View Full Version : Clear Header Paint ? Suggestions for my new pipe...

08-10-2010, 10:00 PM
I just picked up an NOS DG pipe for my Tecate, with new White fenders on the way I'm thinking the natural finish on the pipe will will really give a touch of "Factory Works" look, I would really like to find a good high temp clear paint to try to keep the new look as long as possible. Anyone have any luck with a high temp clear over bare metal or should I just settle for the burnt in cosmoline look? Any suggestions would be great...


08-10-2010, 10:11 PM
This stuff is pricey and hard to spray but if you're really good with an air brush, you can do it. The air cure ceramics go through a final curing stage when they are headed from being on the engine for and hour or so. I've never used it myself, this just information that I've read on the forum. Seems to work good, from the reviews, http://powderbuythepound.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=93&products_id=1800 Not all ceramics are air cure, some have to be cured in an oven at 750 for an hour.