View Full Version : Why is this so miserable?

05-08-2010, 12:45 PM
.....so, changing clutch (84' 200x motor) and had to distroy oil filter rotor cover to get it off (fortunatley I have 85' parts motor), now I can't get the nut and lockwasher off, everything spins, when I tried to brace it everything snapped off or bent. It all came off parts motor simple as pie, the motor attached to the trike is just miserable. I'm so upset I can barely type #%$&!!!!!, is this motor junk now too? In 1st picture: this spins. 2nd: this is stationary. Everything spins with the lock nut. Can't get it braced. (note the snapped -off piece in hand)

m brater
05-08-2010, 12:56 PM
Use an air impact wrench and if will spin that nut right off. The last clutch I did I made a tool out of oak board. Drilled a big hole for the center clutch nut and a couple small holes for 2 of 4 clutch basket and a hole for large screw driver to go against motor to keep from spinning. I used my 1/2 snap on breaker bar with all my strength to break it loose.

05-08-2010, 01:13 PM
Put it in gear and push it up against something, or you could reassemble the rear brake lever, foot on the rear brake and a braker bar on the clutch lock nut and you'll be good to go. Are you using the right tool for the lock not. Or they make a sprocket holder for no too much, around $35. Keeps the engine from rotating.

05-08-2010, 01:47 PM
Thank you m brater, I ran it down to the co-op after screwin' things up for an hour and a half and zipped it off in about a 10th of a second! Thanx 200x michigan, thats information I needed, If something needs fixed or ajusted while out in the sticks. I did put in the clutch from my parts motor and man, I just thought the trike was slow before, added about 20-25% more horsepower it seems. And oh ya, I orderd that spanner-type tool to take off the basket and oil rotor, but man, changeing the clutch on those is a @%$!ing nightmare!

05-08-2010, 04:04 PM
The trick I was shown is to put a penny in between the gears and it will pretty much hold everything in place while loosening that nut up and not harm any gears in the process since the penny is relatively soft. It works well for putting everything back together again also, but not nearly as needed since that nut isn't dimpled yet to hold it in place. But I have an electric impact wrench now and it makes that job super simple and quick. The 350x has the same basic clutch set up.

05-08-2010, 04:07 PM
A penny I like that. Learn something new everyday.

05-08-2010, 05:21 PM
The penny only holds the outer basket, you still have to deal with the inner basket connected to the mainshaft; It will still spin once the 4 spring bolts are out......

In any case either air or electric impact will do the trick. Lots of guys don't have compressors so the electric ones are catching on quick :beer

05-08-2010, 06:34 PM
The trick I was shown is to put a penny in between the gears and it will pretty much hold everything in place while loosening that nut up and not harm any gears in the process since the penny is relatively soft. It works well for putting everything back together again also, but not nearly as needed since that nut isn't dimpled yet to hold it in place. But I have an electric impact wrench now and it makes that job super simple and quick. The 350x has the same basic clutch set up.

i do the same exact thing. also got a new electric impact lol

05-08-2010, 06:43 PM
Thanks guys, and I really mean that. Yup, I used a penny taking it apart (actually folded it in half), and even were I could putting the clutches back (had spare motor to do mock up and practice), might have been something wrong with the clutch I was removing, it spun and the parts motor didn't, but when I laid them both out on the bench, I am to inexperienced to see any thing different. I have a manual, but remember, my family trikes are held together by 3-wheeler world, I could never do this on my own. I have to say again, that other clutch (which was newer, could see by gasket & new rotor screws) gave me about 20-25% more power, the tire lifts real easy now, it feels like there is no drag now.