View Full Version : "quad rodeo"

07-15-2010, 11:34 PM
The local Ag fair had a "quad rodeo" tonight, there were a ton of quads and only 3 of us cool enough to take trikes. Me, my Buddie and his brother. I think i took 4th on a last minute fixed atc 200m that had a lot of zip ties holding the brakes , plastic and tank on. Half way through the obstacle course i lost breaks and couldn't get it to shift with my foot so i reached down and started shifting with my hand.:crazy::w00t:

My Buddie took 3rd on his 200s. He had no problems cuz its his daily rider. The one i was on is his "spare" that was given to him. I would have taken mine but my motors out and i have no rear axle.

The best part of it was my buddies brother got up to the start like tacked up his tecate, dumped the clutch and stood it right up on end and the gas tank fell off. lol He threw it back on and ran but idk what he did cuz i was too busy laughing at him.

I dont know if there was any pics taken but if there was ill try and post them on here for yall to see.