View Full Version : tri zinger rear wheels, what other models fit ?

07-14-2010, 08:44 PM
can anyone tell me off hand what other rear wheels bolt onto a 84 trizinger 60. I did a quick search but didnt find anything. Im trying to broaden the options for my missing parts search for the incomplete project i just picked up.

Any other info on parts interchangability would be welcomed.

07-14-2010, 09:48 PM

They don't list the tri-zinger but they do list the 4-zinger (YF60) and the tri-zinger is the same. 3/70 spacing

Looks like the Yamaha YFM80 Moto-4 (87-92) is the only match.

07-14-2010, 09:53 PM
cool thanks for that link i bookmarked it will come in handy plenty of times im sure. Dont look like too many other 3x70mm the moto 4 is bigger wheel. Other hubs slide on the zinger axle maybe?