View Full Version : starting a new 3 wheeler website!!!

07-14-2010, 03:22 PM
hey everyone im starting a new website its called threewheeler.webs.com and i figured i'd get the name out there to anyone who wants to check it out just started it so its nothing much now but you know... check back ill update u with... updates

07-14-2010, 03:36 PM
so anyone want to help me out? suggestions?

UI Vandal
07-14-2010, 04:51 PM
Considering this is a small community, I am not sure how successful another online 3 wheeler community would be. My main use for this site is to connect with local 3ers and research repairs/upgrades/ways to blow my $. A new site would not have the database for that, and as of right now the chances for the three local guys (who barely get on here) to switch to another site is slim. Dont want to be a negative Nancy, just saying where I stand.

What makes you want to start another one?

Either way, good luck!

07-14-2010, 04:54 PM
Why would you want to start a new site? Are you trying to make money on it? It would take YEARS of posts to get to where this site is.

07-14-2010, 04:56 PM
well, there are a few different big sites, 3ww, 3wheeler.org, etc. and i thought it would be cool to start another one

07-14-2010, 05:01 PM
im not tryin to make money and i dont intend to get as big as 3ww. i just thought it would be cool to have a new site. 3ww posts about a lot of stuff in arizona with dunes and stuff. i live in new england where there arent any dunes. 3ww advertises group rides in arizonda, california etc and i think people might post and start group rides on trails in new england with my site. so sorry if i "hurt trailprotrailpro feelings" or somethin, just wanted to start a new site...

07-14-2010, 05:08 PM
In general, I think it's a great idea to start a website about something you love. But consider that as of right now you've got less than 50 posts on this site. Why not make your home here and post all your trikes, projects, rides, etc, and share with a much larger group? I know that makes you a tiny fish in a big pond (like me and most others here), and if you did your own, you'd get to be the big fish and control all the content, but it might be a whole lot more work than you think. Ask the guys who run 3WW. Personally, there's so few of us, that I would hate to see it diluted any further.

If you do decide to do your own site, you'll have to decide if it's going to be just an informational site, a public forum, or both like 3WW. Then you have to choose a web host and the software you will use. Also, advertisers won't be interested until you've got thousands of users, so plan on paying out of your own pocket for a long time.

haggard 2hundie
07-14-2010, 05:36 PM
i wana see more vintage 3wheeler action shots . and i am a die hard honda man but i would like to see more tecates and tri z stuff here , maybe i just havent looked well enough. anyway im not trying to be a jerk but it kinda seems like your walking into a mcdonalds and asking how to make a bk better ? either way good luck and i would check out a new sight

07-14-2010, 06:14 PM
I'm not sure it would work to the extent that 3ww and .org have. Planettrike was pretty big but they fizzled out due to lack of use. I think if you kept it local it would work out. Between 3ww and .org there is more than enough information and brotherhood out there for me.

07-14-2010, 06:34 PM
If you want honest, I will give it to you and and apologize in advance if I come off like an trailprotrailprotrailpro. My first impression was the trike was awesome, then looking at the rest of the page, my enthusiasm went down like a lead balloon. I would call it lack luster at best. second, and most important, there is not enough of a community to support another site of this type, I am a member at .org as well but hardly ever go there because I can get all I need from this site. Another thing, if I check a site, and then go back 4 hours later, I don't want to see the same content. This site almost moves to slow for me (Check out ar15.com's general discussion form to see a speed that holds my attention), but it is the best site for trikes I have found so that makes up for the slower moving content.

Just my $0.02 and my opinion is just that, my opinion, worth exactly what you paid for it;)

07-14-2010, 06:39 PM
im not tryin to make money and i dont intend to get as big as 3ww. i just thought it would be cool to have a new site. 3ww posts about a lot of stuff in arizona with dunes and stuff. i live in new england where there arent any dunes. 3ww advertises group rides in arizonda, california etc and i think people might post and start group rides on trails in new england with my site . so sorry if i "hurt trailprotrailpro feelings" or somethin, just wanted to start a new site...

Just an observation, but why a home page pic of a trike on a DUNE then:wondering

07-14-2010, 06:56 PM
People often take what I say and run with it. I'm not one to hide how I feel. To be honest, I think your website will be a flop. I don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer", per se. I just call 'em like I see 'em. You can quote me when you close the site down.

That being said, I have nothing against you and I think you should go riding with us sometime. No hard feelings man, just honesty.

07-14-2010, 07:14 PM
I wish your site the best. I think most people's comments are correct though. Aside from this site and .org its hard to keep a site going. I was a member of several 350X sites but most of them bombed. Here is my usage on 3 wheeler sites:

I come here for information and vintage pics and ads. I go to 3w.org for the custom builds and tech tips. My home is honda350x.com because Im a big X fan and I help out on the site to keep it going. We are doing better than we thought but its definitely not getting the traffic like this site or .org. I try to hit all three wheeler sites to reachout to other 3 wheeler people. I support any and all three wheeler sites because we are a small community and we need to stick together. Again, best of luck with the site!!

07-14-2010, 07:28 PM
If its a passion go with it!!! Have fun posting some cool pics, get some chats going, and organize some rides. Only way you know is to try and if it's only about having some fun it wont fail. This site is the bedrock of 3 wheeler sites. 20 new sites wont ever affect the success, content or the members here!!

07-14-2010, 08:03 PM
Hell i'll join up

07-14-2010, 08:31 PM
I won't even get on .org so..... and alot of us are east coast riders who don't have dune trikes.... Raffa put on a great ice fest and brap has a ride Pensyltucky that should not be missed. If you want to have a local site for friends try facebook i'm just saying

07-15-2010, 12:23 PM
had to go check the site out, i just gotta ask... doesnt someone on here have that title as their quote? "if 4 wheels are better then 3, then 3 must be better then 2" , why jack someone elses sayings and use it as a title?

07-15-2010, 01:16 PM
I see no need for another 3wheeler site. Just like planet trike and .org, I wouldn't even have enough time to check everything out. .org is mostly west coast anyway. Planettrike was a pretty nice site too.
Truth is, there isn't enough people to support it who would be interested. Especially when this site does such a good job already.

At least I wouldn't recommend doing a forum. If you wanted to make a site dedicated to showcasing what it is you like about trikes, that would be cool.

Just my 2 cents

07-15-2010, 01:52 PM
I joined this site because i happen to come across a pair of trikes to work on and it worked out perfectly. This site has all i need so i really wouldn't look anywhere else. If i need something i google it and this site pops up. I love it. Plus the people are all very helpfull and friendly. Thats what keeps me coming back.

I'd say if you want to start a really cool site. Do a site that is always updated with places to ride. example: planetride.com the guy is a XXXXXbag. (sorry if anyone knows him) but the site is not updated or provides correct or enough information. I'd like to see that kind of stuff.

Good luck though.

07-15-2010, 02:46 PM
There are people on here who have been around trikes longer than I have been alive, and I'm not young by any means. But some of the people here were in the sport when it was main stream. Their knowledge, and the massive collective data base is why I use this site.

But as a small site to organize local rides I guess I can see it, but you would get more people at them just posting the local rides on here. But hey, your young and have more time than those of us with families and jobs so if you are having fun with it go for it.

Myself, half the time when I am on here I feel like I am wasting time and should get back to work on something for the house, or 8 million other projects. But when you got a house, a son, 4 dogs a couple cats and some chickens you don't have much free time. So enjoy it.....if I were 15 instead of starting a new site I would just go ride, for hours and hours and hours.....I envy your free time. That being said I should go grout the tile in my bathroom.

07-15-2010, 02:56 PM
I'd say if you want to start a really cool site. Do a site that is always updated with places to ride. example: planetride.com the guy is a XXXXXbag. (sorry if anyone knows him) but the site is not updated or provides correct or enough information. I'd like to see that kind of stuff.

Good luck though.

um yeah he's a longtime member on here as well. i believe it was run by cory sprock of sprock racing, tecate guru!!! tritecate350, no need in going calling the guy a XXXXXbag. he's a busy man. some people should just keep their comments to themselves.

tri-Z ripper
07-15-2010, 06:07 PM
I say do it! not enough attention here in New England. i haven't been able to connect with anybody around here in a while maybe some fresh blood will show up! come on john give him a chance! after all hes a fellow masshole

07-15-2010, 06:12 PM
Why don't you just try and post a regional thread on here in the riding section? But if you really are that gun ho about it, go have fun.

07-15-2010, 06:34 PM
um yeah he's a longtime member on here as well. i believe it was run by cory sprock of sprock racing, tecate guru!!! tritecate350, no need in going calling the guy a XXXXXbag. he's a busy man. some people should just keep their comments to themselves.

Scooter I think he typed planet ride not planet trike, Different site and not Mr Sprock.


07-15-2010, 07:17 PM
I guess some posts were deleted? Where is the link to this "new site?"

I love this site. I know my status is 2010, but I have been using this for years for information and ATC stuff. I found it when I was searching for ALT 50 info 3 years ago.

Anyways, best of luck.

07-15-2010, 10:34 PM
Hey it looks alright. I didn't even know you could create a forum-type site on a free hosting site like Webs. What software are you using to have forums?


07-15-2010, 11:25 PM
Do as you wish but the heavy hitters have been established........

Planet Trike was great but just not enough traffic to pay the fees was my understanding.

07-15-2010, 11:35 PM
um yeah he's a longtime member on here as well. i believe it was run by cory sprock of sprock racing, tecate guru!!! tritecate350, no need in going calling the guy a XXXXXbag. he's a busy man. some people should just keep their comments to themselves.

indeed maybe they should:P lol...just busting your balls

07-16-2010, 12:40 AM
3ww posts about a lot of stuff in arizona with dunes and stuff. 3ww advertises group rides in arizonda, california etc and i think people might post and start group rides on trails in new england with my site.

That's simply because members get together and organize those rides and post about them. There's nothing stopping you or anyone else from doing the same thing for your area. In fact it's highly encouraged. All the tools you need are provided here. The regional riding directory (which I know needs some tuning up and organizing) and the group feature are there for everyone's benefit. People just need to use them.

07-16-2010, 01:09 AM
i agree with above,i love this site and the fellow trikers.this is my home

07-16-2010, 01:49 PM
i'd just post up what ever suguestions to this site that you'd want in yours. this site is huge, i like it way better then .org. but i do agree i'd go with a facebook page 1st before a full blown web site. i dont know the time involved with running a massive site but im sure it could turn into more time then anyone person really wants.

07-16-2010, 05:42 PM
I would make it a niche site, Dedicated to 1st and 2nd gen 250r.

07-16-2010, 06:15 PM
I would make it a niche site, Dedicated to 1st and 2nd gen 250r.

That's how honda350X.com survives. The site is dedicated to Honda 350X's. But we also welcome any and all other three wheelers.

07-16-2010, 06:59 PM
I would make it a niche site, Dedicated to 1st and 2nd gen 250r.

umm there is one.airfoolerSaul

07-16-2010, 07:22 PM
I myself am registered in 2010 but have been checking out this site for years. Just recently, the support giving to BRAPP with his situation and the young dude that had to sell his 250r was amazing. You guys made him keep it and raised money for him instead. This has become way more than a few guys that like three-wheelers. The knowledge that can be browsed here is unmatched anywhere. My loyalty is here and I cannot think of one reason to go somewhere else. Everything you need is here.

07-16-2010, 10:24 PM
I agree with GeoD. I use this site all the time, hardly go on .org, and like to check out 350x.com every 2 days or so. Also hit a few mini's sites here and there. Another trike site is great, but could take awhile or something special to get long lasting members.