View Full Version : 350x Issues.....

07-06-2010, 12:24 PM
So I rode about 60 miles this weekend on some really rough trails and the 350x did great except for a couple of things. First off the gas tank broke....The tab on the gas tank that sits on the rubber grommet on the left side (behind the oil cooler) snapped right off the tank! Not really sure how that happened but I guess I need to either get a new tab welded on or find a IMS/Clark tank for it. Anyone have any recommendations?

The second problem was it will not idle when it's hot, when I first unload it out of the truck and start it up it will idle all day long no problem but after a little bit of riding (choke off) it runs great but will not idle no matter how much I mess with the idle screw. I doubt the carb would be gummed up as I ride it pretty often. Should I just check the air filter or mess with the carb, what?


And just cause everyone likes pics here is a pic before the ride on Sunday.


07-06-2010, 02:10 PM
is your air filter clean?will it idle when it cools down abit?

07-06-2010, 02:49 PM
Maybe the spark plug is just getting old? I've never seen a carb gum up on a machine that was getting use frequently so that seems really unlikely.

If it were me I would definitely pay to have my tank repaired rather than replacing it with a plastic tank. I like the look of the metal tanks more. It will also probably cost less and keep the trike more original.

07-06-2010, 03:17 PM
id have a new tab welded on man .. as far as the idle issue goes id check the air filter and make sure its clean and try a new plug . you would be surprised on how important a good plug is . if your still having issues then its probably the carb needs a little tweaking . i dont for see the carb being gummed up unless you have no fuel filter . but on the other hand if its riding fine then there isnt anything disturbing the fuel flow .

07-06-2010, 03:29 PM
BRAISE the tab on, get one from a junk tank.......

Regardless if you ride or not, take out every jet and clean it spotless and check for airleaks. Do you run an inline filter, is the petcock screen cleen, how about the tubes above the petcock that go in the tank? Is the tank venting AOK?

How can I have beat the snot out of my 350X for 4 years now and it runs the same always.... Thats why I'm scared to use the 400EX carb I have!! :)

EDIT - Then again, I do lots of maintenance, they are old like me ya know!!

07-06-2010, 03:56 PM
Yea I already posted in the classifieds about getting a crappy tank, hopefully I can find one! I do a lot of maintenance on the bike too so I'll try a new plug and I'll check the air filter. I have never replaced it so I am thinking of getting an UNI Foam filter or a K&N Filter, any recommendations?

07-06-2010, 04:25 PM
ive used moose, uni, and k&n and to tell ya the truth i like the uni and moose a little better. the k&n seems to be fine in a dry environment but if they get a little bit wet everything sticks to them and your always cleaning them . but most of all you pay good money for a k&n where the uni and moose filters arnt so costly . i got a moose one for 20 or 30 with the spray treatments .

07-06-2010, 05:11 PM
Uni has bee xcbn n wonderful.

Unless you are letting OUT tons of air, the K and N need special cleaning, I don't care for them myself, another motor or application fine, but not general riding.....

Unless someone has a way to clean and oil them way easier way. I watch my friend use the 25$ cleaning and oiling kit and thought " NO WAY!!.

They do allow ALLOT of intake air though, if your looking strictly at performance.....

tri-Z ripper
07-06-2010, 05:19 PM
DC your not that old and H.B.

air filter always seemed to be a big factor on the 350X i had. Always ran a UNI easy to clean and plenty of performance! on everyone of my machines. DC already covered it with fuel filters to!

07-07-2010, 09:43 PM
Here is the gas tank.....


07-07-2010, 10:30 PM
fill that tank with water and weld on a new tab,hows that air filter?ok?

07-08-2010, 01:38 AM
I checked the filter and it turns out it is an UNI I had forgot it had that haha. I definitely need to clean it and re-oil it, any recommendations on doing that? Also I took out the spark plug and it was pretty black so maybe it is running rich, I was thinking of removing the airbox lid but I ride in very very dusty situations....

07-08-2010, 02:32 AM
New plug.

Clean it in gas to get the oily crap out, then in the sink with HOT SOAPY water and stuff it on your car antenna to dry it.

It does not eat the glue, maybe in 4-6 years but otherwise it's nothing................

I prefer the spray on filter oil myself.....................


07-08-2010, 12:16 PM
Awesome, thanks DC you help me way too much. Any favorites for the spray on filter oil? I am sure I can find some at any parts store but didn't know if there is one to stay away from or one to get. Still on the search for a crappy tank to get that tab off of!