04-18-2010, 01:27 AM
Well i just got a 83 trike from a friend, its in bad shape and needs alot of work. ive started the tear down and found the starter in rough shape, there are missing brushes and the comm bars are warped.. i was getting contiuity to ground through the poss on the starter, lol. So the clutch linkage has been cut and no longer works and when the bike is in gear and you manualy disengauge the cluch it wouldent roll so i pulled off the cover to check the plates and found they were stuck together due to lack of lube, so i got them all lubed up and went to put the the cover plate on and the the bar that controls the popit release for the cluch wont line up, is there some kind of trick to getting it to line up ive tryed grease to keep it in place, laying the bike on its side and on its wheels and trying to pop it out with a screw driver when the cover is on and the bar is out. any help would be nice thanks.