View Full Version : 85 250r is starting to make me mad as heck

07-12-2010, 09:40 AM
Ok im getting fed up with this damn thing!!!

Got a new plug in and fixed my switch......

Kicked it prob. 20 times before anything happened.... Then BOOM it backfired so loud it sounded like i had out the 9mm..... Then very next kick it fired right up and idled fine (so i think) seemed to idle ok but makes an odd mm mm mm sound while its idling (not sure if its normal or not dont remember it before)......

Now it smokes more then i saw it smoking last time i had it running (still have not gotten more then 4 minutes seat time on it)..... Seems to smoke more then i assume would be normal, smells like oil in the smoke (think its normal smelling, only slightly whitish smoke).....

But i also noticed what seems to be (tranny fluid??) coming from the spring on the clutch arm (the one that moves when you pull the lever on the engine) seems to be bubbling out from under the spring and running down next to it very slowly.... Should i be concerned about this, and what is making it just not seem right?????

Going out to get a video soon after the kids lay down for a nap, any other suggestions before then, is something way wrong or am i over paranoid and not used to its quirks yet? Thanks!!

07-12-2010, 10:35 AM
Probably paranoid... Did you just rebuild it?

07-12-2010, 10:56 AM
No not just rebuilt sorry..... HERE IS THE VIDEO THOUGH, TOOK FOREVER TO UPLOAD (45. min or so...)


I tired to show the bubbles coming out of the clutch spring, but could not get it on video, youtube kills the quality for some reason for me....

07-12-2010, 11:04 AM
My TRI-Z smokes alot just sitting there but after a few minutes of riding it, it clears itself out. If it were mine I would raise the idle just a hair. I dont know what that clanking sound is. Bearing going bad maybe? Maybe someone else will chime in about it.

07-12-2010, 11:11 AM
Yeah last time it was running it smoked a little but in the normal range, and cleaned out after i started riding it for about 5 minutes then this time i started it, took her for a couple spins around the yard and it seemed to not clear out, just had a huge cloud in the yard, going to take another video later when my buddy gets here, cant ride at the same time, i just dont want to miss something and blow it up ya know, too much time/money into this, now im broke, want to make sure its good to ride it, before something bad happens....

I think i still need to come down on the pilot jet, but i just want to see if it sounded normal and what was wrong with the clutch spring where its bubbling?

Also still curious of why it would not start until that one backfire, then it came right to life, and has not backfired since then...?

Jason Hall
07-12-2010, 11:54 AM
Sounds like you could have a bad right side crank seal. It will suck oil In, and also push crank case pressure Into the trans. Trans oil smells really bad, so If your smelling oil other than 2 stroke oil your right side seal Is most likely bad. Is the case breather plugged with dirt?? Might want to check that also If you blowing bubble's out of the clutch arm seal. The breather Is the elbow under the carb coming out of the case, It should have a hose on It running back toward's the swingarm.

David komatina
07-12-2010, 11:54 AM
U did say u kicked it over like twenty times u probobly just have a little residule oil in the exspantion chamber take it for a good rip it sounds like it runs great the funny noise sounds like a loose pipe vibrating make shur its all tight. Maybe your pet cock is cloged a little so when you were kicking it over u didnt get gas right away clean it out make shur u have a steady flow of gas. The smell of oil is good means your not too lean. Mine stinks like that too. Do a few plug chops see what your plug looks like for jeting.

07-12-2010, 12:13 PM
What is the compression in the cylinder? Maybe the rings are wore? That would cause it to smoke. The noise could be a crank bearing. I would pull the covers and check the crank. You could get a good look and maybe replace some seals while you have it apart.

07-12-2010, 12:21 PM
It def. smells like its 2 stroke smoke, does not smell bad in any way, the only thing that smells bad, is the bubbles coming out of the clutch arm, that smells bad like tranny fluid, but i expected that....

There is a ton of build up in the silencer i can see, could that cause the smoke? It just sounded to me like it was going "nun nun nun" while it idled, not referring to the "clanking noise", but was the idle noise you could hear normal or should i start tearing into the seals and such?

07-12-2010, 12:57 PM
Hey I feel ya. 20 hrs last 2 weekends alone workin' on the tecate. I have a 9mm also. Shoot the #!!$%&in' trike, if it was a horse you'd have to shoot it. I'm considering putting mine down! (got stator repaired and black motor blows, put in grey motor and it's no good)

07-12-2010, 01:07 PM
I wonder if maybe my pilot is still a couple sizes too big? Could that make it not come back down to idle clean? It sounds like it idles ok though....

Yeah thats a shitty deal on the t3 though man, i hear ya the keltec sub2000 would destroy the R though, i just want to punish it a little bit.... :twisted:

07-12-2010, 02:07 PM
If your silencer and baffles are all plugged up that will greatly affect the idling and performance.

07-12-2010, 07:11 PM
perfectly normal to smoke like that when idling and after initial startup. they are not made to sit and idle for long periods like that. you need to take that thing out and run it. it will clean out. the sound of it running at idle is perfect. could have the idle speed bumped up a hair but its pretty close according to my ear. your pilot jet doesnt have very much influence on the idle circuit. it is most influential at off idle to 1/4 throttle. dont mess with your pilot jet by what you see in terms of smoke at a dead idle. you could open your idle airscrew 1/4 turn, but i still say its just a bit loaded up and needs to be run hard around the yard for a bit......i dont hear anything to worry about in that motor...my engine has a billet ESR counterbalancer carrier and fresh counterbalancer bearings so mine is a little quieter at low RPM than yours. But its not the end of the world, those motors do have a bit of a rattle at ultra low RPM like that. like i said, they werent designed with the intent of sittng idling for long periods... TAKE IT OUT N RIDE IT MAN!

07-12-2010, 07:37 PM
Took her out for a half hour or so today, it pulls real hard to the right when i get on it, it drives straight until i hit the gas and it takes you right off the trail, any ideas?

But the real problem is it never really cleaned out its def not coming back down to idle right, kinda hard to ride until i get my breaks on it, only having a front break sucks, but its def. not running like it was, got a brand new plug in it this morning before i rode, but the revs seem to bounce when its coming back down, almost makes it seem like its about to take off on you as your slowing down, made me nervous a bit, def. didnt make me feel like i was in control....

07-12-2010, 07:48 PM
Check your reeds, Could be the problem of the hanging idle on deceleration, And check that pipe for pin holes...thought i seen some oil spooge in the video. Backfires like that tend to blow holes in weak spots...Could have chipped and edge of a reed..have had old big bores with Fiberglass reeds too similar things....

07-12-2010, 08:03 PM
the issue with it pulling real hard to the right could be unevenly inflated rear tires, worn/sloppy axle bearings, worn/sloppy swingarm bearings or any combination of the 3. as to the hanging idle on decel, along with checking the reed petals as suggested, check the carb boot for cracks and weatherchecking. if there is any air getting sucked in between the carb and reedcage, it will lean you out and can cause what you are describing