View Full Version : After 3 years, my Big Red came back to me.

05-24-2010, 10:52 PM
So 3 years ago i got rid of my Big Red. It was the best thing to do at the time since i was starting to get a little too frisky on it. Well since then i moved out to my moms horse farm and our crappy little chinese 4 wheelers have died. The kids down the road that come down to ride dirtbikes on our land told me about a 3 wheeler for $100. The more they told me about it, the more it sounded like my old one. I went up and checked it out saturday and sure enough its the same one i had. The guy said it hadn't run in months and they just didn't want to mess with it. I bought it for $100, loaded it up and brought it home. Once home, i stuck jumpers on it and it fired right up.

Heres how it looked when i had it.

When i picked it up the seat cover was gone and the front rack is gone. I spent a little time and recovered the seat and added a jump seat on the tool box lid. Its going to be used around the farm here and will have 2 people on it alot of the time. Still runs like a champ, just smokes alittle.

This is what gave it away as being me old one. I made a custom receiver hitch for it.

Anyone got a front rack for a decent price?

05-24-2010, 11:42 PM
awesome! wish i could find my Mint 83 all original R that was stolen when i was 13 or 14

05-24-2010, 11:57 PM
Wow, what a find! :D