View Full Version : Noisy Top End 350x

05-27-2010, 01:04 PM
Hay Guys i got a quick questions I got an '86 350x from a guy, It sounds to me that the top's a bit noisy like the valves or the rockers are loose. The guy told me it had an after market cam in it. And he was told the cam's are a little more noisy. Any one heard or now of this?? I checked the valve clearance and it looked to be about right, if any a bit tight.

What would cause this noise up top? Is it any thing i can check with out pulling it? What would you recommend I do??

Thanks in advance.

05-27-2010, 01:45 PM
BAD CAM JOURNALS!! or worn rocker arm faces from running a "hard -welded" cam on stock rockers...........

Timing chains and guides don't seem to be a huge noise maker on the 350X but the head run low on oil or done as described above is a VERY expensive repair.

Is the oil full? is it black? There are allot of clapped out 350X's out there!

05-27-2010, 02:13 PM
Ya the oil is full, And black, I have not changed it yet. I just got the trike. Have only started it a couple times. Don't really like the sound it makes.....

what do you mean by "There are allot of clapped out 350X's out there!"?

I got another motor im working in on to replace it with i was just wanting to get a couple rides out of the one in it.... Seems to have lots of power just at an idle you can hear some noise, it seems you can hear the noise best right when you shut it off.. as the motor dies... not so much a knock but a slap i guess..

05-27-2010, 02:42 PM
Hey Gary!

Did the case saver arrive yet?

Here's a cold start-up of the 350X I had before selling it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sk5uQSEXYg

They sound a bit noisy in general I find... does yours sound much different than in the video?

05-27-2010, 02:46 PM
Ya the oil is full, And black, I have not changed it yet. I just got the trike. Have only started it a couple times. Don't really like the sound it makes.....

what do you mean by "There are allot of clapped out 350X's out there!"?

I got another motor im working in on to replace it with i was just wanting to get a couple rides out of the one in it.... Seems to have lots of power just at an idle you can hear some noise, it seems you can hear the noise best right when you shut it off.. as the motor dies... not so much a knock but a slap i guess..

I MEAN, that they run great, have tons of torque and lots of guys (excuse me, SOME guys.....) just pull the tarp off of them and ride ride ride, without even so much as checking to oil level or ANY of the basic maintenance..........

Many people neglect oil changes, (let alone the filter) and unless an OEM filter is used, lots of oil filters are put in backwards and the head is severely starved of oil. Unless you've owned it forever, you just don't know how well or how often the maintenance was done.

Personally, I'm still on my OEM stock 25YO motor with zero issues (and argue amongst yourselves ALL YOU WANT) but I've run WALMART engine oil in there for 4 years now. No smoke, no burning and no clutch slippage. I get just a BIT TIRED of being persuaded into using "Hondaline" products.

In can't ride every day, but I ride ALLOT and have plenty of hard miles on that motor. Too bad it's so heavy! But someday I'll have a new lightweight 4 stroke in a chassis that absorbs anything and everything :beer (By then my body will have given out :( )

Kind of bugs me that I can't see wasting my time to toss in one of my crate motors but if mine still rips, who cares!!

05-27-2010, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the video..... It sounds some what like that......No case saver yet mabe in today's mail. But since i have another X know i will need one more. And yes i am very familiar with changing the oil and witch way the oil filters go in..ect..... This is our 4th running X, now... We have my dads original one he bought off the floor in 85, only thing that has been done to it is bearing (wheel) Chain, sprockets, Oil filters, and a clutch, other than that it is 25 years old and going strong.... It does smoke a little on the cold start but.. not bad for 25 years.. I will keep her a virgin as long as she keeps going...

I will change the oil and take it on it's fist ride hope fully this week end i will let you guys know if she brakes loose....LOL

05-31-2010, 02:14 PM
Changed the Oil, Filter, Adjusted some valves. changed a carb....And got her out running around... Seems to run good still a little noisy but why fix what's not broke. or why fix it tell it's broke...LOL

05-31-2010, 04:13 PM
What did you set the valves at? Aftermarket cams normally call for a touch more clearance.

Another thing is a nice new tight timing chain will make a beautiful whine hum kind of sound. I call it the sound of new since my new 85 200x had that sound...lol

05-31-2010, 05:33 PM
they are just a touch over. once i determined it was not the valve clearance that was making the noise i backed them back out just over the .003... the noise is a come and go thing, once she gets warm it is not as bad... As much as it sounds dumb... some things just make noise.. I will just put my helmet on and ride... may be i will do a video so you guys can hear it

05-31-2010, 05:45 PM
Valves are NOT always easy to adjust. You almost have to set them at .005, then tighten the lock nut down. It's almost impossible to nold the adjuster while tightening it down....

It DOES move but in the end as long as it's in spec when cold, your good.

Sometimes I bend the last 1" of a feeler gauge to get it in there just right.....................

Call the cam manufacturer for the proper spec.

05-31-2010, 07:22 PM
Thanks for all the good info and help guys.!!! That's just it I don't know if it even has an after market cam... I just got the trike about 10 days ago.... The guy i got it from only had it a week... he said he got it from a friend of a friend type deal... so it's he said she said stuff...

05-31-2010, 09:29 PM

Noisy valves are happy valves.

Thats an old saying meaning to much clearance is better then being too tight.