View Full Version : Little update on the Project 310 tri-z

05-06-2010, 07:41 PM
Well Got a chance to snap some pictures today! Thought i would throw them up, with an update on the progress...as its been...ALONG time, this Thing has been sitting in the corner of the shop for a few years now...Slowly collecting parts..it was a Complete pile of trailpro when i got it...So anyways..got it together enough to take around the parking lot yesterday..go through the gears ect..make sure everything works as is should....Stopped to put some air in the tires...Went to fire her up and BANG!! backfired...Sheared the mag key (after further inspection it was previously almost half cracked :rolleyes:) and the Clutch cover came apart...:crazy: . So back to the hunt..still need to Get a few things before a ride and get it dialed in....Mainly brakes....

05-06-2010, 08:00 PM
Thanks for sharing the pics! Its good to know that Z went to a good home, instead of it rusting to pieces outside somewhere, like so many I have seen around here. Im curious to know how this 310 kit will turn out. I bet it will rip! Good luck with the rest of it, and let us know how she runs!

05-06-2010, 08:38 PM
It should run pretty good...Its all fresh...Had to work the head to get it Closer to running on pump gas...might have to cut the premium with some 110..have to wait and see how it pans out. :beer

05-06-2010, 09:09 PM
Looks like your making good progress.

05-06-2010, 10:21 PM
Yes...progress, the only thing left on it from when i bought it is the tires/rims, and center case's....Oh and the air-box cover...It was all rattle can GOLD...haha

05-07-2010, 06:58 AM
I am glad to see you making some headway. It has been a long time.

05-07-2010, 11:59 AM
Dam brotha that clutch cover got Busted pretty Bad !

05-14-2010, 07:07 PM
Just another update, Dug around for a cover, No go, Went and Spent some Bucks at Yamaha today...hopefully see a new cover in 3-6 weeks :rolleyes: Need to pick up some jets yet too...This girl loves the fuel,, :lol: . and Some new tires next week...Them boger Realtors are going on the "spare" shelf....;)

08-14-2010, 09:57 PM
Welll Some more progress! Got the clutch back together and the new cover back on today, Had to order some new springs and Clarence the cover a bit... looks like a newer Cast cover...must be a bit thicker than my old one the basket was rubbing in a couple spots...Nothing the die grinder couldn't take care of.
Got a few other Things tied up...new plug wire...exhaust all on Got the front fender Buffed up...Looked like crap before spray painted and oxidized underneath the paint...the Shrouds are next.. the headlight shroud im working on. Got a Decent zip around the shop with it...couldn't get outa 2-3rd gear....But seems to pull Hard..As you can see by the puddle underneath it the carb needs some attention...will be digging into it tomorrow...Need to work on the jettting a bit to. All in all not a bad afternoon at the shop :beer

Bryan Raffa
08-15-2010, 07:17 AM
sprock baskets rub on the clutch cover.. you must releave the two fins on the inside, by the filler hole..my basket did my machineing...LOL

Good to see the thing actually moveing..:D

08-15-2010, 08:53 AM
good to see you are doing the right thing and completing the project..can anyone tell me how to post something up ?i cant figure it out

08-15-2010, 09:24 AM
good to see you are doing the right thing and completing the project..can anyone tell me how to post something up ?i cant figure it out
You just "posted"..
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Welll Some more progress! Got the clutch back together and the new cover back on today, Had to order some new springs and Clarence the cover a bit... looks like a newer Cast cover...must be a bit thicker than my old one the basket was rubbing in a couple spots...Nothing the die grinder couldn't take care of.
Got a few other Things tied up...new plug wire...exhaust all on Got the front fender Buffed up...Looked like crap before spray painted and oxidized underneath the paint...the Shrouds are next.. the headlight shroud im working on. Got a Decent zip around the shop with it...couldn't get outa 2-3rd gear....But seems to pull Hard..As you can see by the puddle underneath it the carb needs some attention...will be digging into it tomorrow...Need to work on the jettting a bit to. All in all not a bad afternoon at the shop :beer
Looking good.
I heard some of the baskets will rub, but have not had that happen to me yet, but I have taken the precautions and filed those litytle casting bosses down on the cover just to be safe.
Heck even the R baskets rub some of the gears without modding when you go aftermarket on them. Guess it is the nature of the beast with aftermarket stuff.

Better gets some brakes on that puppy..LOL

08-15-2010, 11:00 AM
That's a great looking machine. Hopefully you get it on the trails or track soon.

08-15-2010, 11:24 AM
I love tri-z's. And admire you're patience. Yamaha really had a start on the atv community with the tri-z. They were actually ahead of their time in 83', and if you look at all the banshee, blaster, and raptors (etc.), you can see why the tri-z developed the most dominate atv's of modern times. This is the truly the grandad of atv's and grandaddy's still a quick booger-. Great job.

08-15-2010, 12:39 PM
I love tri-z's. And admire you're patience. Yamaha really had a start on the atv community with the tri-z. They were actually ahead of their time in 83', and if you look at all the banshee, blaster, and raptors (etc.), you can see why the tri-z developed the most dominate atv's of modern times. This is the truly the grandad of atv's and grandaddy's still a quick booger-. Great job.

You do realize the Tri-Z came out a year after the Tecate and 4 years after the first 250R though, right?

08-15-2010, 09:17 PM
Yea, Not to worried about the basket..Comes with the territory of aftermarket stuff and Production Tolerances, The brakes I'm working on Waiting on a seal kit for the front caliper and a few odds n ends...Most defiantly need brakes on this rag. This thing has Definitely Tried my patience, The majority of the parts on it are From members here and Across the states, Thats why its taken 6 years to slowly piece it together...Shipping isnt cheap and neither are good parts, Then throw the re-build factor ontop of it, All new bearings, Re-built suspension..ect. I did find a track About 45 mins from me that will let me run without issue on 60 acres of trails....Cant wait to get it out there and Rip it UP!!!YAMAHONDAMAN

10-26-2010, 09:32 PM
Just another update and a couple pics...I do work on this when i have time :lol::lol:
Had the rear-end apart on sunday...Had some play in the swing-arm, Shimmed it up today and replaced a few-bolts-grease zerks..Nice and tight now, Found the Overflow fuel problem...Didn't realize the Tri-z had a Re-turn line :rolleyes: Thanks Raffa :beer
Also got the lights mounted, will have to snap a few tomorrow108000108001

10-26-2010, 10:49 PM
You do realize the Tri-Z came out a year after the Tecate and 4 years after the first 250R though, right? Whoops, didn't see that. Ya, but Yamaha finished development of the Tri-z in 83', tinkered in 84' and didn't release it till' 85. So they were ahead of there time, but not quite ready to produce the final product.

10-27-2010, 03:45 PM
looken good, Post more pictures when u can.

10-27-2010, 07:28 PM
Snapped a few before i left the shop today...Might get some work on it in tomorrow, Finish buffin up some plastic to bolt down :naughty::naughty: and add a few other things...Say one thing..Sure is nice having brakes now :D

Bryan Raffa
10-27-2010, 09:08 PM
get some rear tires!!!!!!!!!! ditch them heavy things!

10-28-2010, 12:26 AM
get some rear tires!!!!!!!!!! ditch them heavy things!

You would think with the amount of tires in the shop i would have by now...But no...:lol:
Maybe tomorrow :naughty:

10-28-2010, 02:12 AM
nice rebuild/build....at least you`ve covered every square inch of it fixin stuff...really gets aggravating until FINALLY you run out of stuff to fix and then it`s ON!

11-03-2010, 11:02 PM
Snaped a few more before i left the shop tonight, Re-routed my Pump lines and clutch cable...and Got the Chain guard mounted...And some Respect for the man himself!! YAMAHONDAMAN

11-09-2010, 11:21 PM
Took it for its first Hard run today..Jettings a bit fat...and Having some detonation issues under a hard load...but all in all Not bad...Need to pick up some 110 tomorrow, and put the new tires on the back....Couple pics...see if i can get the few short vids of it i have going here... :beer'
Think this should work... http://s644.photobucket.com/albums/uu168/MTS310z/?action=view&current=twisty.mp4

Bryan Raffa
11-09-2010, 11:36 PM
what dome you running ,, what gas you running? how old is the gas?

I see you got you temp lazer out,, whats it running idleing,, how hot is it after a good rip?

11-09-2010, 11:42 PM
Where the heck did you see my temp lazer??? Did have it out tho :lol: Was running on the cool side,,, Around 150 between the rads and head/jug...Bout 500 on the ext side...After some hot laps, Thats Fresh 91 shell, The dome was a 21..had it carved out, to drop the compression a bit...runin bout 160-170 Static with .067 squish Havent CC'd the dome since i got it back yet...(on the list for tomorrow) And yea that Twist just about got away from me on the one vid :lol: :beer

Bryan Raffa
11-10-2010, 09:08 AM
its sitting on the seat in the picture...ha! like I said..careful with that twist ..LOL

12-12-2010, 12:05 AM
Spent the afternoon in the shop...Got the tri-z back from getting the pipe fit right (on a budget) buddy made up a new sleeve between the pipe and silencer and adjusted the pipe a bit...Had to do a bit of plastic carving...but came out real nice...with no leaks and no rubber boots to rip ever again!! :lol: he also added some material to the stoppers on the pegs to get the sag out....worked good...but the new ones work better :naughty::naughty: also adjusted the chain and got the rear fenders bolted down. hope to take it out tomorrow for a ride :beer
Finally got this uploaded too http://s644.photobucket.com/albums/uu168/MTS310z/?action=view&current=P1030525.mp4

12-13-2010, 01:30 AM
.067 squish??? I do believe they should be around .040 squish. seems excessive.

12-13-2010, 02:44 AM
Wow, that thing is coming together..Is that the swinger I dropped off at you place a few years ago? Have fun with the 86

Bryan Raffa
12-13-2010, 09:19 AM
I see you got tires also!

12-13-2010, 10:37 AM
Wow, that thing is coming together..Is that the swinger I dropped off at you place a few years ago? Have fun with the 86

Yep that's the same one...still have a few things to finish up...need a rear skid plate tail light, and get my tank guard to stop falling off...:lol:
The squish is a little looser than normal..but seems to run fine on pump gas and pull hard...will play with it more after i get some more time on it.

12-13-2010, 11:12 AM
Well Got a chance to snap some pictures today! Thought i would throw them up, with an update on the progress...as its been...ALONG time, this Thing has been sitting in the corner of the shop for a few years now...Slowly collecting parts..it was a Complete pile of trailpro when i got it...So anyways..got it together enough to take around the parking lot yesterday..go through the gears ect..make sure everything works as is should....Stopped to put some air in the tires...Went to fire her up and BANG!! backfired...Sheared the mag key (after further inspection it was previously almost half cracked :rolleyes:) and the Clutch cover came apart...:crazy: . So back to the hunt..still need to Get a few things before a ride and get it dialed in....Mainly brakes....

trailprotrailpro tires are on backwards

Bryan Raffa
12-13-2010, 06:59 PM
trailprotrailpro tires are on backwards

thoes tires you can change direction,,one way for soft.. and the other for hard pack.. great tires I love mine..