View Full Version : Well here it is my new 83 250R what do you think?

09-11-2003, 06:31 PM
1983 250R paid $1100.00 for it the engine and rear end was all rebuilt 2 weeks ago, only thing wrong was a dent in the gas tank witch is why i'm looking for a new one, has all new fresh paint on the frame, new handle bars and new or newer fenders.

(do you think i got a good, or fair deal with this, or did i get ripped off?)


09-11-2003, 07:59 PM
you got ripped....could of bought a 85/86 r for that much, maybe even a tecate or tri-z.....

ATC crazy
09-11-2003, 08:06 PM
That is a nice trike you picked up....but I think that you could have gotten an 85-86 in about the same condition for that price. It would've been a good deal if it only cost you 700-800 or so...

09-11-2003, 10:24 PM
but remember though, the engine and rear end was rebuilt, have any recipts on how much that cost?

09-11-2003, 10:43 PM
rear end: $30 bucks TOPS for new bearings and seals.......engine rebuild....brand new wiseco piston (any size bore) $107, top end gasket kit $13-$20, complete overhaul gasket kit $30-$40

even if you got the most expensive parts, and thehighest quality u could get....its still not gonna be much for that work....

09-11-2003, 11:25 PM
i wouldn't say you got ripped off i think you got a fair deal. maybe you could have got it cheaper or a 85/86 in the same range. it does not appear to be in to bad a shape. the rear fender is missing a piece and you may have been able to bargin with that. the first thing i would do if it was mine (judging soley on pics.) is to get rid of those carlise trail pro tires. they are the worst ATV tire ever made. they are to tall, too stiff, too heavy, get no traction, have a lousy tread pattern, feel like a brick, and make any trike handle like CRAP :evil: :evil: :evil:

09-11-2003, 11:33 PM
WOW :shock: ...talk about bearing your soul and getting your arse spanked :shock:

Ya could be a little nicer to the guy....it looks like a nice trike :D

09-11-2003, 11:40 PM
sorry if you took my replies as rude, or unneccesary, i was just telling the truth though

09-12-2003, 12:48 AM
well thank you all for your reply's, well the main reason i got this one at 1100 was i have been looking in minnesota for about a year now for one for sale and this is the first maybe there were more of them for sale in minnesota and i was just looking in the wrong place but like i said this was the first one i found and it is in great shape and runs perfect, what would you suggest for tires and what is the part that is missing???

thanks Aaron

09-12-2003, 01:38 AM
I'll differ with mr atc on the tires. I have those on the rear of my 110 and really like'em. At high speed on a sport trike, I see your point but in my case, I don't lack traction. They are a heavy for the 110 but I bought it with them brand new (already on it). I'll probably go with regular knobbies when they wear out but they aren't the worst tire made. I've found that they are very common on 110s

09-12-2003, 01:43 AM
I got the Kenda version (MUD PUPPYS). They work good, they're heavy, don't recommend them in front(to stiff). Overall they do work pretty good.

09-12-2003, 08:12 AM
Bill is right. Trail pros suck. Just about anything made by carlisle sucks. You can get them in wal mart. Now just being able to cruise down to the local junk store to get a tire is cool, but your obviously not gonna get great quality.

Decent ride either way.

09-12-2003, 09:33 AM
well thank you all for your reply's, well the main reason i got this one at 1100 was i have been looking in minnesota for about a year now for one for sale and this is the first maybe there were more of them for sale in minnesota and i was just looking in the wrong place but like i said this was the first one i found and it is in great shape and runs perfect, what would you suggest for tires and what is the part that is missing???

thanks Aaron

Aaron is right. There are hardly any 250r's in minnesota. All I ever see are 110's 200s's 185s's, and 90's. And most of these are not running and have the snot beat out of them.

09-12-2003, 04:08 PM
what would you suggest for tires and what is the part that is missing???

thanks Aaron

it depends on the type of terraine you ride. and what your looking to do with it.

if i had to pick one tire to do it all...20" Kenda Vipers. good traction in mud, low profile for sliding, flat resistant, long wearing, give a good ride.

09-12-2003, 07:37 PM
hell, it is a fair price, 83-84 250r's are getting more valuable. $1,000-1,100 for a nice one is a fair price. you could have probably found one for $800 but depends on where you live and what type of condition.
dont sweet it, NICE R.

09-12-2003, 08:02 PM
it's a great trike...i don't think you got ripped off. :-D

09-12-2003, 08:57 PM
Location is always a factor in prices. That is a very nice aircooled R.

09-12-2003, 10:07 PM
all i need now to make it look like new is the new tank looking for a plastic one, checked with clarke mfg and they don't and wont ever have one for the 83 so if someone else knows where i can get one that would be great..
