View Full Version : '86 Mugen 250R racer build (updated 8/17/14)

Buster Brown
04-23-2010, 02:26 AM
Just started this 250 build last weekend. It'll be an '86 ATC 250R with vintage period aftermarket items. Don't expect any lightning fast progress, but hope to have it done by the end of the summer. Won't really ride it, so no hurry. (here come the haters :rolleyes:) This one will be just a looker! (CAL FAB, WEST COAST, SELVYS) I dismantled an old flat track project to harvest parts for a couple new builds, so some of these parts here, are from that old project.
The Selvy 200R is also almost underway, but I will be using it's frame as a display piece in a local parade for PC'n late May. I'll post another thread on the SELVY 200R build starting in early June.
Hopefully with the leftover parts, between these two builds, I'll have enough to slap a good rider together! It's been way too long since I've had the joy of riding a trike. Anyhow, here's the start of the chassis, and a shot of the future heart transplant. Might even use the Steve Wright SELVY cylinder on this project. More pics and progress to come.:D



04-23-2010, 02:59 AM
Andy, you never cease to make me jealous! Sounds like a sweet build.

04-23-2010, 04:32 AM
:TrikesOwn Now i know who's hogging all the parts up...

Snap ON gee best of the best LOL

04-25-2010, 10:30 AM
Sounds Great Andy I can't wait visit the Museum when these are all done. You are so far ahead of me I am still looking for a ATC110 new in crate yet!!!!!. I feel like I'm in the showroom of a HONDA dealership in the 1980s when I am there.

04-25-2010, 01:48 PM
Nice work Andy!!

That CAL-FAB make ALL the difference in the world!! :beer

04-25-2010, 05:02 PM
That is a sharp looking swinger! Looking forward to the finished product. You gonna go with a flat track getup?

Buster Brown
05-22-2010, 12:27 AM
Got some parts and a little problem. The good news is that no one stole the boxes left on the front porch by the UPS man (darn "driver release"). Bad news is, well........ Calling all Mugen fork kit owners..........I'm scratching my head a little here and hoping someone can give me a little advise on how the pistons are removed from the lower Mugen fork tubes. I can't install the new upper fork tubes, unless I get the pistons out of the Mugen lower tubes first. Unfortunately, the Mugen instruction sheet is missing , but instead I received these handy rear Mugen shock instructions (WTF):crazy:. The Mugen lowers are different than typical run of the mill factory issue forks (for those who don't know). I've rebuilt OEM forks numerous times, with great success, but I'm just a little hesitant on these, beings they ran so much money. The normal allen head bolt on the very bottom of an OEM style is an adjustable screw style on the Mugen forks. It's located under a rubber dust cap on the bottom of each lower fork leg. -Any kit owners out there, that can help here?? Thanks for any thoughts and guidance!
Here are a few pics of the arrived goodies to be assembled on this build. Hope to get the front end together this weekend.






05-22-2010, 09:35 AM
I take it that lower nut under them does not release them? or allow a brass punch in there to gently tap it out??

Buster Brown
05-22-2010, 09:53 AM
Good morning DC. That bottom nut is crimped on and only seems to turn in relation to the valve. If you look real close down the tubular piston there is a tiny nut and screw. After I shake the cob webs out and finish my coffee I'll see if a 1/4 drive extension and socket will fit down there. This may be the simple answer. I hope so. I really want to make some progress on this bike.

Buster Brown
05-22-2010, 01:22 PM
Well I got it figured out and apart. For the sake of sharing and possibly enlightening others on the Mugen fork kit, here are some pictures of the valves and pistons. I had to simply hold the piston from spinning inside the lower tubes and back the valve body out with a 19mm socket. The nuts on both ends of the valves are permanently crimped secure.
Back to work.....................




05-22-2010, 01:23 PM
Nice Build. By the way what is your home / shop address?

LOL Just Teasing. Keep them Safe Bro.

Buster Brown
05-22-2010, 01:58 PM
I hear ya! Plenty of locks & lights here. It happens though. Somebody stole my LP tanks off my travel trailer/camper a couple weeks ago. Just had them filled too........ Thieves SUCK!

Red Rider
05-22-2010, 03:10 PM
Those Mugen forks look like the forerunners of the technology found in inverted forks of today. Cool stuff!

05-22-2010, 03:22 PM
Where did you get the S-T Kit? Reminds me of the day I got mine. I really didnt know anything about it or what it was worth since I had never seen one before. I scored it for $75 and it was all nestled in the box just like yours. Looking back, I should have kept it new in the box and sold it to someone doing a resto like you are doing here. I like it and all, It's just im scared to death of rolling it over and breaking it. For the abusive riding I do, I feel bad using it.

Buster Brown
05-22-2010, 06:00 PM
$75............... Oh, I wish. A member from another ATV site hooked me up with a buddy of his who had this S/T kit in storage.

Buster Brown
05-23-2010, 03:50 PM
Here's the slow progress, as of this morning. Cookouts, beer to drink, so much to do - so little time! Stayed up after the kids went to bed and got a little more done last night.
Here she is...... The 18" Ohtsu H Traks might get swapped out for more of an MX tire of the day. I've got to order some more wheels from DWT.
Well Back out to the garage.......................




05-23-2010, 04:27 PM
WOW! talk about old school, TRICK parts!!! :drool: were'd you get the new rear tires? :drool:

I'm gonna keep an everlastin' eye on this AWESOME build!!!

05-23-2010, 11:14 PM
UNBELIEVABLE! Hey where did you get that intake boot? How does the port line up with the reed cage? curious

Buster Brown
05-23-2010, 11:29 PM
UNBELIEVABLE! Hey where did you get that intake boot? How does the port line up with the reed cage? curious

IT's just a Boyesen RAD valve. Pretty common aftermarket part. They fit all '85-'89 ATC/TRX 250Rs.

Wish someone here would've scolded me on my rear shock blunder!:crazy: WOOPS, backwards! One step forward two steps back. Darn Budweisers! :lol::lol::lol:


05-24-2010, 12:06 AM
dude ,this thing is going to look killer when done great work..Only one problem that big old box in the corner of every pic that says Honda is distracting me!!

Buster Brown
05-26-2010, 07:37 PM
Ha Ha Ha, LOL!
Here's a few updated pics as of yesterday.



05-26-2010, 07:39 PM
That is sick.. Beautiful build, can't wait to see more pics.

05-26-2010, 08:36 PM
Nice Project!!!

05-26-2010, 09:38 PM
looks amazing, but i got a question, why is the grab bar upside down?

05-26-2010, 09:49 PM
Thats looking so sweet already

05-26-2010, 09:59 PM
Andy thanks for giving me something to cry about. Dang!

05-27-2010, 04:18 AM
Looking great Andy..........can't wait to see it finished....

Buster Brown
05-30-2010, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, guys! It's a runner as of this evening. Here's some pics of the progress I made today. Just have to install the rest of the plastic, seat, tank, # plate, decals, & it'll be ready for the annual Mt. Horeb Summer Frolic Parade. This is our local annual festival & parade (fair/carnival). My 6 yr. old will ride next to me following our Chevy Suburban with trailer in tow. Thinking of displaying the crated R this year for giggles. Most won't really know what it even is, but there are a bunch of older ex-racer 250R guys that will be in attendance. Hope it doesn't rain! Should be fun.






05-30-2010, 11:49 PM
sweeeet bike man. i like the grabber upside down..looks gangster

05-31-2010, 12:11 AM
Definitely 1 of a kind. Looks great. Have you thought of putting a polished front wheel on it? Taking the crated R would be awesome. Somebody will definitely fall out when they see it. You definitely have a stellar collection.

05-31-2010, 12:14 AM
I like the lawn mower gass tank! My dad and i always use one for temporary runs, it's one just like that too LOL

Lookin' AWESOME!

05-31-2010, 12:15 AM
Hey, there's my Hondaline ATC cover I sold you on the '89 TRX 250R :-) Damm, I was hurt'n for cash awhile back and I needed to sell it. It's great that people on this forum are kind of like one big family. Cheers from a UPS driver down here in San Diego to a UPS feeder driver up in Wisconsin. Oh by the way, I got myself a mint '88 TRX 250R, maybe we can chat about those sometime :-)

05-31-2010, 07:29 PM
Looking really good Andy. Your builds are allways top notch. You coming to TF this year? Looking forward to meeting you in person.

05-31-2010, 10:41 PM
simply amazing

Buster Brown
05-31-2010, 10:47 PM
Guys, thanks for all the kind compliments and words of encouragement!
Well, I got it finished and ran it today. There may be a few things I will change or tweak, but it's pretty much done. I think I'll add an old school tether switch on some more MX'able bars & mount up the old Ohtsu MX tires. And, yes I may just mount a NOS front on a new polished wheel. I need to order another set of DWT rear polished wheels for the rear Ohtsu's... so probably do the front too.
I didn't get much time to jet it correctly today, with watching my kids ride (6 & 3 yrs old), but it's a usable bike and should work fine for next weekends parade. Here's a walk around view and a shot of my future vintage rider. **WITH A HELMET OF COARSE!** Funny thing too, the little crap did that pose all on his own & kinda surprised me. Love those kids!!!






05-31-2010, 11:33 PM
Where's the low pro rear fenders?!?

05-31-2010, 11:48 PM
Dang...... that looks positively sweet! I would be a fraid to ride it if I did a resto like that, with its awesomeness and such.

06-01-2010, 01:59 AM
Awesome machine. You know what would look and be trick Andy?..... Is if you ran an '86 CR250 Cylinder with the HPP Power Valve. Just dreaming here :-)

Buster Brown
06-01-2010, 03:22 AM
Thanks guys!

XR132........Well my low profile fenders are still on the way, and will be going on the 200R project next.

Beerside.....I'll be installing a Selvy cylinder believed to be formally owned by Steve Wright from team Honda. The cylinder is a bit ruff and will need a complete resto. Here's a few pictures. Steve Wright is on the left.




Buster Brown
06-01-2010, 03:25 AM
Looking really good Andy. Your builds are allways top notch. You coming to TF this year? Looking forward to meeting you in person.

Boy I'd like to. Not that optimistic though. Will see. Thanks, bud!

06-01-2010, 10:41 AM
looks down right awesome

06-02-2010, 06:45 AM
man that looks awesome Andy!!!!!!!

06-02-2010, 12:04 PM
what did you do for a chain slider for the Cal Fab?

Buster Brown
06-02-2010, 10:31 PM
I very slightly trimmed the CAL FAB slider to work right along with a OEM Honda slider. I used a plastic bolt & nut (license plate hardware) to hold the top, bottom, & retainer clip together on the OEM slider. It fits in there pretty good. May not actually hold up to full on race abuse, but functions & looks good for my needs.

Buster Brown
06-11-2010, 05:10 AM
The parade went great. Well....... almost. My 3yr old had a melt down, and ditched a ride with me on the trike for a tantrum in the back of the truck while throwing candy. UG... Somebody needed a nap. She's sitting in front of me on the bike with big crocodile tears in the 2nd picture. I tried to talk her into it being "so fun", but she wasn't having any part of it.
Anyway, my 6yr old rode real well beside me and the trike ran flawlessly. A little too "on the snappy side", for a 3 mph parade, but it was fun. I got a lot of "lift it" cheers from the sidelines. :lol:

My photographer didn't impress me much so here's all I've got.......

Awe,.... Isn't she............. (angry)

Follow that swandwich!

06-11-2010, 11:54 AM
You should ditch those boyesen reeds and get ESR reeds with cage:naughty:.

Buster Brown
06-12-2010, 10:44 AM
Hmmmmmmm. :rolleyes:
Yha, ............. ESR ???????????? That's really old school.

Here's the pitch, ....................... the swing,...........Oh, just a bit outside.

Don't mean to slam ya here, but you missed the ball on this one. Go back and read the whole thread.
If anything, I should maybe ditch the RAD valve set up for an '86 CR 250 reed cage. I'm only using period '86, and earlier performance parts on this build.
Maybe I should ditch the planned Steve Wright, SELVY cylinder for a power valve set up too........ Ha!:lol:

Sorry, I'm just in one of those moods. Time for my meds!
No worries, thanks for the input!

06-12-2010, 01:51 PM
Hmmmmmmm. :rolleyes:
Yha, ............. ESR ???????????? That's really old school.

Here's the pitch, ....................... the swing,...........Oh, just a bit outside.

Don't mean to slam ya here, but you missed the ball on this one. Go back and read the whole thread.
If anything, I should maybe ditch the RAD valve set up for an '86 CR 250 reed cage. I'm only using period '86, and earlier performance parts on this build.
Maybe I should ditch the planned Steve Wright, SELVY cylinder for a power valve set up too........ Ha!:lol:

Sorry, I'm just in one of those moods. Time for my meds!
No worries, thanks for the input!

Oh oops. I just skimed through the thread and saw boyesen reeds. So thats what I thought you used. lol. Also this may be a dumb question but what does a power valve jug do?

Buster Brown
06-12-2010, 06:41 PM
^ No big thing. I realize you meant nothing by it.
A power valve cylinder has a slide or rotating exhaust valve which changes the port opening size at different RPMs to enhance power. Just do a search here, or google for more info.

Talked to my neighbor today, and he took a few shots when we went by last weekend. He didn't get any of my truck and trailer, though. I had an '86 & '88 TRX 250R on there for display. Skipped on displaying the powder coated frames as a last minute time saver. (Now I'll get to work on the ATC 200R this week)

Edit: no helmet, no pics. Sorry. Dems da rules.

06-12-2010, 10:13 PM
Nice parade pics! Cool!

06-13-2010, 02:47 AM
that trike turned out just strait up awsome man. great work! i want that crated R lol.

06-13-2010, 08:04 AM
Looks really good.
Love the Calfab. I would love to MX on a set of Mugen's just to feel how good they are vs. stock with progressives..Doubt that will ever happen though..Haha! That is only the 3rd set I have seen since I have been into trikes, or on the forums.

I will second the vote to ditch the gold front wheel though..Either way still looks great.

Buster Brown
04-26-2011, 01:17 PM
Well I'll have to agree with ya Rob, on the gold wheels. I match them up a couple days ago with a few "tweaks" on this 250 trike. Think'n the 200R still looks better with all virgin polished aluminum wheels. I may swap the gold wheels out after I get a couple more lighter components delivered...........:naughty: Few more goodies in the works... BTW anyone look'n for a +2" Westcoast for an '85 R. Yanked out the one (pictured) under the 200R. Just don't like the looks of it on a racer (too long & heavy). CAL FAB on the way.
Swapped out the stock bars and controls for a more MX feel. Replaced the NOS stock front & rear fender with a Maier set for decal purposes. Whatcha think, too many??? Got a little sticker happy the other night.
Anyone ever seen a brake petal like this...?? Got it off feebay a few weeks back. Kinda trick, and pretty sure it's authentic old school. If anyone has info on the history or fabricator of this piece, please chime in.
Still working on the '85 CR Muigen cylinder too. That might take a while though.






04-26-2011, 03:19 PM
Your bikes look awesome man!!! I love the Mountain Dew sticker too!

04-26-2011, 03:48 PM
Very nice stuff Andy, I love the zerk fitting on the pedal pivot! :D

04-26-2011, 04:37 PM
Very nice!!!

04-26-2011, 04:56 PM
I have seen one of those last pics before sorta it's on ebay your getting rid of the westcoast to get a cal fab, not a bad price either. But I don't have a watercooled R s I can't use it. SWEET BUILD though

04-26-2011, 06:01 PM
DANG your hubs went really fast I have never even heard of them let alone seen them. very cool peice wish i had it

04-26-2011, 07:08 PM
I'm pretty sure I remember Nevil running that brake pedal after Chuck was sponsoring him. I know Chuck homemade his aluminum airbox.. That was very trick! I don't recall him doing brake pedals. And in all my years,I do not ever remember a zerk fitting! You did that ,or it came that way? I wish Honda would wake up and put them on all their new quads!! I would have alot more hours back in my life! BTW,Andy,, From someone who lived it ..flawless,,speechless,phenominal buying,building and displaying. Next level stuff! Great work!! I just found this thread?? Btw,,your shock was in backwards!!.

04-26-2011, 08:32 PM
Hey Buster, Is the Cal-fab I sold you going on that trike now? Also how did it turn out?

Sweet trike, I could look at them all night long


Buster Brown
04-27-2011, 12:18 AM
Hey, thanks guys! I dig the approval.
The Brake petal was purchased off ebay as you see it above. The only thing I changed was the oblong smooth rather looking "foot pad" it had. I fabbed the lighter gripy one you see in the pics. It;s removable and could theoretically be replaced if worn down. the grease zerk was there, and the whole thing works as well as it looks. I really don't know of it's age or if it's a homemade one off piece. The ebay seller asked if I knew anything about it, as he did not, he claimed. I said nope, but I WANT it.
He had posted it up with a $40 opening bid price. I messaged him about a possible purchase and ending the listing. I was flying down the interstate when I read his reply on my cell. He says he revised the listing with a BIN of $50...... I about had a cow cursing down the road.
WTF.... Managed still to get my sausage link fingers to nab it quick off my phone. Funny now , but that had me all worked up then. I guess I get a little too wrapped up in this stuff....?? (LOL)
Yes your CAL FAB will one way or another grace the 200R in the next few weeks. I've got some more to do on this 250 and the 200R. Mainly aluminum stuff. Ninja started a thread a while back about weight savings (diet) on a R. He showed an old article of an Allen Knowles CT/Mugen build. I've been inspired to say the least. Ganna cost a few clams, but will be super cool hopefully. Here's a couple tiny sneak peaks.... I would've loved to claim these parts to be the real deal from back in the day, but I won't go there. Might of been fun for awhile, but I'd be a looser in the end.
These are probably in my opinion, a couple of the best reproductions made to date. Not by me though (I wish). A awesome guy from Wausa WI by the name Jody. He owns and runs Pinit ATV. One hell of a nice, easy going, attention to detail metal worker. Please keep in mind these pics are "progress" pics and things are not buttoned up yet (haters need not apply). Heck you can't see much anyway.....HE He he
More to come....



04-27-2011, 03:15 AM
Jody Meadows is a cool guy for sure. I remember calling him about ST kits 10 or 11 years ago when I still lived in WI. He also built a 450R trike conversion a few years ago, dare I say one of the first. When it came to ice racing in the great white North, quite a few racers already knew the advantages of a trike chassis and a modern powerplant long before I saw guys posting their conversions on the boards. I remember seeing a 426 in a 250R in 02, those guys would put their MX bikes engine in a trike frame just to race it on the ice in the winter. The tracks up there are flat out and WFO! I've seen an XR600 in a 350X, all manner of 450s in 250Rs and even a KZ500 in a 200X up there. There was even a guy with a 250R that had an adjustable neck on it's frame, last name was Flees or Fleas.

Buster Brown
04-27-2011, 10:40 AM
Too funny Ninja....
I've seen some way out there looking rides too at the cheese head ice races. It's such a small world. Jody asked where I got the 200R from. He remembered you from way back I think. He's got a real nice collection of Laeger, Walsh, and stock Rs as you probably know (some very rare). Welds like a pro and is just plain nice, without the usual ego that sometimes comes with a person of his caliber. He's one of the best I've ever dealt with. You gasp a bit when you walk into his shop. Cool projects everywhere. He's a member here I think, but is rare to post. Maybe he'll chime in. You can tell he really takes personal pride in his work. VERY high attention to detail. Local service is nice too, seeing progress and working in person is a definite plus. I mean no "diss" to the other guys like Billy, & Jason here who do phenomenal work as well, but personally visiting someone and handing them your parts is a nice feeling. It's also an added plus to skip the shipping hassles on this larger stuff.

Buster Brown
05-22-2011, 01:19 AM
Well to save a bit of time here's a link to the newly delivered parts from Jody. Turned out real nice! I''l post up some more pics on this thread after the stuffs installed and my 10" tires arrive.
BTW, thanks Jody! http://www.3wheelerworld.com/showthread.php?130825-CAL-FAB-250R-reproduction-swingarm-and-CT-style-front-hub-for-10-quot-rim

Buster Brown
05-28-2011, 11:24 PM
Well I'm going to hold off on putting a 10" front wheel set up on this bike. Mainly I don't have a tire yet, but I'm also thinking that most ran the 11" tire back in the day, especially for MX. I did though change a couple little things, and am happier with the looks now. Mosh you will hopefully appreciate the matching wheels... (LOL)
Now just need to get the Mugen jug done up and installed.





05-29-2011, 01:34 AM
Very nice. Talk about inspiration.

Its awesome to see quality work put into a trike.

05-29-2011, 04:18 PM
Hey is that an oven in your shop? If so could you give me some input on how to or what I would need to put one together? Thank you Justin . You could pm me if you would like.

05-29-2011, 04:19 PM
Oh ya very nice work on them there bikes. Justin .

Buster Brown
05-29-2011, 11:01 PM
Justin here below is a linked thread including a little on my oven build. All the guys here have good info and recommendations so ask away or do a search.
I've since upgraded to a PSS Spectracoat ES03 powder coat gun system, with powder kegs & vibrating plates. Just got in from running a small batch of black for a TRX build. It's still very rewarding to do your own PCing when ever you want.
Good luck to ya!



05-30-2011, 06:24 AM
hi i am looking for short track tank kit do you no of any for sale please let me no thomasmourne@btinternet.com thanks for any help tom

05-30-2011, 01:49 PM
That is what I was looking for . Thank you. The link you provided was very helpful . When you put yours together you used hardy board could I use a fire proof sheet rock or is hardy board the way to go? I would also like to use gas burners , do youthink they would work? I use to shoot for alspec finishing in binghaton ny back in the day,so I have the shooting down wet and dry paint and powder our booths and ovens were second to none. I shot race cars choppers dirt bikes you name it I have put paint or powder on it, just never though to set something up at home but now I just bought a new house and have the room for something like this. Thank you for your help and if I have anything to ask I will ,thanxs again Justin .

05-30-2011, 01:53 PM
Andy, Your bikes are second to none and so beyond drool worthy. Thank you for the step back in time...

05-30-2011, 01:56 PM
Buy the way I usedvthat kind of gun before and to clean it out we would shoot earplugs down trough the powder line. I know you didn't ask but I thought I would offer what I used to do. You know the soft ones they are green orange you can get a big jug from like napa for like 10 bucks. Justin.

Buster Brown
06-01-2011, 08:34 PM
I've had a few people ask about the rear tires, and can't remember if I posted info in the past. I'll add this info to the thread for educational purposes now that they are staying on this trike. A BIG thanks goes to Rick "seadoo650" for all the rare rubber! These tires are 220/430-9 (with no dimples). I'm sure there are more out there hiding, but these are the only set I've personally seen still around. They were offered to the factory Honda Racers only, and a protest was filed. A ban was then enforced due to the non production rule.






Red Rider
06-01-2011, 08:52 PM
Andy, thanks for posting the info & history on these rare Ohtsu tires. It was a little tough reading the articles, but luckily I have excellent squint vision. In the article titled "Tire Rule Implemented", it mentioned some Hoosiers that were very similar looking to the Ohtsus. Has anybody ever seen some of these?

06-02-2011, 01:08 PM
I love the Ipad for reading those, but it suck for almost everything else. But do you know if those tire blanks are still around? Thanxs Justin . I have been looking for golf cart tires also.

06-02-2011, 01:16 PM
I've had a few people ask about the rear tires, and can't remember if I posted info in the past. I'll add this info to the thread for educational purposes now that they are staying on this trike. A BIG thanks goes to Rick "seadoo650" for all the rare rubber! These tires are 220/430-9 (with no dimples). I'm sure there are more out there hiding, but these are the only set I've personally seen still around. They were offered to the factory Honda Racers only, and a protest was filed. A ban was then enforced due to the non production rule.

I knew them suckers were rare. Glad they went to you Andy. Should I divulge what I paid for them?????

Buster Brown
06-02-2011, 05:18 PM
I'd bet a lot less than I did, Rick...... LOL!
I suppose a big fat $0.0 ???
BTW, The other rare seldom seen flat track OHTSUs I got from you are going on a retro TRX racer project soon. Thanks again, Rick.

06-02-2011, 06:20 PM
You are correct. They were given to me as a finders fee. I believe I scored the flat trackers for $20 from a dude on a weekend ride.

Did U get my p.m. about the 200X SRP fenders?

06-02-2011, 08:46 PM
Andy, thanks for posting the info & history on these rare Ohtsu tires. It was a little tough reading the articles, but luckily I have excellent squint vision. In the article titled "Tire Rule Implemented", it mentioned some Hoosiers that were very similar looking to the Ohtsus. Has anybody ever seen some of these?

Yes,The Hoosiers were a very cool tire. Lots back in the day! Now?? Have not seen any since,,90?? The Hoosier guy was Sid,from Leisure Distributing. Down the road from me. His employee,Rick,was the van driver,and tire groover. They had to be at EVERY National. He knew EVERYONE! That's the only way I know some of the things I do. Anyhow,if there was a Hoosier in 3wheeling or Atv News,it CAME out the back of that van! Jimmy White was working for one of the tire companys last I knew,10 years ago !? ITP,Carlisle,can't remember. Anyhow,I bought out Leisures inventory in 96 or 97. Sadly Very little 3 wheel stuff. Some gems,but few and far between. I have a few Hoosiers left ,but they are cracking and def not the knobbies! : (

Buster Brown
02-23-2013, 09:12 PM
Slow progress here. I did get my Mugen cylinder installed. First I had the Mugen head gasket reproduced by Cometic (minimum quantity of 10). Then, via Eric Gore, the cylinder was sent to Millenium Plating to have the old chrome bore stripped and then Nikasil'd. Eric Gore now works at Millenium in Sheboygan WI, and has sold his business.
I also decided to put the Paul Turner swingarm on this trike. Here a couple pics of the cylinder progress. Lots to do still.


02-23-2013, 09:54 PM
Amazing :drool:

02-24-2013, 12:44 PM
I second that....:drool::drool:

Buster Brown
08-17-2014, 12:06 PM
About done on this '86 Mugen build. Took my boy to the track to ride and it made for a nice backdrop for a few pictures. Can't ride trikes at this track , so no real seat time, but it runs/sounds healthy.




08-17-2014, 12:42 PM
So sick :drool:

If you ever want to sell that one Andy, keep me in your thoughts.

Joseph Farrow
08-17-2014, 01:33 PM
Bike looks Awesome! It's no way I could have not made some laps on that track.

08-17-2014, 02:26 PM
Wow! Just wow. It's a beauty.

08-18-2014, 03:58 AM
looks awesome Andy!!!! need a ride report bud!!!!