View Full Version : The day started out great...

05-15-2010, 04:44 PM
and went downhill fast! My wife and I and my daughter took off this morning about 9 to pick up an 83/85 200x roller (kind of). The guy wanted $50 but it was about 2 1/2 hours each way so we loaded up and headed out. I'm driving my neighbors truck so I don't have to tow my trailer since I have a campershell and all of a sudden a PEBBLE a freaking PEBBLE glances off the side of the windshield and puts a 5" crack in the just replaced windshield. It barely even hit it hard enough to make a noise and it didn't even leave a star. It just cracked. So now I have to pay to have that replaced.

Well we continue on our travels and I get there to pick up the trike and it looks pretty much like what I was expecting. So I pay the guy and I'm loading it up when he says I have this 200s engine sitting in my garage floor that smokes that I'll let you have with the bike for $25. I'm thinking wow, things are looking up. I take the trike and the engine and get all strapped down and take off. Sweet right?

Heading down I-95 stuck behind a van in the left lane traveling 50 in a 55. I follow behind him for about 5 miles before I have a chance to make a move and get around him. As soon as I change lanes and hit the gas a state trooper hits me with the laser. He is literally standing on the road clocking people. He pulls me over and issues me a ticket for 78/55 which in VA is a reckless driving ticket. The icing on the cake is that it was in a "highway safety corridor" that carries an extra $500 fine.

So the net sum of my day financially and emotionally ended up being the suck. I'm so pissed. If I had just stayed home I wouldn't have to pay for a $1500 speeding ticket or a $500 windshield. It all happened at a great time too since my wife just lost her job. Oh well such is life. I just thought my day might make you all feel a little better about yours.

Does anyone know what year or model this engine is from? He said 200s but it doesn't seem to match up with the mounting points at all. On to the pictures.





05-15-2010, 04:57 PM
Sorry to hear about your day man. Yeah that is a motor out of a 200s, the 200x engine mounts will bolt it up fine.

05-15-2010, 05:40 PM
i'm not 100% sure but i think the s mounts and the x mounts are different ... its been a while but i am pretty sure i have used the s mounts

05-15-2010, 06:23 PM
The government sucks. all of it....."highway saftey corridor"?? WTF

more like "gub'ment robbing citizens" corridor. that is an obscene fine.

05-15-2010, 06:32 PM
I really don't think you got a decent deal for $2050.00, LOL!! Sorry to hear about your day and your wife's job. Keep your head up!

05-15-2010, 06:36 PM
wow is all i can say!! maybe since today sucked, tomorrow will be great lol.

05-15-2010, 08:03 PM
I really don't think you got a decent deal for $2050.00, LOL!! Sorry to hear about your day and your wife's job. Keep your head up!

I am in complete agreement! I'm scared to death my insurance is going to drop me after this one.

05-15-2010, 08:37 PM
I am in complete agreement! I'm scared to death my insurance is going to drop me after this one.

This is why there are lawyers. I have had many friends get tickets similiar to yours and for 500 to 800 bucks lawyer will get the ticket down to nothing, and no points on your liscense. Worth a shot will save you money in the long run if they could get it knocked down for you.. Hope tommorrow is a beter day for you..

05-15-2010, 11:02 PM
Not here in VA. I have had 2 previous tickets like this and have paid lawyers both times and I actually served jail time for the second one. In VA speeding tickets are worse than murder apparently. Nothing seems to ever get dropped unless you are specifically owed a favor by the Commonwealth's Attorney. Oh well time will tell.

05-15-2010, 11:08 PM
man im so sorry bout' your day . i hope things work out and i wish you better luck. i hope one day you find a rich old man selling a mint 350x with 10 hours on it for $100 !

05-15-2010, 11:22 PM
Simply not fair...... But someone will still come on here and probably say "hey! he WAS speeding!" but enough is enough. They get you for the ticket, the points, surcharges, day out of work, possible loss of job due to jail time. Before you know it it costs you 20K and a higher probability of being pulled over forever. It just seems so absurd......

Do I want a drunk or a speeder on the road?? No, but is a high percentage of most people guilty of it at least once, maybe a few times, yet never caught??

Regardless, that just sounds way to strict to me! When is the stone throwing and hangin gonna happen?? we'll get it on video for ya :D

Good luck bud!! I'm surprised he didn't nab you for the cracked windshield, got his phone number??

05-16-2010, 07:09 AM
I think I would move out of VA. I grew up in N.H. and when the State troopers started giving out tickets on trails from there check points and on ATVS chasing us down, Guess what I moved and have never been back.

Yahoo the great communist state of N.H. They can keep it! its to freaking cold too! Yes I am jaded but there are much better places to live ; ) Like Hawaii

I have found in the last 21 yrs a nice easy day can turn to trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro in just a few moments. every now and then I have a gut feeling to stop and go back. So I do. Probably doesn't make you feel better but I totally feel you pain!!!
Keep your chin up!

05-16-2010, 03:20 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement guys. I'll be selling off the trike I just picked up and possibly my 250sx to get a little money for the ticket. I found out from a lawyer that the $500 is only for speeding tickets. Reckless driving is considered a criminal offense so it carries a $2500 fine on top of the ticket in that zone. I'm really hoping not to have to sell off my project 250r but it may come down to that. I might have to sell off my street bike as well. This really blows but as long as I don't lose my career because of it I will manage. I'm really bitter about it all but I know I was speeding and it carries consequences so I try not to be too angry... but somehow I still am.

05-16-2010, 04:03 PM
man you got rape. move to PA, i road a 1/4 mile wheelie on ym streetbike down the road past a cop going the other directiong and i got a $78 fine...but he did give me 3 points trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro. hope things turn around.

05-16-2010, 04:30 PM
Shoulda put the hammer down on the truck and flew off the first exit you saw! Musta taken him a bit to catch up if he was outta his pigmobile with the radar gun.

05-16-2010, 04:40 PM
Eluding in VA is a felony and you get your license revoked which means you probably won't ever get it back. It's also not easy to out run a radio I've learned riding streetbikes. He had 3 fellow officers up the road doing the same thing so I didn't have much chance. I'm telling you all the traffic laws here in VA are insane.

05-16-2010, 05:11 PM
Here in PA you can work out a payment plan for the fines, maybe you could too and keep your trikes.

05-16-2010, 09:39 PM
I will check into it. Thanks for the tip. I was under the impression here in VA that if you didn't pay them in full within 14 days they suspend your license but I will double check on that.

12-05-2010, 02:01 AM
Isn't it illegal to write someone a ticket if the have a Trike in the truck? Seriously, bummer dude. I feel for ya. Look at it this way, with all the bad that happened, you should be finding a pot of gold any day now. Well, if Karma is true at all.

Chin up and be cool. Nothing can be that bad for too long. Being a Triker, you already have the advantage, balls of steel!

Chazz of Blades
12-05-2010, 04:05 PM
My last vacation was a 14 hour drive to williamsburg for a week. The roads in VA are HORRID, but the signs are all crisp, new, clean, and bullethole-less.

12-05-2010, 04:50 PM
Sorry about your day mate :/ A much as we New Jerseyains b***h and moan about our cops, and state troopers, VA is waaaay worse.

Known fact: they will pull over any out of state car over for the tiniest violation and crack down on them 10X more than some from VA.

Take for instance my sister, she got a large ticket for doing 75mph in VA, and that was flowing with traffic mind you. Mean whats the deal with that? and it's not an isolated incident I know plenty of friends that have had the same thing happen.

I don't hate cops, but I hate they way they run things

12-05-2010, 05:41 PM
I forgot all about this thread. I agree with you all that VA is the toughest on traffic offenses and they are SO much tougher on out of state people. This story had a happy ending. My neighbors insurance covered the windshield 100% and didn't raise any kind of premiums. My friend came through for me and put me in touch with a substitute judge in Richmond. I paid him $200 and I ended up with driving school for the ticket then it was dismissed. $50 for the school and $77 for court costs. Not getting a 3rd reckless ticket, going back to jail, losing my license, and getting dropped from insurance... priceless.