View Full Version : How is every body insuring there trike collection??????

big specht
08-10-2010, 08:20 AM
I'm woundering cause we were broken into while we were at TF this year (they didn't take any bikes) but we found out that they wouldn't cover them if they were stolen. That is why I'm asking how is every body insuring there bikes for fire and theft.

08-10-2010, 08:38 AM
No coverage here... My lovely Insurance company wont cover them. State Farm sucks... Interested in knowing this too....

08-10-2010, 09:31 AM
Mine are insured by Smith and Wesson.

08-10-2010, 09:35 AM
LOL!!! Yeah, mine are covered by Glock

My buddy writes insurance policies (johnnysx) and he said that you can't insure trikes.... unless you KNOW someone.

08-10-2010, 09:44 AM
my insurance co. is allstate and they wont cover mine.looked into this a couple of years ago.still dont have any,and would also like to know

Buster Brown
08-10-2010, 11:40 AM
I went without insurance for quite a few years too. I finally made an LLC (K10 PC & V ATV R) and put everything under a small business insurance policy (Western National Insurance Group). Since my bikes are mostly all "queens" and don't get dirty, I'm pretty much covered. AKA...no trail riding:(, but on the up side, this LLC thing is a good way for write offs.
My garage (the building structure alone) is billed at $50K, and inside contents at an additional $130K, all for about $2K annually. Please though..... this is no invite for thieves!:mad:
I've made some previsions like locks, lights, and a nasty little ankle biter to appease my agent. Though I really doubt it makes any difference to my yearly premium. Maybe the dog raises it (LOL)!

08-10-2010, 01:07 PM
i have baby monitors in the house and usualy someone alays here wether it be me or a close friend i can trust. andf a reputation fo0r beign a little crazy and always carryign some sort of firearms in the truck

08-10-2010, 01:36 PM
Chains and padlocks on the gates and guns.

08-10-2010, 02:55 PM
In Oregon it is common to have bikes insured cuz of all the $$k Banshees. I actually have my nice dune bike parked in my den, really. K-9/.45 Insurance Co. is good for me, but i'v had to keep a muzzle on my dog cuz he bit the Roto Router guy.

08-10-2010, 03:34 PM
My insurance company (State Farm) will cover 3 wheeled ATVs for about $120 per year. The down side is the value they will pay out if your bike is stolen - they go by NADA prices - last I checked a good condition 86 ATC250R was booking for about $480 - I say save your money - a savings account as someone else mentioned would be best!!!! If you have a policy on your 3 wheeler - I suggest you call your agent and ask them replacement value on the machine - That will get your blood pressure rising !!!!!

I personally invested in a hidden camera setup - multiple cameras and a DVR - I figure I am back in the middle of no where - and know most people who would come back - So the camera would let me identify who comes in and out of my lane. All in all it was about the cost of one year of premiums for about 5 machines.

johnny's X
08-10-2010, 03:34 PM
I just happen to know someone who writes insurance. hmmmm pretty sure i had insurance on my 350X lol and its sold now and i am just thinking that i might still have coverage on it. Time to call myself for an insurance review. Insurance on trikes can be had. Sorry to most but I only write insurance in NY.

08-10-2010, 03:37 PM
This is right from NADA - laughable man!!!!!!

1986 HONDA ATC250R

August 10, 2010
Vintage Motorcycle
Model: ATC250R


Excellent: $400
Very Good: $300
Good: $150
Fair: $50
Poor: N/A

On the flip side - older models appear to be coming up in price!!!!

1973 HONDA ATC70

August 10, 2010
Vintage Motorcycle
Model: ATC70


Excellent: $1,550
Very Good: $1,000
Good: $800
Fair: $600
Poor: N/A

big specht
08-10-2010, 03:55 PM
We have asked about the pay out on the bikes if we had them insured . They said they would go off what there were going for not the nada price. But that is what they said it was not in writing we have nationwide insurance on the farm. They said they wouldn't just cover under the farm cause we have so many. And around where I live you never know who is coming around the corner and who has a gun. What kind of cameras do you have we are thinking of doning the same we have seen some night vision/motion sensing cameras that can be set on a timer that were not to expensive.

08-10-2010, 04:21 PM
my cameras are inferred and have a good picture in pitch black. The DVR is what picks up motion and activates record mode. It only records when there is motion. My DVR is avbout 2.5 years old so I am sure there have been updates but as it stands I get about 1 month of recordings on the HD from 4 cameras.

Go to Amazon and search "CCTV" for an entire setup in one package.

08-10-2010, 05:28 PM
I will have to check with State farm. I thought my home owners insurance covered them. I do have liability on them through State farm for riding on state land(I know that doesnt cover them being stolen).

08-10-2010, 10:45 PM
Mine are insured by a 30-06, a 302 and my dog who is not afraid to take a nice big chunk out of you...

08-13-2010, 07:00 PM
Just talked to my insurance company. Unfortunately hand guns are taboo in Canada but I can insure the trikes for a reasonable rate. For Liabilty/Fire/Theft - 84 BR $372 yr, 1970 US90 $337 yr. Quite a bit more than the quads though?

08-13-2010, 07:45 PM
digital watchdog and three cameras. constant recording. i live in the ghetto with katrina "victims" living across the street from me. funny how they have REALLY expensive stuff, but insist on stealing my pieces of crap.

so i got a 3 camera system with the HD in the house connected to the internet for my viewing pleasure. spent just over a grand, but saved me lots of hassle and keeps them on the other side of the street.
also make friends with every other redneck in the neighborhood. video proof of the item being stolen will work in your favor with the insurance company.

08-13-2010, 07:57 PM
i got a 85 and 86 250r its 100 bucks a yr with full coverage and the 86 200 x I had was 85 and thats with a 100 deductible. I didnt have no problems I gues I'll find out if I ever have a claim. The said the value is based on market values (what they sell for)

08-13-2010, 11:49 PM
a signe at the end of the driveway that reads " if you can read this your in range"

08-14-2010, 12:36 AM
A bolt action rifle, a huge padlock, and a guy down my road who always has his Mosin-Nagant and SKS on hand and loaded.
Crackheads nextdoor have broken in twice, and they ride around my place sometimes during the day.
You can't run from a Hi-Po rifle.

08-14-2010, 04:44 PM
I found the best insurance is a lock and chain. I woke up one day and looked out the window to see one of my bikes in my neibors yard. I had a lock on the back disk, and after 12 feet they gave up on it.
Now that i'm older I back those up with 12 ga and 7.62 x 39