View Full Version : Air Filter Help

03-31-2010, 08:04 PM
Hi guys, I pulled the old air filter because it looked like this. I imagine it USED to have a foam around it...can anyone confirm ?


I then proceeded to buy this filter and replace it:


Now I needed some oil to soak the air filter...but I lost the instructions so I went to the local store and bought this Kit...before I use it can someone tell me if it is OK or is this the wrong thing to coat my air filter with ?


I am leaving tomorrow evening, I hope to hear from you all!!

Also what is the proper Engine oil to buy, I want to pick up a can tomorrow before I head into New York.

Thanks guys

03-31-2010, 08:09 PM
That is the same filters I run. I have never oiled mine. The last time I tried the oil was too thick and clogged the filter and the bike ran way rich and like crap. Since then I never oil my filters. I just wash em out after each ride. I'd imagine if you're running in very dusty conditions you could very lightly oil it but if you're riding in New york, you probably won't need it.

03-31-2010, 08:18 PM
It is going to be muddy this weekend, but I don't see there being much dust other than whats kikced up on a gravel road. I spent $14.99 on this kit, I might give it a little spray, i'll see what the general 3ww consensus is.

03-31-2010, 08:21 PM
nay on the spray...

03-31-2010, 08:23 PM
So far 2 on the Nay... looks like im going to go and get my Moolah back ( still have receipt)

03-31-2010, 09:19 PM
are you guys serious???????????? im quite sad to here people arnt oiling their air filters....
well that oil will work but its for K&N filters (cloth based filters) your going to want foam air filter oil. but the K&N will be fine its just when you run foam oil on K&Ns do u have problems.

and as for it running rich, well the oil needs like 10 mins of engine running for the oil to get sucked threw and air passages to get unclogged, your not soaking the filter just spraying the outside like spray paint
you should have no problems AT ALL and tell no difference from dry or oiled if you do it right, the only difference is your engine will last sooooo much longer.
so simply spray the oil (especially that K&N oil, its thinner than foam oil and wont clogg it nearly as much, it just offers less protection but im more than satisfied using it on foam) on like spray paint, or spray your hands down with rubber gloves on and rub it on the surface, your not dunking or soaking your filter in it, saturation i could imagine would cause you to run rich...
now the engine may be hard to start at first and run poorly for the first min maybe but after a few revvs it will be like you never oiled it.

03-31-2010, 09:25 PM
I'm running the same filter and oil it with the K&N kit... I have never had any problems. Just spray it lightly, give it some time to soak in and put it in the airbox...

03-31-2010, 09:30 PM
yeah, the K&N oil is simply just not as tacky and wont collect dirt "as well", but its more than good enough. its just made because K&N filters cant handle the sticky thick mess of foam oil.

03-31-2010, 09:35 PM
Surprisingly enough, out here in the Colorado dunes, I have always run K&N filers with no oil and Outerwears and they filter great, never blown an engine or had any wear, not even clogged jets. I have about a case of that filter oil in my garage because I buy the cleaner/oil kit :)

03-31-2010, 10:00 PM
Surprisingly enough, out here in the Colorado dunes, I have always run K&N filers with no oil and Outerwears and they filter great, never blown an engine or had any wear, not even clogged jets. I have about a case of that filter oil in my garage because I buy the cleaner/oil kit :)

but why not have that extra protection when theres no real disadvantage, laziness is what is the hardest part, sure you might not have to much dirt go in with no oil, but why not be extra safe. rather be safe than sorry. if you take pride in your machine you should oil it. but if its a beater then who cares, lol

Bryan Raffa
03-31-2010, 10:11 PM
gonna say take back the K&N and get yourself a can of BelRay,maxima,PJ1..ect..tacky airfilter spray...(spraypaint can) lightly spray it.. even if its a beater.... probley get a few bucks back.... clean it with gas ,, and blow it out with air,, repete oil..;)

03-31-2010, 10:22 PM
but why not have that extra protection when theres no real disadvantage, laziness is what is the hardest part, sure you might not have to much dirt go in with no oil, but why not be extra safe. rather be safe than sorry. if you take pride in your machine you should oil it. but if its a beater then who cares, lol
80% of my trikes and bikes were beaters, except my '80 CR480R, my ATC250R, and my 350X. everything else had the stock setup, owned for a week, or were for around my house, which is more weeds than anything. I use the oil on critical stuff as well, like my Bombardier 250MX, that was my baby.

03-31-2010, 10:33 PM
gonna say take back the K&N and get yourself a can of BelRay,maxima,PJ1..ect..tacky airfilter spray...(spraypaint can) lightly spray it.. even if its a beater.... probley get a few bucks back.... clean it with gas ,, and blow it out with air,, repete oil..;)
i agree, or atleast next time buy PJ1 (thats what i use anyway) gas or PJ1 makes a foam filter cleaner solvent that i find to be great

04-01-2010, 01:26 AM
Oil is what actually "filters" the air in foam filters. Not using oil only keeps the large particles out. I usually clean my foam filters in dishsoap/water and let them dry. Then I coat them in clean engine oil and wring them out. That is really the least you should do. You can buy foam air filter oil, and I am sure it works, but in my expirience clean engine oil works just as good (edit: check with your filter manufacture, some foam filters require special oil, some use engine oil). You definately don't want to run it dry. I know some of you guy's run them dry with no problems, I believe you. I used to run my lawnmower's (back in my pre-atv owning day's, lawnmowers were my atv's) with no air filters at all and had no problems. The truth is, if you ran one machine with a properly oiled and clean air filter and one without, the oiled filtered machine would have far less engine wear. Just my .02

04-01-2010, 01:31 AM
Uni filters maintance procedure:

04-01-2010, 01:37 PM
You Guy were a big help. I am going to get some of the PJ1 tonight before I cross into the USA

04-01-2010, 03:09 PM
I usually oil min with pj1 then get an old towel and dab it lightly removing the excesss

01-31-2011, 12:43 AM
I work at a quad dealer ship all we do is put some wd40 oil in are hand not to much and rubitintothe filter and put the filter back on the bike. Works perfect.