View Full Version : Best website for us 3 wheel guys but seems like theres way more veiws then replies

04-21-2010, 11:35 PM
notice alot of posts on here are guys looking for simple help and alot of the people reading these replies are very smart but nobody seems to replie unless you have been a member for along time or have awsome pics of trikes or moded out wheelers,would be nice for more input to help out the people that are asking for help even if they seem stupid all input helps we have all been there before the only way to learn is hands on or peoples input thats what keeps us collectors keep collecting learning on how to work on them.no bashers now over this post just a suggestion.:D

drag banshee
04-21-2010, 11:43 PM
there is no such thing as a stupid person,I learned at the track when I raced that in a group of 50 people that are talking about a problem that the dumb answer could be the fix.Listen to all opinions because you can learn alot from the the odd person.

04-21-2010, 11:46 PM
More than likely the people reading the posts do not have the answer. Clear enough?

04-22-2010, 12:02 AM
well it could be that some people aren't positive on how to help so they wait to see if someone chimes in .... but you have to remember its not a chat room either... sometimes it takes a couple of days for people to see the post,,, i know it does for me,,, so relax and do a search and read some too,,, people will respond soon enough.

04-22-2010, 12:09 AM
More than likely the people reading the posts do not have the answer. Clear enough?

Exactly what I was going to say. Beat me to it.

04-22-2010, 12:44 AM
I could spend all day on here answering questions but I dont because of time and I feel people want "instant gratification." Nobody seems to want to read a manual anymore to learn how to troubleshoot problems. For the older mechanic crowd on here, we didnt have the internet so did it the old fashioned way by the book and learned quite a bit. Also sometimes I will read a thread and by what is written the poster they are way in over there head on a repair and offering advice is not going to help and probably make things worse because they don't have the knowledge/skills to get the job done right. And also some things just can't be diagnosed on the internet. I know it all sounds harsh, but I feel its for the better good..BUT I do like to help when its possible or for a challenging repair or interesting subject.

04-22-2010, 01:09 AM
I read alot of posts that honestly, have been answered a milion times over, and alot of members are probably sick of ansereing them!! I would suggest using the search function, and spending 10 min fanning through some posts. Alot of times you will find your answer. Your first post should be a request of where to find a service manual for your particular machine.

04-22-2010, 01:23 AM
I read alot of posts that honestly, have been answered a milion times over, and alot of members are probably sick of ansereing them!! I would suggest using the search function, and spending 10 min fanning through some posts. Alot of times you will find your answer. Your first post should be a request of where to find a service manual for your particular machine.

I'll agree with this. There are certain subjects that seem to appear over and over.

I'll tell you one thing hotscrape- If you're going to continue to type without using punctuation or capitol letters I'll never respond to anything you type. If I come across a thread or a post without punctuation or with bad grammar, I'm not even going to read it. If you don't have time to type properly, I don't have time to read your tripe. All too many new members type this way. Please refrain from "texting" and you may do better.

04-22-2010, 07:10 AM

04-22-2010, 07:40 AM
Oh yah, caps is considering yelling, while your searching you should read the rules while your at it.

04-22-2010, 07:48 AM
I am not saying this to upset you, but Fabio has a point. It's even in the rules for members to try and type so people can understand what you are saying. Imagine if people talked like some typed.
Do you think anyone would understand them, or help them?

Now, to answer your question....
I am sure there are many reasons why people do not reply to some threads. Everything that was already posted above is right on.

- The search feature.
- People may not know the answer.
- * People can't figure out what the poster is asking *
- Or, and I have seen this....someone answers a question and gets more members arguing with them about their way of doing something. I think this is the big one. This is the stuff that makes people leave the site.

04-22-2010, 08:07 AM
I only tend to answer questions related to the trikes i have an interest in. I dont like blowing smoke up someones rear on questions I have no clue about, i'd rather not guess. This is off the topic but i do feel if the site was sectioned per type of machine more people would get to the point answers as per other forums i am on.

04-22-2010, 09:19 AM
I'll agree with this. There are certain subjects that seem to appear over and over.

I'll tell you one thing hotscrape- If you're going to continue to type without using punctuation or capitol letters I'll never respond to anything you type. If I come across a thread or a post without punctuation or with bad grammar, I'm not even going to read it. If you don't have time to type properly, I don't have time to read your tripe. All too many new members type this way. Please refrain from "texting" and you may do better.

I agree 100%

matt drover
04-22-2010, 10:09 AM
I have a hard time using the search option it always tells me to wait 60 seconds. How do u properly use it.

04-22-2010, 10:21 AM
I have a hard time using the search option it always tells me to wait 60 seconds. How do u properly use it.

you have to wait 60 seconds in between post,or searches.kind of a spam guard

04-22-2010, 10:28 AM
search function is not a great tool anymore and that is a shame and probably why we get the same questions alot there are some great ppl on here and I love the site and you do have to be careful about trying to help when you really shouldn't

04-22-2010, 10:51 AM
I think a lot of it because there are many questions that people just need to reference their manual. I am pretty new on here but I have seen hundreds of questions relating to the air mixture and idles screws on the carbs when it is in the manual. And sometimes after people are given a link to their manual. People need to learn how to read the manuals its the best way to know how to fix and maintain anything. Once you can read a service manual and understand it you can fix anything. I mean when someone post a question about why their brake job isn't working out right and they have no pictures and live a thousand miles away, what is someone supposed to say? Go back to your manual, follow the steps, because you missed one. And punctuation really does help. There was a post the other day that was a whole page long, not comma or period anywhere. I gave up. Its easier to read if people write so you can understand it. And its not a spelling bee, but this is a computer we're on right?

There are a lot of great posts and some really great help but there are some redundant questions, and they usually do get answered anyways.

Search works, but usually it gives me the message wait 60 seconds between searches on the first search, then I wait 60 seconds and it works.

04-22-2010, 10:53 AM
Somebody posted a tip on here a while back about how to search the site using google. Maybe we should sticky that or something.

That's one of the biggest reasons people don't reply. The vast majority of questions being posted here have been asked and answered a hundred times. Think about it. These machines are over 20 years old. Truly "new" problems are rare. We just need a better/easier way for newer members to find what they're looking for.

04-22-2010, 12:34 PM
i always do my best to answer everything i can, i normally read ones with few to no replies first. i have even spent time PMing people trying to help them.

04-22-2010, 12:52 PM
Alot of the simple questions arent so simple. There are meatballs that will post something up along the lines of "my bike dont run, whats wrong?"
I know I don't want to ask a bunch of questions just to give an answer, and I'm sure many others on here dont either.

Not everyone is mechanically inclined I know, but WTF, grab a manual and atleast try to not be a lazy prick.

Someone posted up earlier that there are no dumb questions, I beg to differ. My opinion is this, post up as much info as you can, what you tried, and what you didnt because you arent sure how and people will be much more willing to help.

04-22-2010, 01:08 PM
I'm very satisfied with the responses I've gotten to questions I've asked. And I know that some of them, like the 200x hub replacement, has been asked before. I'd say there's a pretty knowledgeable and patient group on here. Give em credit.

04-22-2010, 01:22 PM
Another example of the have not's demanding something from those that have it. How dare you demand answers you yourself don't even have, from others who may very well not have them either. I mean, really people, get a clue on how to take control of your own life and problems!

Nothing ventured nothing gained. Most people gain knowledge through failure, so go out and fail and you will learn quickly!

04-22-2010, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=Most people gain knowledge through failure, so go out and fail and you will learn quickly![/QUOTE]

Thats true, gotta screw it up 1st to get it right the next time....with anything.

one thing i dont understand is why people cant google somthing 1st, like what bike they own or plug to use. this info is all over the place...its even at the back of denniskirks catolog! often times i find my self doing a google search to answer a question asked. if im cluess to somthing ill admit it in a post question, if i can learn somthing i will.

i dont know every, i learn and relearn alot of stuff it from the site, i like to work on the bikes and i like to learn. it just seems no one wants to look anything up regaurdless if its this site or using google.

this is where i see things that could be improved with the site. other sites im on we have stickys that appear at the top of each certain bike section, it will say all kind of things like how to do suspension swaps or bolt on mods. i think this is somthing the site should adopt. it really cut down on the same questions over an over again...how do i know?

i was on the site for 8 years with almost 9K posts and did some of these write ups.

04-22-2010, 02:05 PM
Somebody posted a tip on here a while back about how to search the site using google. Maybe we should sticky that or something.

I didn't see that post, but that's what I do all the time.

Just go to google, and type the following:

site:3wheelerworld.com how to remove axle

(or whatever search you want)

Just be sure there is NO SPACE between site: and 3wheelerworld.com.

04-22-2010, 02:09 PM
You dont even need to mention the site name, just your question, and alot of times 3ww comes up anyway.

04-22-2010, 02:33 PM
Nothing ventured nothing gained. Most people gain knowledge through failure, so go out and fail and you will learn quickly!

I wish more people would listen to this philosophy. There was no internet when I started spinning wrenches and even after there was, I wasn't on it until five years ago. When something broke, I'd rip into it until I found the problem. Somebody thousands of miles away who can't see what you're doing isn't always the answer. Git 'er dun.

haggard 2hundie
04-22-2010, 07:52 PM
wow ! that was an eye opener, im the lazy guy who would post a new thread rather than searching the old ones, sorry. Anyway I have a service manual and owners manual for my trike ( thanks to this forum ) and i read them both constantly, but sometimes its good to get a personalized answer, sounds lame but whatever.
Anyway im slowly learning its much more rewarding to figure out the problem on my own, takes a little more time but its worth it in the end. So i just want to thank everyone who has responded to all my tired old questions, you have all been a big help and that what this place is for. RIDE ON !
Oh ya, THANK YOU , and i didnt mean to yell, sorry about that.