deal. My wife wonders why I'm stopping in random driveways, until she sees the three wheeler sitting on the side yard.

08-15-2010, 01:07 PM
Why wait till monday, People are home on sundays watching NASCAR or Golf. Go already !!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
Well if you must wait...Is it monday already??? :lol::lol:
Good luck my young friend. I hope you get it for free or very cheap and save it.


08-15-2010, 02:42 PM
I was buying a LT230 donor for a buggy I want to build and my 200x was setting there full of water (tank, cylinder and crankcase was full). I had already bought the quad when he priced the x at $200. I wanted to check on what it would cost to rebuild it and everything before I did anything so I told him I'd think about it. We texted back and forth for about a week. After telling me 130 was his bottom dollar I got it for 120 but when I paid him I gave him the 130. It's the best thing I've done in a long time. I've enjoyed working and I was needing something fun to recharge my battery on.

08-15-2010, 08:02 PM
Give me the address...I will go for ya!! lol lol...... The X may disappear though!! Just kidding man, good luck.....keep us updated.

08-16-2010, 01:51 PM
Well I went today and he said it wasnt for sale. Disapointing I know its gonna be sitting there......just sitting there. Ill get a 350 someday :/

08-16-2010, 01:56 PM
How thats a downer i was hoping you'd be on here postin pics today. Thats the same thing that happens to me every 350x ive found around my place nobody wants to sell. One guy told me i didnt have enough money to buy his said he had $4800 in the motor but it looked like crap maybe $4800 in oil in the motor it was so greasy. Dont worry im sure if you keep an eye out and keep savin your money you'll find a nice one.

08-16-2010, 01:59 PM
AHHHH!!!! All that build up for nothing. Go back and wave some cash in his face. Let him know that you are an avid three-wheeler and that the trike will be in good hands. Point out the fact that it is sitting there rotting away!!!

08-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Oh for the love of god! ha!

It's cool, you tried. It's not the only 350x laying around. Like i said if you see it moved in the next few days go back with some cash in your hand man!

08-16-2010, 03:07 PM
What did he say about the trike, like the history of it and plans for it? I would go back and wave some cash around him. can't hurt.

08-16-2010, 03:21 PM
What did he say about the trike, like the history of it and plans for it? I would go back and wave some cash around him. can't hurt.

I didnt end up talking to the "dad" there was the wife out back mowing and like 4 kids and the kids were yelling mom somones at the door so I told her I was in to trikes I had seen theres and if there was any interest in selling it she just said na its not for sale.

08-16-2010, 03:54 PM
Ive never understood people like that, they have stuff that just sits outside like they don't care about it.But won't sell it i guess they think its fun to let something rott.

the great gazoo
08-16-2010, 04:52 PM
Wait till dad gets home & try again, you NEVER know, especially if you've got $$$$ in hand, bro. I say talk to the man of the house.

08-16-2010, 05:16 PM
that could have belonged to a relative that passed away thats happened when i tried getting one it was in bad shape the owner said it belonged to his cousin who died.

08-16-2010, 05:50 PM
Thats a bummer.

08-16-2010, 06:07 PM
I'm under the impression that you are still high school age, might want to have someone older check back with them. The wife might have just saw some kid with no money standing there (no offence intended< I'm not saying I think that way of you but maybe she did). There is allot of people who will dismiss someone in their teens like that and allot of people who wouldn't talk about selling anything like that to a kid for fear of being sued later. That has happened to me before. My dad and grand dad were both old time traders and that's what I grew up around. When I got something it was mine and trading was in the blood, so from 14 on I would trade on motor cycles all the time. I made the decision and paid with "my money" but I always had to have dad or pop there doing the actual talking for me. I have had people blow me off only to price something when I went back and dad asked and I've have to give back a couple bicycles and video games back when I traded with freinds from school only to have mommy show up later that night and make us untrade. Just a thought, but if it was me and I wanted it, it would take more than 1 not for sale. You said there was like 4 kids running around. If they got 4 kids you know sooner or later they going to need the money, lol.

08-16-2010, 07:27 PM
Yea Im 16 but I was polite with them I had my dad walk up too. Maybe ill go up on sunday when hes watching nascar haha

08-16-2010, 10:19 PM
Wait till dad gets home & try again, you NEVER know, especially if you've got $$$$ in hand, bro. I say talk to the man of the house.

Word! dont take her no as the final answer. talk to the husband. ive had women on the phone tell me price is firm on stuff etc. and when i meet the guy in person the price is suddenly negotiable. just try once more and bring a couple bucks with ya.

08-16-2010, 10:40 PM
no offence but some women no nothing whne it comes to things tere husbands are doing or up to try again .i would i want a 350 x soo bad

Fungo Wizard
08-16-2010, 11:00 PM
Would definately go back and talk to him. She was probably just busy and did not want to mess with it. Although, I would divorce my wife if I came home and she had sold any of my 350's, the ones in parts or the 2 runners.

08-16-2010, 11:17 PM
no offence but some women no nothing whne it comes to things tere husbands are doing or up to try again .i would i want a 350 x soo bad

My wife would say "everything he's got is for sale" lol. We have an agreement , the family gets my pay check and I can do whatever I want with what I make on the side.

08-17-2010, 01:05 AM
ask nicely be polite and if they say no jump on it, it should start first kick (its a honda) and ride off

Hahahaha Love that idea.

08-17-2010, 01:16 PM
danial thats not cool thats how i lost my race quad i had for sale abotu 8 years ago i had a worked 250r and a guy wanted to take ot for a test ride and he took it for a rip around the yard and took off down the road that was a devostating day

Fungo Wizard
08-17-2010, 01:57 PM
danial thats not cool thats how i lost my race quad i had for sale abotu 8 years ago i had a worked 250r and a guy wanted to take ot for a test ride and he took it for a rip around the yard and took off down the road that was a devostating day

That's why you should always have a high powered rifle slung over your shoulder when people come to test ride something. Seriously, how did he get to your house to take the test ride?

08-17-2010, 02:42 PM
I'd be careful with this. I've had some bad experiences with these types of situations even when they told me to come back later. I wouldn't be surprised if you went back the bike was moved to the back yard.

08-17-2010, 03:30 PM
the family gets my pay check and I can do whatever I want with what I make on the side.

Same deal here, it's a sound financial plan ;)