View Full Version : tecate air screw?

07-28-2010, 09:46 PM
whats the best way to adjust the air screw on my 85 tecate ??? ... i've searched the forums and couldn"t come up with anything useful.. any help would be much appreciated .. THANKS GUYS !

07-28-2010, 10:13 PM
Does the 85 tecate have an air screw? My 84 does not have one.. If it is an air screw, (on airbox side of carb) Then turning it out would make it leaner, and in would be richer. However, if it is a Fuel screw (motor side of carb) it is the opposite - turning it out would make it richer, and in would be leaner. Hope this helps.

07-29-2010, 03:51 PM
yea i've double checked mine ,and it does have a screw on the airbox side of carb , which led me to believe it was an air screw ,is it a stock carb ??? how can i tell ??

07-29-2010, 04:44 PM
You want to know where the air mixture screw is or the idle adjust screw? Air screw is on the bottom of an oem carb inside the bowl. The idle adjust screw is on the side of the carb.