View Full Version : Advice Please

stalker stopper
07-29-2010, 08:05 PM
Hello All

I am new to the board! Found it on google doing a search for what motor will fit in a tri-z. Great site!

I have a story about my TRI-Z. It was given to me by the owners of Mission Yamaha Sept of 85 on National Tv. I was 13 years old! My dream to have an ATC. Wanted a honda, but really did not care what it was. Just wanted anything.

I helped catch a serial Killer that came to my house The Night Stalker. The Police ask if I wanted anything I said an ATC. They went to the Local Honda dealer and asked if they would donate it. They said no. They went to Mission Yamaha and John Matherson said hell yeah!

Anyway, I still have this Yamaha. I have a seized motor. I also have a 99 cr250. What should I do? Try to make the honda work? Look for Tri-z motor? Try to open it up and rebuild the orig motor?

There are some Yam yz 400,426 & 450 4strokes or a 490 motor or whole bikes?

I just want to ride this bike again!

I have read some of these awesome bulids. Wow Derick Adams triz 450 is the first 1 I read about and honda200sx reincarnated. Those are awesome.

What would be the easiest and best pricing way to go?


07-29-2010, 10:16 PM
seized spray it and it prob just the top end .and use pb blast when you spray the piston down .works great

07-29-2010, 10:20 PM
Helped catch a serial killer at 13? Details or something on which you don't like to talk?

As far as the engine, it may just be seized from sitting. Try PB Blaster down the spark plug hole overnight. If that fails, as has been suggested, start taking the engine apart. It may just be the piston, or maybe the crank. Won't really know until you tear it apart if the PB Blaster fails.

07-29-2010, 10:25 PM

Looks legit, you can see the tri-z in the pic. Great story!

07-29-2010, 11:40 PM
That's cool. I definitely would keep it close to original if it was mine and I had it that long. Plus it will be easier to rebuild the engine you have than putting a Honda in it.

07-30-2010, 12:04 AM
cool story, I would rebuild it, it would be easier and not mess up a good trike.

07-30-2010, 08:45 AM
Wow, that is an awesome story. Excellent work!
I watched the video, I like how they showed the Z a few times (even though they called it a "dirt bike":p).
I would keep the Z. It has such a history to it. First owner, and you earned it.

Welcome to the boards. There is a lot of great info here, and a lot of Tri-Z owners. I think you will find everything you need.

07-30-2010, 08:56 AM
Thumbs up to you man. Bike is still looking decent aswell. Rebuild that bad boy.

07-30-2010, 09:01 AM
wow yeah nice work and great prize! look around here and you wil find everything you could want to know about that there tri-z. never sell it and get it running again! then meet us @ the imperial dunes in march!


David komatina
07-30-2010, 09:40 AM
You got to keep it and rebuild it thats an awsome story behind that trike tri zs are sick there are a bunch of people on here that that i am shur would help you through the build keep it i say!

07-30-2010, 10:08 AM
Holy crap, I thought this was a joke at first! Great story. Fix it right, that's what I say.

07-30-2010, 01:00 PM
Welcome to the site.

Great story and history.

IMO I would advise just rebuilding that Z engine..They are very easy to rebuild.

07-30-2010, 01:03 PM
Definitely a great story and kudos to you for testifying.

07-30-2010, 01:54 PM
Just ask Mission Yamaha if they will do you another favor, and rebuild it for cheap! :lol: Great story about the TRI-Z. You must be proud

07-30-2010, 02:08 PM
Romero Keep the Yamaha Tri-Z 250 in it's original form.

look's like it sized from sitting to long, so ad some PB blaster oil let it sit over night.

You'll also need to Clean the Carb, Air Filter, Gas Tank, Change the Transmission oil, and New Spark plug.

Take your time we can help you get it running again !

07-30-2010, 02:13 PM
That's so cool. You'd only be doing right by keeping that machine original.

stalker stopper
07-30-2010, 08:57 PM
Thanks for all the comments from all of you!

I appreciate the advice and listen to your suggestion. I know it is seized from a friend when he was riding it. Just lock up and could not kick it.

There is a couple motors on ebay. 1 for $400 and the other for $450 Should I buy one of these. Will it cost more to go through the whole stock motor. Parts,piston,sleeve,gaskets on ebay can all add up + Labor. Who know what else. I can do basic stuff. Pull the motor and install. But that about it. Any sugestions on who to send the motor to? Approx Price to do the motor?

Thanks Again


07-30-2010, 09:12 PM
The biggest factor is WHY did it seize......

Was the gas/oil mix wrong - no oil to the topend/crank??

Was the air filter off and it ran super lean??

That motor is simple to rebuild, good time to rebuild the fuel pump too, they die about now......

Your too far from me or I'd rebuild it.....

stalker stopper
07-30-2010, 09:31 PM
I always mixed 32/1. I have had a problem with it cutting out when on the gas. I would just let off the gas. Second time I have done the top end. I think 90 was the 1st top end. Maybe the fuel pump is bad. I have the stock air box and lid. Always cleaned my filter.

07-30-2010, 09:42 PM
That is a really amazing story. I know of adults that would have frooze or hid under the same circumstances. Most adults say "I didn't want to get involved"....

I wish you the best of luck with your TriZ. You should ship it to DC for the rebuild...

07-30-2010, 11:23 PM
Sounds like Piston and ring's & a Fuel Pump rebuild in order.

Pull the motor out drop it off at a ATV shop for a rebuild.

Call shop's in you area and ask them how much to do a rebuild / top end only for a 2 stroke.

07-31-2010, 12:40 AM
^^^^ No kiddin', these guys can walk you through the repair, the're pretty incredible. Hey, great job, you saved alot of lives, and I agree, run it by Mission yamaha, bet they help out somehow.

stalker stopper
05-09-2011, 07:45 PM
I finally want to get this 85 tri-z 250 motor fixed. Anyone know anybody in Phoenix or Orange county that is fair priced and honest? If not, then I am possibly interested in Sending to dc. Where are you located dc?

05-10-2011, 04:52 AM
Before you send it off, I'd suggest pulling the cylinder off. Check the piston and crank and everything all at once. If the piston skirt is broken, which it may be - being it's a 2 stroke, it could stick into a port and lock up the motor. If the piston doesn't look insanely horrible, then make sure the crank rotates freely. You should be able to wiggle the connecting rod side to side but not up and down.

If the crank is good and piston bad - order a new piston and have the cylinder bored over. You'll need to have the ports tapered back so the rings to catch them. If the crank is bad, then I'd highly recommend sending it to DC. He knows what he's doing.