View Full Version : It's Illegal to push walk a Trike On Streets ? My Neighbor S

09-13-2003, 08:49 AM
There's a Couple trails Really Colse To Home So I Don't See The Point Of Loading My Bike In Truck, So I Kinda Walk The Bike By Pushing It ( Sometimes W/ Engine Running ); This Guy Tells Me That That's Illegal :o ,That I Could Get Bike taken Away If Caught..Is This True I'm in Pa ( 19606 ). I know You r Not suppose To Ride'em But Push'em Either ?!!
Where Can I Get The Real True ? Don't Want Some Cop To Stop Me And Take My Precious... :evil: Take Kids & Wife Not Bike. :twisted:
Thank You

09-13-2003, 09:50 AM
I think your neighbors full of crap. I don't know the laws in PA but I can't see where any state could say that, you may want to push it without the engine running though, they might try to say you were riding and jumped off. I live in Toledo and ride on the city streets but usually for only 5 minutes or so. In the winter,,,,, thats a different story.

Billy Golightly
09-13-2003, 09:55 AM
I'm not totally sure of the laws up there, but here, if your even on the road you can get a ticket if a cop wants to. The law around here (Vaguely) says that you can CROSS the road, but it has to be at an angle where it takes like 40ft to cross to the road or something. Which is dumb, because the more angle you have, the longer it takes you to get across the road. Some stupid poloticians idea there.

However, I have an idea I've been wanting to investigate, and that would be a "Slow moving vehicle" Triangle like on the back of tractors, I wonder if that would be legal? hehe.

09-13-2003, 10:05 AM
In Indiana you can ride the county roads in some counties, if you are registered with the DNR. Crossing the road "at an angle requiring NO MORE than 40ft." is to keep you from riding parallel with the hi-way. In some of the counties where it is not permitted to ride the co. roads they let farmers using sprayers, ditch mowers, e.t.c. use the SMV sign. But an SMV triangle sign restricks you to less than 25m.p.h. I actually rode my 250SX up to a Co. Cop last night while out spotting deer. Guess we got it lucky around here.

09-13-2003, 10:50 AM
In most states, if the vehicle is running, techincally you are "operating" the vehicle even though you may not even be sitting on it. If the vehicle is not running, and you are pushing it, I highly doubt that they could cite you in any state for any moving violation. Some states could cite you for non moving violations, such as registration infractions, or parking violations, and things of that nature. Also, I cant imagine pushing an ATV even 100 yards as being practical and if your definition of "pushing" an ATV is to walk beside it, while its in gear and running, this would be considered "operating" the vehicle in most states. It would also be highly unlikely that any officer would actually cite you for doing it in that fashion if you act like an adult when questioned about it. Also it would be extremely unlikely that they would impound your vehicle in such a case. Impounds are usually only the result of very flagrant violations, or fleeing.
What I would highly suggest is calling youre local police and ask them about it, and what their enoforcement policies are. Often, local police have a policy of not enforcing minor infractions that are technically illegal.

09-13-2003, 11:43 AM
I just ride down the road and hope i dont get caught

09-13-2003, 12:18 PM
Under UK law if a Vehicle sets all its wheels onto the public highway it requires Tax, registration, insurance and an MOT unless it is exempt from these, ATV's are only exempt from MOT here, must have everything else and not exceed 20mph.
Saying that, we have a company near us that uses a 2002 Suzuki Eiger on the road as a means of getting it from job to job (They use it for spraying) I've talked to the guys that use it, it goes everywhere flat out on the road, it will do 55mph and they've never had any trouble with the cops. it has TAX, registration and a road legal light kit with special headlamps, tail lights and turn signals.


09-13-2003, 12:30 PM
Here in mysery..oh, i mean missouri you can ride on county roads as long as your bike is registered, and has a county sticker. at least in my town. But i ride my dirt bike up the road i live on all the time, and there is a couple old men that actually have them slow moving cation triangle's on the back of their quad, lol, i see them all time putting up and down the road.

09-13-2003, 06:09 PM
In New York you are not alowed to ride on any roads, dirt or paved. I used to ride about a mile to my friends house and never had any trouble but it was a back road. Once my brother was stopped by the town cops when he was just going 100 feet up and down my road but he was just told to wear a helmet.


09-14-2003, 10:32 PM
yah but in NEW YORK the DEC officers (department of environmental conservation) will TAKE your bike and KEEP it forever. They can ticket you, and if you have no insurance, and registration, helmet, etc. they can actually take your cars/trucks and your HOUSE! That is if they catch you on state land, but they can take it and fine you huge if they see you on the road! WHY CAN YOU PUT INSURANCE ON A ATV/ATC, REGISTER IT, AND GET A LISCENCE PLATE IF YOU CANT EVER EVER RIDE IT ANYWHERE??? LITTERALLY!

09-14-2003, 11:26 PM
Thanks For All Your Feedback...I Have An Idea Now How To Get To Trail.
I think I Can Avoid Getting Ticket Or Bike taken Away...Common Sense.
Thank You All !!

09-15-2003, 10:59 AM

I am lucky that the cops in my town are nice about it but you are right, the DEC officers do patrole the state land. They do give out tickets for registeration, insurance, riding on state land, riding on the road, ect. or at least thats what I was told when I was given a ticket for riding on state land :oops: .


09-15-2003, 02:01 PM
i walk-ride(running in 1st gear walking beside it) my trike where ever i go in the city of HORNELL the cops stop me and when i take my helmet off they just say "oh it's you!!! don't ride that thing in the city"i even had one tell me he wanted to see if he could catch me on it (back roads of course)
i told him i'd eat him up without the radio he has...he just laughed and showed me the marks on his front bumber where he ran into a street bike trying to get away from him in a field...he doesn't play fair...
but you have to reg and if you ride it anywhere but your property it has to be insured,also you can cross a road but it has to be at a 90 degree angle to the road,i got 2 tickets a couple yrs ago: no reg. and no ins. i was stopped at a stop sign and the trooper said he saw me comming down the shoulder of the road(he said that was ok... the only reason he stopped me was i didn't have a plate on it he said.but also i had my bog red towed from being PARKED, then stolen from me by the tow company(EJ'S towing in hornell new york)thats another post tho...

09-15-2003, 03:56 PM
Hey.... I live in Dansville.... you ought to load up and come over and ride. We got miles of trails on my farm and then the neighbors use the old railroad bed and ride from over in Groveland all the way through to Wayland! I haven't gone with them as of yet, but will soon! They have Z400's and the Kawi equivilant (didn't know the Kawi was built by Suzuki!) They stopped down to the farm last week and I took them on my trails. I saw him later working with his dozer.... he was like... "How long you been riding that 3-wheeler? You were getting it through the woods quick!" :twisted:


09-16-2003, 09:31 AM
cool i can ride to d-ville from hornell and maybe from corning

09-16-2003, 07:11 PM
I was riding down the road a couple weekends ago on one of the 350xs and I passed a state trooper (I had no helmet) Going around 55. The speed limit. And he just waved. :D I guess it was too clean lol. And if he would have turned around I would have been like yeah ok and I would have been gone :twisted: