View Full Version : 110 troubles need some help/suggestions

05-22-2010, 05:10 PM
I was riding the 110 today and got it in some water and yes got stuck but not bad the exhaust is too low and it was underwater..water was 10 inches deep or so ...anyway, on the way back to town about 2 miles it started losing power and cutting out when it has A load on it, if you are just stopped in neutral it will rev up no problem,,,,if you gas it more than A little it cuts out when you are riding it...at first on the way in to town I thought I had mud in the exhaust and the exhaust was plugged/restricted. But it would not rev without A load would it if the exhaust had restriction??? Maybe the carb??? Any ideas??? Thanks for any help...Gity

05-22-2010, 05:25 PM
Check your air-filter for water, drain the fuel from the carb,,Pop the spark plug out see if theres water on it.....These little motors do not like Any sort of water in the fuel system...

05-22-2010, 05:34 PM
MTS...Thanks for the reply, I pulled the plug and put in A different one with no change...Its funny how if you are just setting in neutral it revs just fine but when you are riding it , it cuts out and has no power....on the way back to town I had to downshift on flat gound to just keep going.....strange...I will go drain the carb and check the filter and get back Thanks for the help!! Gity

05-22-2010, 06:20 PM
Yep, get the water out of it. I have the same problem when I go through the mud puddles :D

haggard 2hundie
05-22-2010, 06:49 PM
i agree , check the carb.

05-22-2010, 09:07 PM
Guys...thanks for all the replys...I appreciate it ! So far no luck...I have changed plug - checked air filter/cleaner and it did need cleaned and re-oiled but it was not wet....Drained tank and carb and new gas....keep the suggestions coming and I will keep checking things out...Thanks Gity

haggard 2hundie
05-22-2010, 09:31 PM
try cleaning the carb in gum out and make sure all jets are clear and maybe look for air leaks?

05-22-2010, 09:32 PM
Guys...thanks for all the replys...I appreciate it ! So far no luck...I have changed plug - checked air filter/cleaner and it did need cleaned and re-oiled but it was not wet....Drained tank and carb and new gas....keep the suggestions coming and I will keep checking things out...Thanks Gity

Woudlnt hurt to check the compression to see if you broke a ring . Is the motor smoking out the exhaust ?

05-22-2010, 10:09 PM
shortline.. It is not smoking ...thanks for all the replys!! gity

05-22-2010, 11:03 PM
i agree with haggard. my sons little 110 went from starting and running perfect, to not running at all almost overnight recently. had to take the carb apart and found a little bit of debris partially blocking the pilot jet. cleared both jets and now shes back to her usual dependable self.....thats the trouble with those old metal tanks. they have the potential to pass rusty debris into the carb

05-23-2010, 10:34 AM
Thanks again to everyone for all the replys I am going to try and work on it some more ASAP !! Gotta have the 110 up and running!

05-23-2010, 01:50 PM
Change the oil. Check your wheel bearings front and rear, making sure no binding occurs. Check your chain and lube and check chain tensioner. Make sure no debris in the rear brake drum. You may have to remove it and clean it out. Lube your front brake cable if you still have it. Make sure your brake assembly isn't binding and hanging up. Check the adjustment on your clutch. You might want to clean your oil filter screen too if you haven't done that in awhile. Sometime you can take in all kinds of nasty stuff with water in places where you don't want it.

05-23-2010, 04:41 PM
If you already had the carb apart...Start checking wires...a little moisture in the spark plug cap/wire will cause similar problems... On a side note..i have a 110 that Ran fine in neutral and would pull the rpms...but underload it would not run past half throttle without a choke on......It had a bad intake valve, and spring....Hope yours isnt as bad...sounds like water is somewhere it should not be...Could be as simple as a brake drum full of mud...Just need to go on down the list.

05-23-2010, 06:04 PM
Again thanks for all the replys! I will keep everyone posted as to what I find Gity

05-26-2010, 09:36 PM
OK Everyone...I took the exhaust off to see if it was plugged as I had tried MOST of what had been reccommended but not ALL..anyway, I took the exhaust off and just ran it with no pipe at all and there was no difference, then I pulled on the choke to see if it was fuel starved and it did run better for about 25 yards and then died...for some reason the choke seemed to be stuck so I messed with it for A minute and it finally cleared...I restarted the 110 and bingo it ran great!! LOL LOL The good is that it is running great again but the bad is I am not quite sure what happened....sorry for the long post but that is what happened..I put the exhaust back on and ran it out to the river [3 miles or so round trip] and no big problems,although it still does not idle well....Thanks again for everyones help and I am glad to have it back on the road!!! Gity