View Full Version : Finally Picked up my Trike

04-15-2010, 08:15 PM
Well finally picked up the trike this week. It was advertised as a Honda Trike with engine capacity of .11 so figured it was a 110 but now its home the frame says atc90, so figure its a 90, They are the same as a 110 anyway right?

She's had a rough little life and is missing some bits. And its yellow, looking under the tank and plastics revealed it was red once upon a time.

Bits missing or need replacing

Chain Guard (my kids are little and don't want misshaps with chains as have seen them before and are nasty!)
It has no Seat/plastics latch
Plastics/Seat are chocked up underneath with wood, is this where a toolbox would sit?
No Neutral indicator am sure I can make something if I want
No front Guard, Think I have found one near by pretty cheap.

So far checks have found
No spark - Points open etc but will have to check this out more
Tank doesn't look rusty inside from what I can see
Tested the brake and it locked up so probably needs adjusting and lubing up
The H/L gearbox I can't seem to move the lever.
Whats the button on the side of the carby you pull out for? its just in front of the choke?
Rear tires are not the same and while they both say 22x11x8 one is obviously wider and a little taller than the other.

So I was hoping I could ride it as is when I got it hope so the kids could enjoy but looks like I might just have to start stripping her back straight away.
Will be repainting frame and redoing the wiring harness I think as there are alot of small bare patches and other dodgy connectors etc. I think I am going to get rid of the light will see how it performs but think I might just get a torch mount and mount a damn good cree up there for night time rides/hunting.

anyway going to be alot of fun.


04-15-2010, 09:03 PM
Congratulations on your trike! Sounds like you got yourself a basket case! :lol: :pics::pics::pics::pics::pics::pics:

big yeller
04-16-2010, 01:10 AM
yes need pics.

04-16-2010, 07:07 AM
hahaha will organise some pics, Think I have decided to just go the rebuild route straight up, first replace/sort out the wiring harness, do all the bearings reaer carrier etc and get a chain cover, new rings in and see how she goes.

tri again
04-16-2010, 07:28 AM
hahaha will organise some pics, Think I have decided to just go the rebuild route straight up, first replace/sort out the wiring harness, do all the bearings reaer carrier etc and get a chain cover, new rings in and see how she goes.

i would start with Compression. That will tell you which direction to go with your efforts and $$.
next would be spark. Got spark? if not its no big deal or expense.

Carb has to be filthy so make sure that its cleanable...could be expensive

the pull thingie on the carb is an altitude adjustment for like over 6000 feet

the rest of the stuff you could live without but thats the fun part adding/fixing as time goes by.

Check compression first, tho. clean the carb and RUN it for a bit so you can get MOtivated and make sure it shifts and stuff and is actually worth fixing

I'm sure it prob is.

I've gotten a few on pallets that were given up for dead and they RAN!!!

on the pallets with no wheels or seats and looked like roadkill

04-16-2010, 09:14 AM
congrats on your trike.atc 90 is a fun little trike.it has a surprising amount of grunt for a 90cc machine.go through it well and she'll treat you right.get some pics up of your beast when you can

04-16-2010, 09:55 AM
If the ATC90 had the same carb as the CT90 (pretty much the same engine except one is kick and the other is pull) the little brass knob on the carb you can pull out is a high elevation knob. As soon as you climb over 6000 ft with the little 90just pull the lever and keep going. Honda thought of everything.

04-17-2010, 04:55 AM
hahaha so over 6000ft not likely here in Aus.

At the minute she def has no spark so will check out all the wiring, there are alot of small bit of bare wire etc Thinking I will re-do the harness piece by piece looks straight forward, ditch the head light and mount up and torch mount for my Fenix.

For the spark have checked the points and looks okay, my coil has been modified so a standard plug lead with plugs works on both ends so need to test the coil and all other connections.

Found it also has no tank band, could something like a pipe clamp work here? And is the seat latch needed, If I get some air is the plastics likely to not be there when I land lol
