View Full Version : this is total BS at its finest.

05-20-2010, 12:28 AM
well i have came across more people who say's a quads better for jumping than a 3wheeler.
well i got some proof that its not the 3wheeler. its the rider.
i got my 250r and someone i ride with has a 250r quad and they say its better and they jump further on it than my 250r and he's the previous owner of my 250r.
heres some schooling and if you think a quads a better jumper than prepare to look very dumb and lazy.

1 a trike is lighter

2 my 250r trike is much faster than that quad

3 the quad jumper never had the balls to take it to the next level on a trike cause theyre scared of a airborn 3 wheeler.

4 you have to be fearless to full out jump a trike 40-50 feet at the least.

5 its all under your control.

so the advantages add up here and the quad cannot out jump the trike with me jumping both atv and atc the same speed

it all comes down to how much damn guts you got cause his record is 20feet on my 250r trike and he jumped further on the quad cause he felt a lot safer.
i may be reffered to as a stupid rider who doesnt know my limits and i would agree. fear can save your life but i will not let a quad have the advantage cause im perfectly comfortable a trike.

my trike is lighter and i risk everything to prove that a real rider on an atc ready to really go all balls out on a trike will beat a lazy confident rider on a quad.
im not perfect but i will never let someone think that a quad has an advantage over an atc.
cause an atc is lighter and gives out more power because of it.
i used to be new on trikes everyone has but after i got seattled in and knew what a trike can do with the right rider i just let out the power that the my trike has had that the previous rider just couldnt.

05-20-2010, 12:43 AM
It's way more critical to land straight on an ATC compared to a quad IMO....obviously you want to land straight on both of them but I think you're more likely to take a tumble on the landing if you can't control it as well, but again it's up to the rider.

05-20-2010, 12:45 AM
when jumping an atc you have to master the throttle and your weight on the trike too much throttle you do a half backflip not enough you do a face plant.

on a quad its very easy you slightly hit the throttle right before taking on air.

most people are more comfortable on a qaud over a trike.

05-20-2010, 12:47 AM
well i have came across more people who say's a quads better for jumping than a 3wheeler.
well i got some proof that its not the 3wheeler. its the rider.
i got my 250r and someone i ride with has a 250r quad and they say its better and they jump further on it than my 250r and he's the previous owner of my 250r.
heres some schooling and if you think a quads a better jumper than prepare to look very dumb and lazy.

1 a trike is lighter

2 my 250r trike is much faster than that quad

3 the quad jumper never had the balls to take it to the next level on a trike cause theyre scared of a airborn 3 wheeler.

4 you have to be fearless to full out jump a trike 40-50 feet at the least.

5 its all under your control.

so the advantages add up here and the quad cannot out jump the trike with me jumping both atv and atc the same speed

it all comes down to how much damn guts you got cause his record is 20feet on my 250r trike and he jumped further on the quad cause he felt a lot safer.
i may be reffered to as a stupid rider who doesnt know my limits and i would agree. fear can save your life but i will not let a quad have the advantage cause im perfectly comfortable a trike.

my trike is lighter and i risk everything to prove that a real rider on an atc ready to really go all balls out on a trike will beat a lazy confident rider on a quad.
im not perfect but i will never let someone think that a quad has an advantage over an atc.
cause an atc is lighter and gives out more power because of it.
i used to be new on trikes everyone has but after i got seattled in and knew what a trike can do with the right rider i just let out the power that the my trike has had that the previous rider just couldnt.

wtf was the point of this ramble?

05-20-2010, 12:50 AM
wtf was the point of this ramble?

the point is to prove wrong that a quad is not a better jumper.
if you dont like it then dont spoil it for others.

there dont exactly have to be a point for everything and i just wanted to see what people think and if they think a quad is naturally better with jumping.

oh yeah WELCOME to the website brianw. we have had lots of new members.

05-20-2010, 01:10 AM
why don't you take a deep breath and type it again so we can read it...

05-20-2010, 01:24 AM

05-20-2010, 01:27 AM
It's way more critical to land straight on an ATC compared to a quad IMO....obviously you want to land straight on both of them but I think you're more likely to take a tumble on the landing if you can't control it as well, but again it's up to the rider.

i agree .. im not gunna say one is better then the other. . you could have a crappy rider on your trike and you on a quad and if your the better rider your going to land every time and he wont . . or we could put you on the trike and him on the quad and have the same results .. sure a good machine has some perks but i think its mostly the rider that makes or breaks a good jump ..

05-20-2010, 01:48 AM
If you want to jump, DIRT BIKE FTW!!!

05-20-2010, 02:00 AM
Who cares ??!!

05-20-2010, 02:08 AM
If you want to jump, DIRT BIKE FTW!!!

i agree on that 1 i jumped dirt bikes before i ever even thought of trikes.

05-20-2010, 02:11 AM
This just proves Portland, Oregon is the grammar capital of the nation.

05-20-2010, 02:18 AM
good post. my neighbor, that jumped my 350X on a 30' table top, said he loved it and it was smooth as silk. he's into quads and dirtbikes and actually raced for a couple years. there is a decent size rut from where the dirt bikes land and he said he just put the front tire right in there every time. we got pics and video on his phone. it was pretty sweet

05-20-2010, 03:27 AM
from what i hear a 350x is the best trike all around for jumping.
i would like to see the same rider jump both a 350x and 250r and see which one goes further.
i will do it if i ever get around to the 350x(shed decoration)

05-20-2010, 06:20 AM
It comes down to personal preference. I have a quad and a trike. They both have their strong points and are very different to ride.


05-20-2010, 08:21 AM
ok guys, I LOVE 3 WHEELERS. but that "fourth" wheel is a HUGE advantage to everything but drag racing and mudding (except 4x4 quads) and there are some other small things like tight trailing and stuff. stuff like jumping and racing on a MX track quads have it, im sorry but its true. trikes may be lighter but for jumping its much easier on a quad, trikes can do what quads can but not nearly as easily.

05-20-2010, 05:02 PM
My aftermarket 250R based chassis has 13 inches of travel. IT will soak up ANYTHING you could ever think of doing to it. In fact my front end is on one of the first huavos (spelling?) riding videos (Travis Spaders quad) you should see what it has done.

I NEVER seen a trike do anything near as nuts as what I've seen this front end take with ease. And I don't think trike could do it and hold up.

I got to go with a properly setup TRX R.

05-20-2010, 05:03 PM
ok guys, I LOVE 3 WHEELERS. but that "fourth" wheel is a HUGE advantage to everything but drag racing and mudding (except 4x4 quads) and there are some other small things like tight trailing and stuff. stuff like jumping and racing on a MX track quads have it, im sorry but its true. trikes may be lighter but for jumping its much easier on a quad, trikes can do what quads can but not nearly as easily.

that proves my main point.
if you know how to properly control and land a trike you will out jump a quad.
landing flat on a trike is much harder than landing flat on a quad you just have to know the trick.

i find it easier to take sharp corners on a trike than a quad but i have spent 10 times more hours on trikes than atv's.

05-20-2010, 06:04 PM
well to me, easier is part of the "better" equation

05-20-2010, 06:12 PM
dude, a stock trike was not meant to get higher than 6ft, you have to mod it just to be able to jump it like quad, this thread is futile. I am not going to lie I like jumping trikes more than quads and I go faster on a trike, but there is always a limit. I am surprised this thread is still going in the trike forum when it is really a trike vs. quad thread. And I am little confused as well, is he riding a quad racer lt250r or a trx250r? I mean a stock trx250r Imo I don't like jumping them past 4ft up with stock suspension...lol

05-20-2010, 06:17 PM
What it all comes down to is personal preference. It could also be a mental thing, where people have absolutely convinced themselves that trikes are death machines (obviously they aren't any more dangerous than any other machine out there) and that quads are the safer route. I know some guys who won't even come near my 110, and are convinced im going to kill myself by riding it around.

To be sure you need two equally comfortable riders to test it.

05-20-2010, 06:19 PM
lol same here, My dad had a 200x and nobody touched it, he let a friend ride it and he went 10ft and rolled it..lol

05-20-2010, 06:30 PM
Lol, I still can't believe people prefer to lean out rather than in...

05-20-2010, 06:59 PM
Lol, I still can't believe people prefer to lean out rather than in...

.........you must be doing it wrong

I supose your are saying quad guys lean out in turns?

yeah right.............

05-20-2010, 07:53 PM
well they don't lean as much as you have to with trikes, which is a benefit for trikers because you'll always be in shape!

05-20-2010, 08:25 PM
Thats because you don't have to.

05-20-2010, 08:34 PM
LOL, I know, was simply pointing that. This dolt thinks other wise though in saying that trikes are faster and better around the track. Now, mx racing doesn't always have to have 80ft tripples does it? This is another problem with MX racing today, Why do we have x games size jumps on a mx race track? Imo, some of the tracks are okay but why do we need that big of jumps? for show?

05-20-2010, 08:37 PM
.....anyone else noticing a pattern developing with this and the other threads the OP has started??..........:crazy::rolleyes:

05-20-2010, 09:11 PM
LOL, I know, was simply pointing that. This dolt thinks other wise though in saying that trikes are faster and better around the track. Now, mx racing doesn't always have to have 80ft tripples does it? This is another problem with MX racing today, Why do we have x games size jumps on a mx race track? Imo, some of the tracks are okay but why do we need that big of jumps? for show?

hhahaha, i know right. im sick of modern MX racing. especially supercross and arena cross. they are in the air 50-60% of the time if not more. its stupid. IMO

05-20-2010, 09:31 PM
In my personal opinion, a quad is more forgiving on a bad jump than a trike. The advantage seems to go to the extra wheel. I bent a perfectly good 350x rear axle by landing wrong, but then I think the takeoff from the start doomed it. I was just happy that I landed it at all and didn't get all busted up in the process. Trikes to me seem more inherently unbalanced from the start. I'm not knocking it, it's just the nature of the beast. But I ended up jumping from an area that wasn't even which launched the trike uneven from side to side, which really is a no-no on a trike. When I landed, all the weight was on the single rear tire that landed first and it bent the axle. Scared me so bad, my butt was sucking wind! LOL The quad has the advantage of a bad landing due to the fact that even if you land more to one side, you still have both wheels on that side of the quad. On a trike if you land on one side, you mainly have one rear wheel and once your front touches down, it does so on an angle, not in a straight line. It can get you in trouble real quick. You really have to be on your toes when getting air on a trike.

05-20-2010, 09:41 PM
.........you must be doing it wrong

I supose your are saying quad guys lean out in turns?

yeah right.............

Hah, I have no idea what I was saying there.. :D

05-21-2010, 09:17 PM
A trike will out jump a ATV of the same performance (1985 ATC 250R vs 1985 ATV 250R) with the same rider with the same comfort level just due to it's weight that's a given but to jump on a trike requires a little more caution & practice, Any 4 wheeler I had the luxury of driving drove like a lawn tractor, I enjoy the ability to drive on 2 wheels when needed, the trike is closer to a bike that's all. There's my 2 cents.

05-21-2010, 10:04 PM
LOL, I know, was simply pointing that. This dolt thinks other wise though in saying that trikes are faster and better around the track. Now, mx racing doesn't always have to have 80ft tripples does it? This is another problem with MX racing today, Why do we have x games size jumps on a mx race track? Imo, some of the tracks are okay but why do we need that big of jumps? for show?

We had 80ft jumps in the 90s so I must just be to used to big tracks or something. Sleepy hollow had a down hill with a single before it. I used to land FARTHER then the dirt bikes. I did bust a shock in half there but what I'm getting at is I don't think the tracks are much different to what they were.

05-21-2010, 10:06 PM
A trike will out jump a ATV of the same performance (1985 ATC 250R vs 1985 ATV 250R) with the same rider with the same comfort level just due to it's weight that's a given but to jump on a trike requires a little more caution & practice, Any 4 wheeler I had the luxury of driving drove like a lawn tractor, I enjoy the ability to drive on 2 wheels when needed, the trike is closer to a bike that's all. There's my 2 cents.

This is a perfect example of what someone says if they don't understand what they are talking about.

05-22-2010, 12:05 AM
A trike will out jump a ATV of the same performance (1985 ATC 250R vs 1985 ATV 250R) with the same rider with the same comfort level just due to it's weight that's a given but to jump on a trike requires a little more caution & practice, Any 4 wheeler I had the luxury of driving drove like a lawn tractor, I enjoy the ability to drive on 2 wheels when needed, the trike is closer to a bike that's all. There's my 2 cents.

4 things wrong with this statement.

1. So a trike will out do a quad with the same performance? Lol, how does that work?
2. Trikes are atv's! Honda had trademark the name of ATC.
3. There are no 1985 trx250r's, just Suzuki's floppy rod lt250r's.
4. Yes quads ride like lawn mowers but they are more forgiving than trikes.

05-22-2010, 02:50 AM
I love Trikes, My nephew, and one friend, and I used to jump our matching 200Xs back in the day. While I was off in the service my nephew raced an R quite a lot. One race he said they were going so far they had bent the axles. They were stock bikes but had 3 inch extenders. While I was in the service I had bought a 1986 Suzuki 250 quad. cause I couldn't find the Honda Rs as they were banned and the new Honda quad was not so popular yet. Any way Sean, my nephew kept going on about bending his axles. So that winter we went to Moor Dam in N.H. and the water had gone down the ice was like 2 ft thick and there were lots of natural jumps.
So Sean kept egging me on because 4 yrs earlier I had jumped the furthest on our 200x's and he felt my quad could not out jump his R. But while in Colorado I had the head ported for the altitude there and then re-jetted when home. So we started and finally ended up in 5th gear wide open and were jumping between 50 & 60 feet. I just barely eeked out 3 to 4 feet further than the honda R on my Suzuki quad. We didn't have to worry much about landing straight because the ice was perfect for the jumping except the landing was flat.
I think the only reason I went further is because fo the enhanced head porting, equaling more power and top end. The landing was so abusive though neither of us wanted to go for 6 th gear. I recall having a sore back for days.
Any way, I beleive the stock Trike will clearly go further than the stock quad, and I don't think anyone will dispute that as long as its apples against apples. other factors, tire size, gearing, body weight, and the guts to go for it, and inevitably being able to handle it and the landing.
I like both bikes but love the trike.