View Full Version : Can the 250es Big Red rear end handle giant (30") tires?

06-08-2010, 10:58 PM
I may have found my good TRX300 engine a few hours from myself, I am planning a giant big red like the two camos (well now one camo) on here.

It turns out, from my interpretation, that the TRX300 rear ends suck. And won't handle 28-30 inch tires well. Some people swap in a 250es BR rear end as an 'upgrade' as it supposedly is better.

If this is true, will my rear end hold up 30's? I also plan on wheel spacers instead of a wider axle (don't want to get into that a shaft drive) I think the BR axle is 1" less wide than the TRX300

I plan to get a Big Bore Kit and good cam/cam work on the TRX300 engine. I'm afraid a gear reduction to spin the tires would also limit my top speed. Is this true, or does it mean simply it will reach fast speeds (with big bore kit), just take longer to get up to speed? Sorry for all the confusion

If all goes as plan the set up will be:

4" welded extension to forks
3" rear lift - Mondex said the 2" made the front sit higher in one thread I read, hopefully this will fix it. (If I can make the lift, I may do it to fit a better shock also)

Fenders - My bike looks like......well, looks like this:
(Looks worse in person)

Mondex had 28" tires??? Looked real close to front of the rear fenders. Given that I don't have any, I found some that are missing the front 8" or so, so I will get those + some trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro ones I have laying around + bunch of fiberglass for repairing boat/jetski hulls, bondo, rhino-lining, and some green paint followed by other colors for camo. Then clear coat.

That way the plastics won't rub, and I won't spend $200 on Maier. This build is going to be a custom, but by no means mint or even good looking. I 'hope' it will look decent, but I'd like to have at least the tires/engine perfect so if I ever find a good looking BR, I can drop them in.

Rambling I know....what do you all think?

06-08-2010, 11:37 PM
I think there is no way to lift the rear end of a BR 3" without extending the driveshaft and swinger... Mondex and I had been mulling it over, and I have a spare swinger and shaft sitting in my garage for just that project....

As to the question of will it hold up to 30's...? PM Skiffy and see how his is holding up....

06-08-2010, 11:49 PM
He hasn't logged in in months, I believe I emailed him a week ago but no response, maybe on vacation or something.

I've thought about extending the rear end, but it seems the 250es is the best quality of them all (TRX300, maybe 250x) Not going to risk ruining it. Mondex only could raise the back 2", correct? I suppose I can do that + raise the fenders/seat/tank like Skiffy did, just not a full 4". Do you know what limits it from being lifted more in the back than Mondex did?

Looking at that, I'm hoping to be able to make something similar at one with basic tools. Hoping to save costs on this project in all ways, such as using enamel paint instead of powdercoating.

06-09-2010, 12:28 AM
Driveshaft angle becomes the limiting factor... If a guy was to build a 2 or 3 inch extended swinger, you would gain more lift without complicating the driveshaft angle, and then lifting it like in your picture... That would also keep the tires away from your fenders...

06-09-2010, 02:11 PM
Will have to look into that, not sure how to extend it on a shaft drive, or if the shaft itself needs extending. Will look into it more.

06-09-2010, 02:40 PM
The swinger would have to be cut and lengthened, and so would the shaft... 2" lift and 27's look pretty killer on them... Thats what I would do if I wanted to buy new wheels and tires again. 27" ITP mudlite XL's

06-09-2010, 09:03 PM
just use a 86 and up trx250 swing arm and drive shaft, they are 2 inches longer and bolt right on im pretty sure, maybe thats for a 250sx, i no theres a thread about it someweres tho

06-09-2010, 09:44 PM
I do recall seeing the TRX250 on the SX thread.

However I found a guy doing the same project, he extending the swingarm and driveshaft by 3 inches and then extended the shock mount 4" he said.


Can't tell from the picture how much the shock is raised, or if it's in the same spot just the connecting piece between the axle and rear shock mount moves forward 4" with little/no elevation change.

Hopefully I can raise it at least a few inches by doing this. And with this extension, I won't have to worry about the tires rubbing.