View Full Version : air cooled 250r tranny help!

06-30-2010, 12:06 AM
so i bought a 84 250r from my buddy for $100....BUT 2nd gear is gone so i figured i would just get it rebuilt but the guys at the shop i went to said they stoped making parts for it a lon time ago so now what am i spost to do? anybody know where i can find parts?

p.s i pulled the top ed off cuz the head looked aftermarket and the whole top end is! the piston in it is a 1/2 inch bigger than the stock piston that came ont of my 85 250r airfooler

David komatina
06-30-2010, 11:47 AM
ebay bro u should b able too rebuild your whole trany i was just on there there was a bunch of trany stuff!