View Full Version : Purchasing NOS carb for YTM225DX...

04-09-2010, 02:01 PM
Yamaha still sells a brand new carb for the YTM225DX. It just costs a pretty penny.

There are 2 part numbers 29U-14101-02-00 and 29U-14101-03-00 The "03" is the new part number.

This part number comes direct from the 1984 YTM225DX fiche. Would it be a direct bolt on with no jetting required? Does the float height come "pre-set"? I would assume if the part number is under the model, it would be model specific and ready to go.

The Yamaha dealer was unable to tell me what the difference is between the 03 and 02 part number.

Anyone know what it could be?

Anyone purchase this carb for their 225DX?

For this kind of money, can I purchase any other carb that would bolt onto my 225DX? Perhaps a performance carb?
There is no Chinese knock-off carbs that I can find for the YTM225DX.


04-09-2010, 03:15 PM
Yamaha still sells a brand new carb for the YTM225DX. It just costs a pretty penny.

There are 2 part numbers 29U-14101-02-00 and 29U-14101-03-00 The "03" is the new part number.

This part number comes direct from the 1984 YTM225DX fiche. Would it be a direct bolt on with no jetting required? Does the float height come "pre-set"? I would assume if the part number is under the model, it would be model specific and ready to go.

The Yamaha dealer was unable to tell me what the difference is between the 03 and 02 part number.

Anyone know what it could be?

Anyone purchase this carb for their 225DX?

For this kind of money, can I purchase any other carb that would bolt onto my 225DX? Perhaps a performance carb?
There is no Chinese knock-off carbs that I can find for the YTM225DX.


How much is it?? Try ordering the same part from www.ServiceHONDA.com (gets all manufacture OEM parts now..) I bet you it'll be 10-20% cheaper.

I wouldn't worry about the 02 vs 03 in the part number. Just a revision. Might just be a newer run of the carb or consolidation of part numbers with the YFM225. It should have all the correct jetting and float adjustments, especially if it's in the parts schematic. Those carbs are a pain in the butt... I've been tempted to just buy a new one, but had like 5 used ones I mixed and matched to get 2 good ones.

04-09-2010, 06:01 PM
How much is it?? Try ordering the same part from www.ServiceHONDA.com (gets all manufacture OEM parts now..) I bet you it'll be 10-20% cheaper.

I'm in the lovely land of Canada, where after duty and shipping it is actually cheaper at my dealer. I get a bit of a discount as well at the local dealer to help, but its still mighty expensive compared to a Chinese knock-off carbs(if they made one)

I wouldn't worry about the 02 vs 03 in the part number. Just a revision.
Thanks. Kinda figured so. Just double checking.

Those carbs are a pain in the butt...