View Full Version : Authors of atvmagblog.com need setting straight...

07-02-2010, 06:24 PM
This artical shows the gross misguidence of CPSC. Post your comments and set them straight.


07-02-2010, 06:26 PM
Yea I posted this a few months back, that guy is a real idiot and I told him that on thumpertalk.

07-02-2010, 06:32 PM
When is someone going to actually prove they're unstable, instead of sitting on their ass and assuming?

Also, I personally think the CPSC needs to mind their own trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro business. How do they know what's best for ME without actually knowing me?!?!

07-02-2010, 06:39 PM
To date the CPSC is still waiting for the safety standard for off road 3 wheeled atvs. Once that is completed the big 4 can start producing them again. Bet that standard will never happen.

07-02-2010, 06:42 PM
anyone who has ridden on 2 wheels, 3 wheels and/or 4 wheels knows that they ALL have different handling characteristics from each other....thats all it really comes down to is learning how to ride each one and not trying to ride a quad as you would a bike, and so on and so forth......funny how they never mention that quads handle much differently than bikes....i have owned and ridden all 3 types and i find them all fun in their own way. different from one another yes, but all fun, capable machines in their own ways. ya just have to understand that..i have never broken a bone in my life. granted, im not a moto-x star and mainly ride trails and seasonal roads, but still, 25 years of riding off road vehicles on 2, 3 and 4 wheels with no serious injuries is worth something i would think?? its more about whats between the operator's ears than how many wheels are on the ground.....

07-02-2010, 07:19 PM
I am beginning to think that trikes are more maneuverable than quads, which I guess could be why people assume they roll easier?

07-02-2010, 07:40 PM
i did a post on there,what a dummy.

07-02-2010, 07:42 PM
I am beginning to think that trikes are more maneuverable than quads, which I guess could be why people assume they roll easier?

nicely put! That is true if you think about it.

07-05-2010, 05:43 AM
A buddy of mine told me he didn't like 3 wheelers because they couldn't turn very fast, so I showed him my 200x could do a 90 degree turn between two trees hauling in 3rd in about 10 feet. I don't know any 4 wheelers that can. Then he said they aren't very fast. My 200x can keep up with any 300ex and on a trail many bigger bikes and my 350x keeps up with just about anything. Then he said they're unsafe. I put him on my 200x and showed him how to really ride a 3 wheeler. Now it's hard to get him off it.

07-05-2010, 09:59 PM
A buddy of mine told me he didn't like 3 wheelers because they couldn't turn very fast, so I showed him my 200x could do a 90 degree turn between two trees hauling in 3rd in about 10 feet. I don't know any 4 wheelers that can. Then he said they aren't very fast. My 200x can keep up with any 300ex and on a trail many bigger bikes and my 350x keeps up with just about anything. Then he said they're unsafe. I put him on my 200x and showed him how to really ride a 3 wheeler. Now it's hard to get him off it.

Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!! thats classic!

10-06-2010, 11:39 PM
what a retard if it werent for trikes god knows if quads would have ever came around those retards need to have some trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro respect.

10-07-2010, 12:11 AM
wow, I have seen this 4-5 times now lol.

10-07-2010, 06:32 PM
Trikes definitely DO NOT corner faster then quads do, I recently sold my 350X for a 400EX and I love both but the quad is faster in every way shape and form just because it is that much more stable then a 3-wheeler when turning. Now don't take this as hate because I love ATC's and like the other guy said all offroad vehicles handle differently and it just takes a certain riding style. I grew up on 3-wheelers and am a very capable rider, I rode trails and MX tracks that people couldn't believe I rode an ATC on. Dirtwheels did a 4-wheeler vs 3-wheeler comparison and the 4-wheeler was faster in every aspect, it's just the fact of life but with that said I still love ATC's and want another 350X to rebuild from the ground up.

10-07-2010, 08:06 PM
I refuse to believe a quads heavier front end can maneuver faster than a trike. I've been on my share of quads, and not only are they not fun at all, but they aren't even as maneuverable, and that includes a handful of 400EX's! The one and only quad that I thought maneuvered similar to a trike was a craptor 350, but I hadn't spent enough quality time on it to know.

You said you've only ridden ATC's- there's Kawasaki and Yamaha still that you haven't considered.

10-07-2010, 08:18 PM
Inv3tiv3, you almost sound like you are against 3 wheelers, even though you say you are not. Im sure that saying a quad is better in every way than a 3 wheeler is an exageration, dont you think? Everyone has their own opinion, and a lot (especially around here) would say 3 wheeler is better than 4. Do you even own a 3 wheeler anymore? I see it says on your avatar everything is SOLD but then in lists your quad, whith all these mods done, and I know it has been asked before, but why do you have a pic of a 4 wheeler? This is a 3 wheeler site, and it just dosnt make sense to me to be flashing your quad, and talking about how much better it is all the time than a 3 wheeler.

10-07-2010, 09:05 PM
seriously? bitching that his sig is a quad? who gives 2 shats..... just because that is what he is into at the time and is running at the moment doesnt mean he is the anti-christ of trikes...he has the right to his opinion (as you do) right, wrong, or biased as it may be...my avatar has a pic of my jeep...i must hate fords! good lord sometimes people make me giggle a bit :P

10-07-2010, 09:13 PM
Inv3tiv3, you almost sound like you are against 3 wheelers, even though you say you are not. Im sure that saying a quad is better in every way than a 3 wheeler is an exageration, dont you think? Everyone has their own opinion, and a lot (especially around here) would say 3 wheeler is better than 4. Do you even own a 3 wheeler anymore? I see it says on your avatar everything is SOLD but then in lists your quad, whith all these mods done, and I know it has been asked before, but why do you have a pic of a 4 wheeler? This is a 3 wheeler site, and it just dosnt make sense to me to be flashing your quad, and talking about how much better it is all the time than a 3 wheeler.

Not to mention how big the picture is. Sure seems like he's a quad advocate...

10-07-2010, 09:14 PM
This is my favorite quote from the article.

Yup, the All- Terrain Cycle, or ATC, was introduced by Honda to let people who didn’t have the skills to balance a regular two-wheeled bike ride in the dirt.

I guess it's true that ignorance is bliss. Either that or we are all just too "special" to balance on a bike. Who whouldda thunk it?:drool:

10-07-2010, 09:25 PM
Why do you all care what he thinks? At the end of the day is your life so boring that you have to go and try to debate with someone who was never going to see your point anyway? There are so many more things to worry about in life than some goof balls opinion. Grow up. It's a great thing that not everyone likes what I like. Not everyone likes the same trikes that I like. Or the same friends that I like. Or the same food or the same anything else. My God, You don't like Iced Tea with lemon and sugar in it, your are a total baffoon!!! LOL Now how stupid does that sound???? Substitute Iced Tea with lemon and sugar with any word of your choosing and it's just as stupid. Not everyone is going to agree with you. Live with it. I don't want everyone to like the same girl I like or the same anything else for that matter. If anyone does have any similar likes, good for you. And if they don't, good for you. Geesh, you people really amaze me sometimes.

10-07-2010, 10:35 PM
Some people cannot help but disagree or argue because it's in their nature to.....

10-07-2010, 11:06 PM
Inv3tiv3, you almost sound like you are against 3 wheelers, even though you say you are not. Im sure that saying a quad is better in every way than a 3 wheeler is an exageration, dont you think? Everyone has their own opinion, and a lot (especially around here) would say 3 wheeler is better than 4. Do you even own a 3 wheeler anymore? I see it says on your avatar everything is SOLD but then in lists your quad, whith all these mods done, and I know it has been asked before, but why do you have a pic of a 4 wheeler? This is a 3 wheeler site, and it just dosnt make sense to me to be flashing your quad, and talking about how much better it is all the time than a 3 wheeler.

I think you need to learn how to read, I never said 4-wheelers are better then 3-wheelers in every way at all! I said that Dirtwheels did a comparison between the two and the quad was FASTER in every way. I sometimes prefer how my ATC's handled over my quad, they are a blast to ride but to say they are most stable when turning is ludicrous. Hell 3-wheelers are more stable them motorcycles in my opinion, those things can't even stand up on their own haha!

I refuse to believe a quads heavier front end can maneuver faster than a trike. I've been on my share of quads, and not only are they not fun at all, but they aren't even as maneuverable, and that includes a handful of 400EX's! The one and only quad that I thought maneuvered similar to a trike was a craptor 350, but I hadn't spent enough quality time on it to know.

You said you've only ridden ATC's- there's Kawasaki and Yamaha still that you haven't considered.

In my 20 years of riding ATC's and ATV's (and I'm only 24) I've ridden ALL kinds of trikes not just hondas there big guy.

And to the person complaining about my sig you do know we have a quad forum on here right? If anything I am being un-biased because I love both and I look at them subjectively not blindly, I ride quads and 3-wheelers and love both. I can admit to both of their pros and cons, hell quads are heavier and slightly more boring because they are more stable then 3-wheelers. But that's one thing I love about 3-wheelers, you are always on that edge and it makes you think more because if you don't you WILL flip.

And to be honest this whole blind view of ATC's around here has really bummed me out and makes me not wanna post here anymore, just because I have a quad doesn't mean I don't love ATC's just as much as when I owned 5 of them...Priorities change for people, I am starting to race District 37 and AMA races and the first rule is always in big bold letters NO 3-WHEELERS. In order for me to compete I had to buy a quad or bike and I can't ride bikes so I went to what I knew best which was quads. I am still looking for a project ATC I can rebuild and hope to find one soon.

10-07-2010, 11:14 PM
I think all this bickering better stop or I'll just delete the whole damn thread and hand out vacations.

10-07-2010, 11:32 PM
I dont see how yamaharules69 was bickering he asked a ? in a respectful manner threatening to close a thread because of it ??? whats that about, how about just telling everyone to remain civil?

Trikes definitely DO NOT corner faster then quads do,
Dirtwheels did a 4-wheeler vs 3-wheeler comparison and the 4-wheeler was faster in every aspect, it's just the fact of life but with that said I still love ATC's and want another 350X to rebuild from the ground up.

umm you pretty much said what you meant or meant to say something else your quote is pretty straight forward, is it not?

I think that some nerds from dirtwheels did a comparison I would like to see a link to that.
I have to disagree if there was a shootout between an 86 Trike and and 86 or close to it Quad the quad would get raped.. just my opinion and oh yea many many races against quads. in my experience quads will roll in situations where a three wheeler will not. but EVERYTHING depends on the rider...

10-07-2010, 11:39 PM
Yup it's the fact of life that DIRTWHEELS said that, I'll try and find the article but it might take some time. They never said the quad was better only faster, that's not everything to life.

10-07-2010, 11:42 PM
I think that some nerds from dirtwheels did a comparison I would like to see a link to that.
I have to disagree if there was a shootout between an 86 Trike and and 86 or close to it Quad the quad would get raped.. just my opinion and oh yea many many races against quads. in my experience quads will roll in situations where a three wheeler will not. but EVERYTHING depends on the rider...

I have seen the shootout in question. It was Gary Denton on a Quadracer on a race course against Jimmy White on a Tecate. I hate to say this but the Quadracer did beat the Tecate.

10-07-2010, 11:43 PM
I know the article you are talking about. It was the end of an era for trikes. Gary Denton on a Suzuki 250R was able to beat Jimmy White on a Tecate 3 in all major tests

Edit - dcreel you beat me to it!


10-07-2010, 11:45 PM
I LOVE Tecate's.. I LOVE 3 wheelers..

Here it is..


10-07-2010, 11:48 PM
End of story, I love 3-wheelers and I love quads and that's all that matters to me, they each have their pros and cons that's for sure.

10-07-2010, 11:48 PM
thats cool Dcreel I am not actually meaning to debate that, I just wanted to point out that, Inv3ct3ve did say quads were better in every way...
I dont care either way to me quads are old fat guy hunting rigs, (no offense to any old fat guys) but quads are good for one thing hunting and hauling, but Trikes do that just as good if not way better in the woods than any quad. LOL I am just having fun if your riding in the dirt your my BRO!

10-08-2010, 07:52 AM
Can't we all just get along.....:cry:

I would like to think that most of the folks here are much like me. I love anything with a motor bolted to it. If you could strap a 350cc onto a shopping buggy, I'd be the first one to have my fat a** in it.

That reminds me; I need to post pics my wife took of me riding around the yard on my kids mini dirt bike. Looks like a circus act, but LAWD that thing is fun.