View Full Version : Finally got a ATC 70 for my little man!

07-27-2010, 02:40 PM
Hey guys,
Happy to say I finally got my son his very own 3 wheeler. Took me about two years of looking around but finally got one a decent price. Paid $200 for it but well worth it once I saw the smile on the little man's face. The only thing it's missing is the 5mm thread bolt for the speed limiter. Does anyone have any idea as to how slow the bike can go with the limiter set to the max, i just want to start him off slow.


07-27-2010, 03:50 PM
Just take the shifter off after you start it :)

07-27-2010, 03:58 PM
Wow looks like you got an awesome deal!

07-27-2010, 04:04 PM
They go pretty good without the limit screw in, especially with a little kid on it. My son first started riding his ATC 70 when he was 3 1/2. We had the screw way in.

07-27-2010, 04:45 PM
imo he looks pretty big on that thing do you really think you need to limit him? i can understand being unstable and getting the feel of the handling but it looks like he could beat that thing up no problem. give him some pants some sneakers a helmet some padding(if nessicary) and let him rip!

07-27-2010, 04:51 PM
They will scream with a child if they shift gears. I would put the throttle stop all the way in and keep in in first. Let him get the feel of it first then slowly back it out and so on!

07-27-2010, 05:24 PM
My son is 6 1/2 and he just now barely reaches the pegs. By Christmas I hope he can fit on it and be able to reach the brake lever. I have 3 of them sitting here, one almost restored and the 2 other I have plans for.

What about loosening up the throttle cable some. That would limit how much throttle can be given as well.

07-27-2010, 05:29 PM
That's great man... I paid $500 for my daughter's '85(with an 88cc kit), so I think you got a good deal.

07-27-2010, 05:30 PM
Just go to a hardware store. They should have one. Or there has to be a bike shop around. I have a handful of them in my garage. If worst comes to worst, I will mail you one. Just let me know.

07-27-2010, 10:15 PM
Looks like a nice machine.

07-27-2010, 11:09 PM
Nice score! Hope to find a deal or two like that for my boys....

07-28-2010, 12:17 AM
the cheapest i have found around here has been $400

07-28-2010, 11:18 AM
I just bought a nice 70 for my younger grankids. Even with the throttle limiter in it will still move pretty good if they go through the gears. We are letting our grankids start out in first gear only with strict rules not to shift into second. Once they get the feel of it we work them up one more gear at a time. Most important is safety gear. We have an open field on our property with plenty of room so we don't worry about brush, branches, etc. but if your trail riding you might want to find some body protection to go with the helmet. One of the older boys is up to 3rd and doing well. Our grankids that are learning now are ages 5-15. The older ones ride our Honda 200 Big Red. Have fun, be careful!

07-28-2010, 12:48 PM
I would spend a day or so just showing them the controls, having them get used to where everything is.

07-28-2010, 01:23 PM
Thanks guys for the advice. I liiked up one of the post from before & I believe the bolt is a 5mm, shouldn't be a problem. What's the rider weight limit for these little

07-28-2010, 02:03 PM
mine handles 230 lbs. easily :lol:

07-28-2010, 02:06 PM
I can hardly wait to get my kids on a 70!

07-28-2010, 09:35 PM
You know THere is a magical place called HomeDepot Or sears Hardware or Harbour Frieght Or a hardware shop in general the sell magical bolts what you need is a maigcal coarse screw just buy ba couple and hope they fit! have fun

07-30-2010, 05:30 PM
How's it going? My offer still stands for you if you ever need parts of the spare 200s I have there yours. Hope all is well.