View Full Version : whats your timeline with trikes.(what made you start riding them?)

03-29-2010, 10:30 PM
well my questions are when did you get hooked on trikes and how.
id like to know everyones story behind the trike.

my step dad got me to ride a 200x and from then on i had to buy one.
then after a long time of riding i bought a 250r not too long ago.
after that i started fixing up broken ones in my friends shed.
how much more addicting can it get.

03-29-2010, 10:37 PM
i'll be 31 in a month. i grew up on a 110. i race cars at a dirtrack and a year ago i wanted to get something to cruise around in the pits, but it had to be small so i could load it myself and it didnt take up too much room. so what did i get? a 110 of course. that led to me going out in the woods behind my house where i found an mx track tucked away among tons of trails and creek beds. so i not only wanted something bigger to ride, but something else so i could take friends and family. found an 84 200es for $300 (real nice trike i got from a rich guy who just wanted it gone) rode those for a while, but shortly after i got the 110 i was a member here, seeing all the beautiful 350xs. sooooo, i sold the 110 for what i paid and the 200 for $1000. parlayed those funds into this 350X i built and recently picked up a near mint 85 BR for $550! another richer that just wanted it gone ! here i am today, getting on craigslist 3 times a day looking for that next big score......

03-29-2010, 10:59 PM
just turned 39 last thursday... been riding since i was about 8. my first three wheeler i ever rode was an atc 70, and was hooked since. have ridden many different trikes since, 110's, 200's, 250's... favorite of all is the 85 t3!!!

03-29-2010, 11:05 PM
1986 was the first year I was introduced to the ATC. A 1986 ATC200X ,they were about 1600.00 on the showroom floor. I would be kewl to buy a new one today! lol

03-29-2010, 11:15 PM
I am 17 now and started when i was 8. my father got a 70 on trade for Harley work. I rode it for a year and got a 125M, then a 110, newer 90, then I rolled the 125M and bought a 200S. My dad then got a 200, 200M and an ES. Also a Tri-Z. Then I got my R, 200X, and 350X. I rode a lot when i was young, then we had to sell it all to keep my family afloat. Those were good days, and think every day about 'em, i really miss it. It feels like forever, good times lost in unemployment and family problems. A year ago I got my 200 and 185S, then a month ago I got my t-3. I am trying to get back to my roots, just need a job, so I can fund them more. I cannot believe the riders on this website, so many years of experience, amazing really...

03-29-2010, 11:20 PM
Still remember the day I got my brand new 1982 Yamaha YT175 I was 11 it was a lot of machine.....Went to a 1984 200s and dreamed of a 250r which I eventually got in 88 and still have

03-29-2010, 11:26 PM
I started out riding the neighbor's 200m in the mid-80's, then graduated to sneaking my brother's '85 200x when he wasn't home. Been riding them a long time, but never owned one... finally got my 350x 2 years ago... I was hurt bad in a work accident and needed a project to keep me busy at home. Been dragging home trike carcasses for a couple of years now, and with the last 6 weeks, bought a 70, 90, and 110. Still off of work with my injury, and still wrenching on trikes in my garage.:D

03-30-2010, 04:48 AM
I am 33, been riding trikes my whole life, well since 7yrs old. I have riden many different bikes, quads, etc. I simply prefer the trike. Taught my son how to ride on my very first ATC70, working on my daughter now. Unfortunately my boy is crying for a quad now, but we'll see what happens. I suppose it is better than him turning queer or something, LOL!

03-30-2010, 05:20 AM
My parents both grew up in the city. Then just before i got in to high school dad got transfered to a mill in a small farming town. So everbody i grew up with all had trikes, atvs, dirt bikes. They never did so they didn't know what they were missing out on. Last month a few days before my birthday a co-work told me he had an old 3wheeler he wanted gone and if i new anybody looking for one. So i bought my self a 82 200 for my 23rd birthday. First thing when i got it home as get my mom on the phone and told her what i bought lol. She was right that i was going to hurt my self, but it was worth it lol. Im know looking for a 200x and a 110.

03-30-2010, 06:31 AM
I started riding snowmobiles around 1991 when I was in 3rd grade, and then in 2003 I got my first quad, a 300ex. I traded that in on a KFX 400 after a year, and then in summer 2006 I saw an ad in the local paper for an 82 185s. Honestly trikes had never interested me before them, and I never saw them around here. Not sure what made me want to go to take a look at it. I got there and this thing was beat, smoked like crazy, and wouldn't run without the choke on because it didn't have an airbox. I'll take it!


03-30-2010, 06:56 AM
I bought my BR new in 85 to use on fishing trips to the Canadian Bush around Chapleau, Ontario. It was ideal machine to haul my boat into lakes that you could not drive to. Spent a couple of weeks every summer up there fishing . I still have the BR. It was my first 3 wheeler and I was 44 when I got it and am now 66. Will have it to the end.

03-30-2010, 07:21 AM
My first trike came to me about a year ago. I am 31 and never really had any toys like this, I was always into guns and cars. My neighbor sold me his 82 atc200 for $150, it hadn't run in aver 13 years but it was garage kept. She was filthy and neglected but all there and in good shape under the filth. After I went through the carb a couple times and cleaned her up real nice, she turned out to be a great machine, starts on the first pull every time. Since then I have aquired an 85 350x, and 85 200x, an 86 Kawi Mojave(quad) and I am picking up a 225dx tonight after work. So yeah, I'm hooked!

03-30-2010, 08:12 AM
Started riding when I was like 13 on a atc200 for a few years. Then when I was 16 I bought my first 86 TriZ. Then a had a few Z's and bought some honda 250rs and now hit the racing scene hard with the OTC.

Been riding for 7 years now, racing for 3.5 years now. Only 20 years old!

03-30-2010, 08:30 AM
around 1987 i was around 4 and remeber seeing a honda comercial on TV, they introduced a new 4wheeler and it road past all the 3wheelers and parked in front of a white 350x....didnt know it was one at that time but years later that style trike always stuck in my mind and so did the sand dunes.

about 1 year later (1988) in school at the library 3wheeler racing mags where everyware, there was always this smaller red white and blue one i'd see that everyone had. it was a 200x and i always wanted what ever that was when i got older i'd say. i saw one in the back of a guys truck once and said i want a racing 3wheeler! well i moved from that school in IL to VA and no more mags with them 3wheelers. i kinda forgot about them until my dad and grampa took me to the place were my cousing was riding his 1989 KX80 he bought brand new. low and behold we walked up to a huge coal shovel in towercity PA and there were 3wheelers everyware around this thing!!!!!! i still have the pic, in it i can see a few 1st gen 200x's and some 250sx's. i never saw any 4wheelers yet to this time until the early 90's.

around 1991 saw these two huge yellow and black 2 strokes on my go cart track in the woods. didnt konw what they were, turns out about 9 years later i figured out they were tri-z's!!!!

in 1994 my grampa wanted to buy big red, i remeber him saying it had kick and elec start, he was 67 at the time. i know my gramma bitched so he got a quad.

in 07 when i moved outta my parents house i was dead set on finding a 3wheeler, i finaly got a 200x, now everytime i see one laying around not running i think it needs a home!!!!!!!!

Weasels Dad
03-30-2010, 09:04 AM
Nice thread and I love everyones story. Dad brought home a brand new 185s back in 82. She had a plastic cover still on the seat. My brother and I had a picture in front of it that nite, grinnen fom ear to ear. We put a bunch of miles on that machine and rode behind it on a sled many times. I always step back in time everytime I smell a freshly started engine on a cold day. Good times. We moved up to 250R's later and had a quad and some dirtbikes as well. Now we are getting old and back to where it all began, on ATC's.

03-30-2010, 04:52 PM
great stories everyone.

03-30-2010, 08:28 PM
in 98 when i was 4 i wanted to start riding. so my dad told me if i wanted to start riding that he would borrow our neighbors atc 70 because if i can ride a three wheeler i cann ride any bike in this world. just recently got me another 3 wheeler in process of getting it trail worthy

03-30-2010, 09:23 PM
I started out on an ATC 70 when I was about 10 or so, so that would be about 1989. Then I got an ATC 110. I've had a few bikes and quads, but mostly trikes. I think I've had two or three ATC 110's, one 125 M, a 200 X, three or four Tecates, a 350 X, an R, hmmm.....

03-30-2010, 09:55 PM
I first got started on 3 wheelers bout last year. My friend brought his 84 atc 200s over to my house to ride and he let me take a spin on it and loved it! couldn't find a cheap 3 wheeler so i bought a quad and rode that with him. Then i found a klt 200c on Ebay recently and just had to have it. it was beat but i don't care i can do the wrenching on it. My mom don't like the idea of me having a 3 wheeler but idc. lol. I'm always looking for cheap 3 wheeler projects now.

03-30-2010, 10:08 PM
I started out riding on what mt dad called a s.o.b.(snow or beach). Then I got a 85 KLT110 when I was like 14 back in 1984. Then after about 6 months I sold it and got a 85 200x. After some years I sold it and moved. My wife found me a nice 85 200s acouple years ago. That started my addiction back up. I have been clean for about a month now and havent bought any trikes, but I feel the itch starting up. Once an addict always an addict.

03-30-2010, 10:09 PM
got put on dads big red with him when i was 4months old, im told i fell asleep and we were quite always from home, then 4 years after my grandfather died, i bought hes 200S from my uncle, i was 15 then, still have it and never gonna sell it. and now at 17 i got the S and a 84 big red, plus parts machens. and dad still has his big red that he bought new in 84 and i got my first ride on in 92:p

03-30-2010, 10:21 PM
for you guys that dont own a 250r.
get one they are the best.
when i got my 250r i just didnt want to get off.

03-30-2010, 11:13 PM
in my teens I was constantly seeing a guy in the neighborhood riding around on his 110 and I always wanted to try it.....so in Jan of 1987 went to the local Honda dealer (in a snow storm) and bought an 86 200x leftover there was an 87 200x on the floor also but the 86 was cheaper....lol......(friend of mine bought that 87 a few days later).....I've had a 3 wheeler in my possession ever since.....would just feel lost if I didnt have it for when the snow falls.....lol....

03-30-2010, 11:21 PM
in my teens I was constantly seeing a guy in the neighborhood riding around on his 110 and I always wanted to try it.....so in Jan of 1987 went to the local Honda dealer (in a snow storm) and bought an 86 200x leftover there was an 87 200x on the floor also but the 86 was cheaper....lol......(friend of mine bought that 87 a few days later).....I've had a 3 wheeler in my possession ever since.....would just feel lost if I didnt have it for when the snow falls.....lol....

when you were at the dealer did you see an 87 350x or 250r?

03-31-2010, 03:39 AM
My dad got me hooked when he had a 81 atc250r and I wanted to ride with my dad.

first bike I bought was a 83 200s and it $100, which my dad immediately traded me for a 84 200x which was my first manual bike.

I then proceeded to sell that for a 97 kx100 which was also my first dirt bike let alone a 2 stroke lol.

And then I sold that and my dad gave me a 88 warrior which had the reliability of a kid with adhd doing a math test.

We then traded that for a 86 tri-z which was a blast to drive before someone drove it off a 15ft razor at florence.

I then moved on to a 86 trx250r with a 300 big bore kit(supposedly).

I got rid of that bike because it was 100% wheel spin all the time and got a 85 atc250r instead, which is by far the best bike I have owned.

funny part is I started riding when I was 14 and I am now 18.

03-31-2010, 03:03 PM
I always loved 3-wheelers, I live in CA but grew up on my aunt's 10,000 acre ranch in TX every summer where she had a Yamaha 200 ATC (or a 225DX, I can't remember) and an 1986 Honda Fourtrax 350 4x4 which I grew up riding. I always respected the 3-wheeler as I was always told by my brother/cousins how dangerous they were. I was very lucky as I spent all day riding that yamaha ATC all over this huge ranch jumping it and just roosting it by myself. But I was always very respectful of this machine because I knew it took special skills to ride. And it's funny because I was probably 8 years old the first time I took that 3-wheeler out by myself with no helmet and I never once got hurt or flipped it and I was riding it hard. The last time I saw that 3-wheeler I was probably 15, I am now 24 and have bought my own ATC's here in CA. I still go back to the ranch all the time and have searched for that old yammie but it's gone, no one knows what happened to it. My aunt thought they were illegal to even have on your property after the ban, no matter what I've told her about that not being true she doesn't believe me haha. I have since owned a few 200x's, ATC 70 and my beloved 350x, I still ride a lot and do mostly trail and MX riding, I'll always love 3-wheelers.

03-31-2010, 03:18 PM
im 20 in may and i first rode a trike when i was 16 that summer my dad bought a 84 200m for yard work and i rode it every day that summer and every week for two years then i bought a 85 250sx when i was 17 and it broke right after i bought it and it took me a year and a half to fix it and i completed it last year and have been riding it ever since. i am now looking for a 250r

03-31-2010, 04:13 PM
Well my dads boss asked him if he wanted to buy an old Honda 3 wheeler one day, so my dad came home and grabbed me and my brother and we shot over to his ranch to check it out. This was back when I was 14, I think? That was almost 4 years ago.

He had set it in his front yard under a tree beneath a blanket, and the blanket was soaked. Needless to say it was in a well used condition, but we liked it enough and brought it home for $100. But, the deal was we had to take a 250R rolling chassis (literally, a new tank and an engine would have gotten it running) and a 185s chassis (and now i'm smacking myself for selling that 250r frame lol).

All it needed was a carb cleaning and some gas, and viola, it fired right up :)

From there, I got hooked on trikes, and we eventually gathered quite a collection of them, which included 3 185s frames, a 125 rolling chassis, the 110, 250r, and a boatload of parts.

Now I'm looking for another 250r- anyone got a good condition one for sale? :)

haggard 2hundie
03-31-2010, 05:32 PM
my brother had a 250r that i thought was the coolest thing on any number of whels and i started on a pw 50 dirtbike back in 1987, from there a yz 60 then an xr 80r that didnt come close to the speed that screamin 60 had anyway prob 1990 my buds and i found an abandoned 110 at the gravel pits, probly stolen and dumped there, filled it up changed the plug and rode it all summer long, been hooked ever since, didnt get another trike till 93 got an 81 klt 200 what a tank rode the poor thing to death . now ive got a 1986 200x and waiting on the day i can get me a 350x and an 85/6 250r

03-31-2010, 06:29 PM
Back in the late 70's I was into dirt bikes real serious. I remember reading dirt bike magazines in 1980 and '81, but then a classmate or two got 3-wheelers. I heard all the stories they told about riding and asked my grandmother for a 3-wheeler magazine the next time we went to the drug store. It was a 1983 3-wheeler buyers guide with tests of the new ATC200X and the newly redesigned ATC250R, along with many other machines.

After getting that magazine, I got grandma to stop by the local Honda dealership. I sat on a 200X and I was hooked. I left armed with one of every brochure they had. I collected magazines and wore the pages thin, I befriended the 3-wheeling kids in my class and got to ride with them. They had late 70's ATC110's, early '80s ATC185s(one of which was built to the gills and raced flattrack), an '83 YTM225DX, etc...

There was no cure for this itch once I got it.

I finally talked my grandmother into getting me a nearly new '84 Big Red in about Jan. of '84 on which I learned alot. A couple machines down the line I was running the local flattracks. The next wheeler was a nearly new '85 350X(which was stolen from me in '85), a couple more later I was on a ported '85 ATC250R racing the modified class and building my own top end at 13-years old.

Fast forward to today, 30-something 3-wheelers later I'm going on 38, four of my five boys and I are on 3-wheelers, and I still have the 3-wheeler bug.

04-07-2010, 10:29 PM
my timeline with tearing apart engines goes way back.
i was 12 when i fixed a 25cc engine.
since then i just do it myself.

Tri-Z 250
04-08-2010, 12:14 AM
I guess it was just after the 60mins deal and the OUTLAW/Ban I ran across an 86' Tri-Z. The kid I knew from school got it new and broke his tailbone doing wheelies with no helmet on asphalt the frist day he got it. The 60mins show aired on TV 2days after he mouse trapped the Z. His Mom saw the show and that was it...1 week after that SOLD, and it was in my garage full of mud. I still have the Z(which the friend from school can't believe)+ an 85' Z for MX. I have also added to the stable for my kids future rides. I always switch out dirtbikes but the 3 wheeler was anytime day or night ridable; selling the Z never crossed my mind. Quads never gave me the same feel...trust me alot of my friends who raced tried to get me to Quad up....Nahhh I like sliding sideways and as unbalanced as a trike might feel to some, it's home to me. Nice topic to read I agree

1point:. I was searching for parts when I came across 3WW, and glad I did....I've met GREAT folks, have had good transactions and TONS of great knowledge shared to me. I'm saying thanks now to;) you all

04-08-2010, 01:36 AM
Well I'm just about to turn 30 and grew up riding... literally. My Dad always rode, and I had an Uncle who owned a Suzuki dealership, so we always had access to the newest toys (so yea I was lucky). I had my own JR 50 given to me at 6 months old. It had training wheels custom made, and i could ride it before I could walk (and I have pictures to prove it). When 3 wheelers hit, Dad had several, including a 200x and 250r. I graduated to the Suzuki PE ( I believe) 50 trike. I loved that thing, but when the ban came out, Dad switched us to 4 wheels. I had a Suzuki 50, and he rode the LT 250r until the late 90's. As more and more riding areas were closed, Pops got frustrated and sold the bikes. I went years dreaming about getting another bike and saving my money to buy "Dirtwheels" and "3 and 4 wheel action" mags. Posters covered my walls. At 14 I tried to convince a neighbor to carry the note on a blaster he had for sale and I would pay him back by washing cars and mowing lawns but he wouldn't, and who could blame him.

So it the pressure built and built. I would save my money and go rent quads at pismo beach any time I could go. I'd bum rides from people working anywhere NEAR Pismo cause it's about 2 hours drive from my house. It was more than a bug. It was a full blown addiction. The second I got my first job I started saving and scouring the local papers and recycler. I picked up an 85 XR 500R that was a total basketcase. Then in 98 I got an 89 TRX 250r that was great, but never fast enough, no matter how much money I poured in it. Of course several years later I was gonna get married and had to sell the bikes because I had no where to keep them and, frankly, needed the money for the wedding. I was back to dreaming of bikes and not riding.

Finally in 03 a friend told me he had an 86 ATC 250R that he was gonna buy from the original owner and he gave me first dibs. It was a HOOT! It blew the pants off my 250r that had TONS of money in it. I was in LOVE! I kept it stock for reliability, but the plastics were shot, so I took some liberties and customized her some. I started on the old forums here. I had so much fun that I needed more. I found another 86 out in the middle of the desert for 800 bucks. It had a desert tank, bills pipe, and a west coast +4 swinger. The rest, well lets just say it was custom... The seat was recovered with old drapes. The handlebars were the old flying V style. The forks and plastics were shot. It had sat in the sun in mexico for years before the owner dragged it back here to sell it. So I had a new project. I lost count of hours, but lets just say working on it was therapudic and I had needed ALOT of therapy. But once she was done I was one PROUD DADDY. Unfortunately, life reared its ugly head again and I had to put up the dreaded "Divorce forces sale" ad. All was lost. Literally.

I spent years paying off the divorce, but now I'm free and clear. I got remarried, have three great kids, and an amazing wife (this time). I ran across a BEAUTIFUL 85 200X in trade a month back. The wife walked out to the garage, sat on it and said, "Okay, this one's mine. Go get yours." Her uncle was the original owner of an 85 250r, so I gave him a call and $1200 later, came home with my current baby. Yea its not perfect, but the beauty of trikes is more than just riding them. It's the pleasure you get from restoring and customizing them. It's the look you get from guys on dirtbikes, quads, UTVs, and WHATEVER else they come up with as you go ripping down the trail. It's the comradery of meeting up with fellow trikesters everywhere you go and swapping stories.

Yeah I can go out and spend $8000 on a new quad, $2000 on accessories, and be like everyone else. But I ENJOY being the "Crazy guy on the 3 wheeler" that, according to everyone else, is gonna run himself over or kill himself on "that thing."

If I do, I went happy.

04-08-2010, 02:10 AM
I grew up alway's wanting atv's of any type. I got into atc's because that was all I could afford. My family was very poor when I was younger, so I ended up finding old beat up broken down riding lawnmovers and used them as my atv's (so did my friends, we were all poor). Then my friends cousin came over one day with his '86 250r three wheeler and all I wanted from that point on was something faster than a lawnmower. My friend ended up getting a really nice '84 200x that we rode the crap out of. I still could not afford one, so we shared his for a couple of years. Then he bought a 300ex and I was promised a chance at the 200x if he decided to sell it. About a week later it was gone, he sold it out from under me without even asking if I wanted it. Fast forward a couple of years, I was working at KFC and a co worker found out I wanted a atv. He said his dad had some old three wheelers sitting in the garage and he would ask him if they were for sale. The next day he called so I drove up to his house and found a '85 185 and a '85 250sx. He said $150 for the 185, and $300 for the 250. The 250 was too much so I bought the 185. It had not been run in over 10 years. I put fuel in it and it fired right up (ended up cleaning the carb later, it was filthy). Another friend saw it and fell in love with it. I told him I'd sell it to him for what I paid for it after a few months of having it. I sold it, scraped together another $150 and picked up the 250sx. I absolutely loved that trike. I ended up buying several other trikes over a couple of years that needed work, but they were all cheap. A couple of years later I went to college (Wyotech), and gave all of my trikes to the friend that bought the 185 so they were not just sitting around. He still has all of them except for 1, it was a yamaha 225, he called and asked if he could give it to a younger kid that went to our church. I told him yes and that kid still has it. I have since had a few more trikes and four wheelers, but I end up going back to trikes because they are so much fun. I currently have an '86 350x that I've had for 5 years, my brother had it for 3 years before me, and I won't ever willingly sell it. I also have a sportsman 500 which is not a trike, but I love it as well. I hopefully will be moving back to St. Louis in a few years and if that happens I'll be re-united with one of my favorite's, the '85 sx. Of all of the atc's I've ever ridden, I liked the 200x the best, a very close second is the sx.

04-08-2010, 07:03 AM
I started riding when I was 7 and got a brand new DS 80 Suzuki in 1980 ($609 retail, still remember that for some reason). We had trails near my house where all of the kids in town would ride whatever they had. There were dirt bikes, mopeds, even a 100 Honda streat bike, and of course a few 3 wheelers. My buddy had a 110 that I would trade for a few laps here and there. The best part of that was we could ride it in the winter too! Fast forward to December of 1983, I was lucky enough to get a new 125M. I rode that thing hard for several years. In the meantime one buddy got a 200x, another a newer R, and my cousin got a air cooled R. As kids go, I clocked hours and hours on the bigger trikes when we'd swap back and forth in our riding sessions. Sold the 125M when I was old enough to get into Mopars in the late 80's.

Three years ago my wife and I bought an acreage and I started thinking about getting an ATV of some sort to haul my chainsaw, etc. around. I bought a trashed '83 BR with a regular 200 engine. It needed a lot so I found an '83 BR for parts. Turned out the '83 was better so I sold the '82. (I remmber thinking how huge a BR was when I was 11). After getting my 3 wheeling "legs" back under me, I wanted more. I got a little nostaligic thinking about all the old mags and brochures I drooled over and how I always wanted an x or an R.

I found an '87 200x on Ebay that was fairly close to me here in Iowa; ended up getting it for $600 or so. It's in good shape and I've put a lot of hours on her this past year. Not so much in the last several months because the bug bit harder and I found an '85 350x.

So, now I'm reliving my early teens and having a blast. :cool:

04-08-2010, 09:45 AM
By the way, GREAT thread idea.

04-08-2010, 11:58 AM
I'll be 33 in may and have been riding since i was 6 years old. I am originally from brooklyn and my parents built a summer home in Pa, so on the weekends we would go there and I would be able to ride trikes. My father had bought 3 brand new yt175's in like 1981 or 2, thats what I learned on. He taught me the ins and outs of riding 3 wheelers. We would go on trails and up the powerlines, pretty much everywhere. I took my share of flops. Don't forget at 6years old I weighed like 50lbs. Those bikes were alot heavier. They were also pretty faast for 6yo. At 8yrs old my father traded the 175's and bought 2 new ytm 225's and a new yellow tri-z. Well i kinda took over 1 of the 225's and it became my bike. That was a great bike although I must have gone threw 15 hand brake levers on that bike. Again i didn't weigh that much and any time we came to an off camber, ever though i would shift my weight, I would tip over and curl the brake lever. I rode the hell out of the 225. You have to understand that being from brooklyn, whenever I went to Pa I was riding. I used to love going back to the neighborhood and telling my friends all the cool stuff i'd find. Anyway, about a year before I was 13, my father who didn't believe that the clutch was ever needed, got the tri-z stuck in 4th gear. From time to time i used to start it up and slip the hell out of the clutch to get it going. At 13 this was the fastest thing i was ever on, and i thought man, this is just 4th gear. So, one day i went in the garage and just started tinkering. I pulled the side cover and concluded that it was a broken shift shaft. Got a new one fron Yamaha threw it in and WALA, I had a new low hour TRI-Z all to myself. The thing was a rocket to me. This was around 1990 and my father had pretty much stopped riding by then so it was all mine. I have been on a tri-z since 13, I have never ridden any other bike till about a few years ago. I picked up a tecate and a 350x. I have never ridden an atc 250r. I am super comfortable on a Z and have no problems with handling. Although I would love to ride a 250r just to see what the hype is all about.

04-08-2010, 02:57 PM
Downrangecop, great story man... life comes full circle.

04-09-2010, 12:51 AM
as some of you posted u had to get rid of your trikes in the past.
that sucks.
my friend had to get rid of 3 trikes cause of a divorce.
this is what i have learned to avoid.
1. getting married too soon.(girls cost money)
2.never let anyone get between you and your trikes(family influence and other)
3.never bury yourself in debt(hardest one for me in the future cause i got lots of crap i want to finance).
thanks for the stories and keep em coming.

04-09-2010, 10:59 AM
Portland, if you can hold to what you wrote there, you'll be a happy man. It takes alot of self discipline. Since my first divorce saw me buryed in over $50,000 in debt, I don't finance anything but cars and (eventually) houses. If you can't make the money and EARN it, then you shouldn't have it yet. Save your money, go to school, get a good job and get yourself squared away before you consider a serious relationship. And in no way am I saying don't bang chicks, knock out as many as you can, just wrap your tool and don't get tied down. And I have one more piece of advice: stay on the right side of Johnny Law. Dui's are expensive and getting hauled off to jail takes away toy money, plus it screws up your chances of getting and keeping a good job. The smartest people in the world learn from other peoples mistakes.

04-09-2010, 12:13 PM
My family moved to a farm in cali when i was 7. My buddy's dad had a bunch of atc 200x's that he would let the kids ride, but my dad would not let me,said I would get hurt. So for 3 years I watched all the kids have fun on the farm, but not me. At 10 years old we moved to Tampa fl and I never saw a trike again and for got all about them. 21 years go by and now Im 28 and my buddy call's me up to come over and help him fix his off road go cart, his dad moved some tools around and put them in the shed out back so i ran out there and guess what i find a 1984 200x with a flat tire and a locked motor, a couple beers later four fog lights off my truck and a old holley carb and shes all mine. And I cant wait to rider her.

05-12-2011, 09:44 AM
My first trike was a 85 Kaw KLT160 at the age of 10. I wanted a honda since thats what all the neighbors had but my dad wanted the shaft drive for ease of maintenance and reverse. So he ask red or black? and i took the black. I can remember that whole day in great detail.
That little thing ripped and could beat all the hard tail 200's i raced. Full throttle shifts would carry the front tire almost a foot on the 1-2. Never had one problem and rode it till i was 15 or so.

05-12-2011, 10:55 AM
In late 79 i wanted a go kart an a friend of mine told me i should get a three wheeler instead. So ended up with a brand new 80 110. Traded that in on a 81 200. Traded that one in on a 81 250r shens. traded that one on a 82 big red.:crazy: Wrecked that one an got a 82 250r. That one got stolen an then got a 83 250r, 300r kit,bassani pipe an boost bottle.:D That was a beast. had a 81 125 tri moto for the then wife. Fast forward. Now i'm 44. Current RUNNING trikes. A near mint 86 r, 82 250r w 300 kit, 80 185(big frame). 2 80 110's. Not running 83 klt 200. Can't keep a spark. Spent way more than its worth on that one. A 82 250r roller project thats been going on forever. :rolleyes: So i been hooked for quite some time. LOL! :D

05-12-2011, 11:25 AM
Pretty cool thread to dig back up. My dad got me into 3 wheelers, he was a three wheeler guy himself. I started with a 70 when I was 3, it was a redneck machine but I loved it. It had the tank off of an XR80, front wheel off of a honda z50 and the rear wheels off of a tiller!! But my dad got it cheap and fixed it up just for me. He had a REALLY nice 225DR special edition with tons of mods, he used to race hare scrambles with it. We also had various other trikes around, a 250es, KLT250, YTM200, 225Dx etc...So that's why I stick with trikes, plus I like being different and riding something that most people frown upon.

05-12-2011, 02:52 PM
I was in the cheap thrills of mower racing, and my buddies wanted me to go muddin' with them, so I bought a thrashed 200s for $50 and it grew from there. I think I've owned a trike of every displacement from Honda except a 185.

05-12-2011, 04:10 PM
Started with a 110 when I was 12. Sold it and bought a 84 200X sold that when I was fifteen to buy my first car. Jump ahead 16 years bought a 350X something I always wanted. Then this year I found an 82 fooler. Never owned a 2 stroke trike and always believed it would suck to trail ride, boy was I wrong. Turning 40 this year and never owned a quad or a dirtbike just ATCs :D

05-12-2011, 04:18 PM
I am 46 so I grew up in the heart of 3 wheeler world. I was in high school and all of my frineds were getting 3 wheelers. I swore I didn't want one. It was a fad. Then I found out that my current girlfriend's little brother had one and he didn't ride it any more. She said I could take it home and ride it for a while. I think it was a 1979 110. It was fun until I tried to go riding with my friends who all had 185S and 200's. I could not nearly keep up. One of the guys bought a new one and it was soooo cool. It had an electric start and shocks on the front. I had to have that. I went to Joe's Cycle shop and bought a brand new 1982 Big Red 200E. I remember the out the door price. It was $1345.00. That thing was a beast at the time. It would outrun and out pull all of the other ones except for the one or two 250R's. We rode almost everyday and every weekend rain or shine. I rode it in the mud, water, sand and anything else I could get it into. I sold it in 1985 for $700.00 and it was smoking pretty good by then due to all of the water it had been ridden through. I took the money and bought a street bike.

Fast forward to 2011 and I bought a couple of beat up 200's that I was unable to get running, sold them and bought a 200M that I did get running. Found a 1982 Big Red about a month ago that was in almost mint condition. Bought it for $450 and sold my 200M to my father in law. I have been wanting another Big Red for years, but I never dreamed I would find an 82 in that condition. I ride it almost every day now.

05-12-2011, 04:36 PM
well had my first atc70 i was around nine, and then go karts and dirtbikes, a 250 fourtrax and a 660 raptor and then my 200x, i rode it and blew it and didnt have the money to buy a crank and top end so sold it and just bought my 350x a couple weeks ago, this thing is mint!! i love it and ive just always loved the look of racin trikes, im hooked for life and im only 15!

05-12-2011, 05:21 PM
Back in 6th grade, I dunno 92 or something around there, my neighbor's dad finally let me drive the '84 BR. My friend and I would ride it around his parent's place and then bring it over to my folk's place until my dad would yell that we tore up his yard. All kinds of fun, as my friend and I got older, they would let me borrow it, and go riding at the old range rover/off road track by the (now former) race track at geneva raceway in lake geneva, wi. We would do all sorts of stuff on that thing. Pull snow tubes behind, go mudding up north, and the usual stupid kiddie stuff. It was great. Then I left for college, my buddy bought two 4 wheelers and the 3 wheeler sat. Everyonce in a while he would start it, change the gas, and take a quick ride (by quick, drive out of the garage, around the yard, and then back in). I would ask his dad everytime I saw him 'so butch, when you going to sell me the 3 wheeler' 'so uh, when you going to sell it' 'hey butch...' This went on for years if not almost a decade. Finally I got a phone call 'you still want it' fast forward almost 18 years (now I'm 30) and guess what's in my garage. The same 3 wheeler I used to ride as a kid. Mechanically it's sound, I put some time/parts/money into it and got it looking like it used to, well, probably a lot nicer then what it was when I first rode it. They are like extended family, so they still get to see it everytime we all meet up north to go play on the ATV's and every deer season. I've had it for a little over a year, it's like being reunited with an old friend. All the shananigan's, all the fun, not to mention seeing the same dent I put in the tank back in 6th grade....lol. Which I replaced the tank on it. I spent an entire summer after work fixing it up before deer season, and then spent the entire winter on it ice fishing. Over the long winter I finished up the finally projects.

05-12-2011, 06:44 PM
Im 48 and me & my daughter used to go riding in a 2 seater buggy.then i got an 85 honda odyssey fl350.So that meant no more riding together.So i started looking for something that I could ride while my daughter drove the ody.Had a budget of 600 bucks and was looking for a 4wheeler but theyre hard to find for that price.Saw an 85 200x on craigslist for 550 so I bought it Its my first 3wheeler .Now im hooked,these are a blast to ride.Just picked up an 83 250r thats not running,cant wait to get it running

05-12-2011, 07:36 PM
My dad made me trade my 1979 KX 80 on a 1982 ATC 200, because the dirtbike was to noisy, I was about 14 at the time. Bought it at Parrysound Honda for 1799.00, they gave me 450.00 for the bike, still remember it like it was yesterday. Seems like I put about a million miles on that trike, rode day after day morning until night, without ever having 1 problem, or breakdown . A few of my friends also bought trikes, the most memorable was a 250r---can't remember the year, that I got to drive from time to time through the neighbourhood, and around the forestry. I'll admit that once you get the three wheeler bug, it's hard to get rid of. This summer the 200 is coming home to my place for a full rebuild, it's been in a storage trailer for about 15 years, except a few time's I've taken it out, and took it for a ride. Although it's not as comfortable, or as fast as my 350x, or 250r, I still get the same thrill driving it. Long live three wheeler's!!!!

05-12-2011, 10:14 PM
Pretty cool thread! I've actually been gonna start a thread" Why do you Love 3 wheelers" This is close enough! I grew up on a dairy farm,Dad a WWll vet,and my Brother and Mom. Being farmers we naturally had agricultural magazines and literature around.And my Dad was already a Honda man,he had bought 2 new Motorcycles for my brother. To this day,,both of those facts boggle my mind! Coming from the war theatre,,Dad,,,isn't real big on Japan,,and my brother is challenged,,yet he still had Hondas to ride. Anyhow,the 1st 3wheeler ad I saw was a 1980 KLT 200,,I begged to get that machine!! I was 10 at the time. I already knew I would farm and be a ATV,sled dealer the rest of my life.I went to the barn EVERY day of my life,no matter how sick,,period,we were all there for the chores. Anyhow,Our 1st ATC was a spankin new 1981 ATC 110,next,was my brothers 82 185S. Then along came electric start! Had to have the Big Reds,we traded both the others in for 2 new 82 Big Reds. Then came shaft drive! Had to have that ,,and REVERSE!!, traded the 2 82's in for 84's,by now ,I had subscribed too ATV NEWS and 3 Wheeling,,read them like the bible,the second they arrived. I could tell you EVERY race track in the US,EVERY racer in the top 3,ALL the team and national guys. It was a sickness!!

We had 3 tracks local,Silver Speedway,a small oval,w a TT course thru the middle,Liberty raceway,the same. And Monroeton,a 1.2 mile TT. I wanted to race SOOO bad,I ate ,drank and rode to race. For my 14th Birthday I got a 200X,Against my Dad's better wishes,with the CLEAR understanding,I would never race before I was 18! I used that thing up! There is no reason I lived thru what I did w that girl! All in the woods,banging off trees,bent axles..etc.. Never rolled it,the body looked new. But tires and 3 axles later,I got a 85 250R. My 1st ride up thru the parking lot I will NEVER forget! I thought I could cover some real estate on the X!! WOW,this R was gonna be fun! Meanwhile,my Dad saw the 85 Big Reds,ohhh,had to have them! So,he and my brother traded in and got a pair. BTW,yes,My Dad and Mom were Extremely good at what they did,and Yes,I worked my ASS off for everything we ever had,,but,yes,I was spoiled! But again,there is not a single day that went by I was not out working for what we had. I never ONCE stayed after school,not a single time. I had the farm to get home to!

Having said that,and damn it,this has turned into a novel,,I always washed and waxed our equipment,from the day I knew what wax was. My Dad never did,he didn't even know the proper way to wash,to mention what wax was. But,,EVERYTHING was kept inside, NO exeptions, EVER,You did not go to bed unless everything was in. So,I learned very young,take care of what you have! Keep in mind,the 110 cost $998 in 1981,the S was $1498 I believe,so thru the years,we were only out a couple hundred bucks to trade up, They waited for our trades,,"except my X!". My R was so damn pretty <I couldn't bare to ride her! That's where my real obsession of having a rider and lookers came about! I,We ,put easily,,100,000 miles on our 3 wheelers. Mainly the 85 Reds. By then my nephew and Brother in law was riding w us. I opened the shop in June 87,built my nephew a 250 SX,he loved em,I hated them,Ok,I don't hate any Honda! But they are too small for my taste. I Love my Reds! My Bro in law loved his 350X's,SO I built him one of them. My nephew is now a Canadian,my brother in law now an Alaskan. And life goes on. I collect 3wheelers now,why?? I love them,I find it flat sickening to watch Barrett Jackson's prices,and these people think those cars are RARE!!??!?! How about a fleet of 87 ATC's? I just hope SOMEDAY my stuff is worth something for my kids,and in the meantime,I do get a kick out of those rare finds! I never did race,I went to practice at Monroeton once,3 of us on R's the other on a Fourtrax. Handily spanked all the 3 wheel guys,and ran a very close 2nd to the quad. These were the front runners,week in and week out,knew that track in and out. 2 broken arms later,I realized Dad was of course right,we didn't have workmans comp,and noone was gonna milk the cows if I was laid up. Sad to say this is the VERY !! Condensed version of my love for 3 wheels!!

05-12-2011, 11:27 PM
OK it first started in 1983 I was 15.... I was able to buy a band new Honda 200 atc. It was my first taste of freedom and mobility, and mobile I was. Farmland covered by mud, dirt and snow was not an issue. It was hit the gas and off I went....... I hit the trails, farmland and woods and learned to be mechanicaly independant. I am not saying that my Honda was undependable, I am saying just the opposite. I am trying to say that it was so dependable the only issue of covering ruff terain was me. Yes I was the one who needed to become independant, so I learned to build trails, bridges and even a front ski to cover the territory I wanted to explore, I felt like a modern day Dainelle Boone. Yes I even built a ski........... It was a shop class project that really went well for me. It was differant, innovative and just plain worked. I managed to remove the front wheel and built a metal framework on the forks and attached a short ski. considering most of the front end weight is from the wheel and tire, immagine what a lightweight ski with better floatation will do. Yes in my humble opinion it will do most anything you want it to do. After a couple of years the quads came out and have been here to stay. HUH, bet you cant float a quad with extra air in the tires accrost a creek???????? Bet you cant build and awsome ski and make your own Mad Max snow machine????? Bet you know, screaming accrost any terrain you must be attentive and be a rider...... Not a sit and go machine. At any minute when you are not expecting it, she'll bite you........ That's my love, that's my passion, a versital go anywhere ax murder on wheels........ And now at 42 I start over with a baby 110KLT, and with the looks of all my son's friends, with the what the heck is that thing????? I am in love all over again. You just can't get this feeling in a QUAD.......

fast fat kid
05-13-2011, 12:14 AM
I am turning 36 in October my dad got me a used 70 when I was 4 years old in 1979 and been hooked ever since. He raced 2 wheelers enduro type stuff but I always loved the three wheelers. I hope my local TT=flattrack will allow me to race my 250R with the quads this year.

05-13-2011, 02:26 AM
last summer i was actually looking for a 4 wheeler, but they where 2 expensive for me and 1 of the guys that take care of are field said his son has a 3 wheeler for sale, so i ended up taking a look at it and picked it up for $500 glad i did i love it! also my first full manual machine when i was younger we had a 00 honda recon 200cc that was semi auto no clutch just let off the gas and shift thats what made me want another 4 wheeler, we also had a banshee not sure of the year but we bought it from some guy he had it stored in his basement i never got to ride that 1 because it blew up shortly after we got it, i rode a 4 wheeler a few months ago and gotta say i'd rather ride my 3 wheeler for some reason i feel safer on 3 wheels then i do on 2 or 4

Chazz of Blades
05-13-2011, 03:14 AM
Heh, sheer, pure, unfiltered luck.

One random, uneventful morning, a random person called me, wanting to know if I wanted to hang out that day, out of the blue, and on the way down there, I decided to take a random road I hadn't taken in a while, and I passed by a random little yardsale where they were rolling an 84 200es back into the garage.

Now, I'd only saw a trike once, and that was when I was very young. I got curious and stopped, looked it over, and fell in love.

It didn't run, had stitched fenders, and a tank painted with burgundy house paint, but I had to have it. I was in love with those big tires, the way it sat, everything.

Well, I ask the people if they wanted to sell it, and they said someone was coming the next day to get it.


Well, I give them my number, and about a week later I hear from them that they still have it. I was about 10 miles in the woods, with that extremely rare bit of cell phone signal caught the call.

So I head down there the next day, the agreed price was $250 firm.

Well, for some reason the gas needle on my truck decided it wanted to stick at a quarter without me realizing it, which lead to me running smack dab out of gas a few miles from the trike.

I manage to coast it into the gas station, and get enough gas to get me to the BR, and home again, taking all the extra cash I had with me, and eating up $5 into that $250.

So I get to their house, and no matter what, the man will NOT take $245, he demands $250 if he's going to sell it.


So as I'm walking back to the truck, I open the door, and out falls a $10 bill. I could have cried.

This all happened about a year ago in July, and was my introduction to three wheelers, and soon became an obsession. It's always seemed to me to have been destiny.

Course, I still have my ole Red, and I doubt I'd ever sell it. It was meant to be mine, and it'll stay that way.

05-13-2011, 12:05 PM
Christmas of 1978 I got a brand new Honda 1979 atc110 when I was 12, a new 1981 185s, a new 1983 250R and new 1985 250R. I still have the 1985 250R.

05-13-2011, 01:32 PM
Had an 85 and 86 200X in 1986, I was 16. I got bored and switched to dirtbikes; then after being nearly killed on a 94 CR250, I got a 250SX in 1998 and have never looked back!!

02-10-2012, 03:09 AM
What an awesome thread!!!
Heres my short story, my uncles always had three wheelers (farmers) they let me ride every once in a while. I was hooked. I am now 35 and I have seven. All run great. I've went broke a couple times building them but my daughter, wife, son all love them. I just got my first 85 250r for a whopping 100 bucks. Probably have 200 into it it and it scares me silly everytime I ride it. Life is good with trikes eveything else is....just life.


1978 90
1983 110
1985 110
1985 125m
1983 185s
1983 200s
1985 250r

02-10-2012, 04:01 AM
i started out on trikes on my 7th birthday..i had a club house which was also my dads shed when i didnt have friends staying over in the club house. but for my 7th birthday i was gonn have some friends stay the night over in the clubhouse/shed. after all my presents were opened and what not i was pretty happy, but my dad gave me the key to the lock on the clubhouse/shed and told me to open it up and see if it was cleaned out for my "sleep over" that nite. when i opened the shed up, there was my first 77 atc 90...oh i was so happy i almost peed myself. i drug it out of that shed so fast and tried starting it, but any 7 year old would not be able to pull it over fast enough to start it on their own, so everyone was laughing at/with me. i rode that thing all over hell and back. but sadly it sat when i turned 10 i think, as the float in the carb got a hole in it, so it would fill with gas, and sink the float, thus flooding the bike out anytime you went to ride it.. so it sat because there was no ebay or craigslist back then to just get a new carb and be good. .so i sold it and got into 4 wheelers...
which was short lived, becuase then we moved from illinois to florida, and my mom was all worried about riding atvs around venomous snakes. so i didnt have any toys at all till i was 14 when we moved up to iowa.i was browsing yahoo classifieds and came across a 83 200x for 400 bucks. got my parents involved, and went ahead and bought it with the money that i had left oer from the quad i sold when we moved to florida. i rode that 200x for about a year, and then started to really want a 350x. looked high and low, and found a nice 86 350x out of racine wisconsin. which was a good 10 hour round trip. guy wanted 1100. so i was abkle to get my 200x sold on ebay, and went up with my dad and snagged the 350x. god i loved that thing. it had a crazy amount of power and torque. i still miss her to this day.
but while i still had my 350 i was going garage saling and came across a garage sale, and there it was, a 1979 atc 90....owner said it didnt run, but it did have a aftermarket large bore carb on it ( i still wish i knew what it was) and a cam. he wanted 100 for it. i got him talked down to 60. and he took it...i got it home, and was actually taking power mechanics (engine class in high school) and tore the carb apart and found it to be gummed up. cleaned it and put it together and 3rd pull that lil guy chugged to life. that thing was a blast to ride. being used to my 350x you could really throw that 90 around and do alot of goofing off on it.
it was all good until my dads co workers came over one nite for a bonfire, and brought their kids. the 12 year old kid rode motorycles before and wanted to ride the 90....so my dad said it would be ok....stupid trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro took off after my sister who was in her gocart, and apparently forgot there are actual gears and u have to shift...he had it pegged so long in first it sounded like a 2 stroke, then it started slowing down and started puffing oil really bad. blew the rings out of it. i chased him down, and explained to him he just blew the rings out of my 3 wheeler and now its shot....it still ran, but ran like ass.... i then threw the timing belt in my car, which cost me 1100, so i had to get cash asap so the 350x went for a grand....god do i hate that day. it plays over and over still. then a while later my parents were getting a divorce.
my now step dad offered me a room at his house, so i moved up with him. and i then went back to my parents place like 2 weeks later, and found out my dad had stolen my 90 from me, and sold it as scrap to "teach me a lesson" by taking my moms side over his.....so then some 10 some years go by, im now 26, and finally got a career going for myself, and am no longer living check to check, and realized i can have toys again. lol. so it started back out with a banshee i found on craigslist.... then my 84 250r, which i bought with a bad stator. and got running...then bought my wife a 80s tri moto 125, which for the life of me i couldnt get to run, my guess would be low compression....sold it, and bought a 85 quad racer for 40 bucks from this guy that was high as a freaking kite, and the bike ran, lol, just had a broken swing arm. of which i sold that bike and found/bought my 85 250r....then found a deal, and got my 85 tecate. lol....sorry for my freaking novel...but i thought id throw it out there

02-10-2012, 02:54 PM
I always like the look of 3wheelers, so I decided to get a project 1981 185s (as of I don't have enough projects? 89 firebird,
Pocket bikes, go carts) so I found one about a year ago that didn't start. After 2 carb cleaning and 3 rebuild recoil starter it fired right up. It smokes like a 2 stroke, but i don't mind.

02-10-2012, 10:19 PM
Im 40 now, back in 1982-83, my neighbor owned a motorcycle shop and brought home 3 wheelers to ride for his family every weekend. I was one of the lucky ones to go with them.
He'd always have 3-4 to choose. 70, 110,125,185 and a big red. Never did get to ride the 200x or higher back then.
Just got back into them less than 2 years ago

02-11-2012, 09:10 AM
As a kid one of my neighbors owned one and I rode it a handful of times, over the years I was more into snowmachines, seadoos and boats.

At 42 I had what my wife calls my mid-life crisis and brought one home to play with..2 years later I have owned over 13-14. Currently have 7..

Probably just as well I didn't get into this sooner, I'd likely have killed myself!!

02-11-2012, 11:10 AM
I'm 32 and I started riding 3wheelers when I was 4 on a tri-zinger. I've owned many 3wheelers over the years. 84-tri-zinger85-atc110 84-atc200s 85-atc200x 85 and 86-atc350x 85 and 86-atc250r 87-kxt250 86-atc500r 86-kxt500.
I now own a 87-kxt250 86-kxt500 and 86-atc500r...and this year I'm building a tri-z-490.
I started riding them because my Dad raced open class motocross in the late 70's and he loved 3wheelers. Here is a pic of me at 4 on the tri-zinger :p

01-01-2021, 11:47 AM
I started out riding on what mt dad called a s.o.b.(snow or beach). Then I got a 85 KLT110 when I was like 14 back in 1984. Then after about 6 months I sold it and got a 85 200x. After some years I sold it and moved. My wife found me a nice 85 200s acouple years ago. That started my addiction back up. I have been clean for about a month now and havent bought any trikes, but I feel the itch starting up. Once an addict always an addict.

I also had a Lil SoB, Apparently they were a small Pennsylvania company that made 2 models of this ATC, a 5hp off road model with a bright orange fiberglass body, and a larger white model that was supposed to be street legal.....

I was hoping to find a pic or some information on these ATCs....

Jim mac
01-01-2021, 03:04 PM
I'm 58, used to see lots of 3 wheelers in backs of trucks headed to the desert in the late 70s early 80s and always thought they looked cool. then in the early 80s I traded into a 110, I think I traded a 56 chevy truck body for it. kept it for a few years and sold it for 500 bucks. next up was a 185 with a aftermarket front end, traded it, and a .270 remington and a 12 ga 870 for a 70 el camino 4x4 project. then after we bought our present house in the early 90s, I started off with another 110 someone was giving away because her kid screwed it up, (installed rotor 180 out) went and bought a seat off my atc guy and sold it running, then bought another 110 that wasn't running, cleaned the carb and sold it. after that any cheap atc not running I would pick up, fix and flip. these include probably 5 or 6 atc70s, 7 or 8 200x including 3 87s. 1 water cooled R, 3 or 4 air cooled r, 1 350x, cant remember how many 90s,110s, 185s 200s a few big reds.
And here we are 3 185s, 1 110, 1 70 and a pile of misc parts ill never use. jim

01-01-2021, 11:21 PM
I'm 30 now so I obviously came along after quads had taken over. First ATC I was around was a beat to death 110 that a family up the road had when I was a kid. I rode it once or twice before it got blown up and scrapped by someone else. A couple years after that my cousin ended up giving me a really sad KLT200A that I never got running since the butchered wiring was well beyond my abilities. Got an '83 ATC70 Christmas special from my buddy when I was 16-17, it had a 90 engine crammed in it, ended up selling it before I did much with that one and I stuck with 2 wheels for a long time after that. Now that I know what that little bike was and what they're worth in todays market, I get a little sick thinking about how little I let it go for.

Last year my boss's kid showed up at work with a 200S he got for free, I could've had it before he trashed it but I wouldn't pay his price. Now he's got four or five of them (All cheap or free!) and an '85R so I started looking on my own. Ended up buying a pickup load of Tri-Moto leftovers this summer and built a 175 out of it. Well, it's an '80 125 frame since that was all I had a carrier for, but it's got just about everything else '82 YT175. So I'm back to a running three-wheeler and this time in my preferred flavor, 2 stroke and Yamaha. Now I'm on the hunt daily for more but the market around here has gotten really goofy with the whole pandemic thing.

01-01-2021, 11:33 PM
I'm 37 now. I learned on a 79 110 when I was a kid, moved to a Yamaha 225 until I ran into my little brother while he was on the 110 and ended up pinned under the Yamaha. I stopped riding trikes until highschool when my brother and I went halves on a 83-85 200x but sold my half to him and quit riding trikes again until my wife and I started dating. Her father introduced me to his 85 250r (which he passed to me after we got married) and I haven't stopped since, and I grabbed an 87 200x this past March to have something to ride alongside my seven year old daughter on her 50cc Eton.

01-02-2021, 12:08 AM
My dad paid $100 in 83 for a '78 model 90. I was 9 years old. I rode it all the time. That summer when I was "carefully" taking the backway two miles home from my dad's feed store/parts house/tire shop/mechanic/general country store to get ready for vacation Bible School, I flipped it over on top of me and knocked my "New" permanent tooth out and ended up in the hospital for awhile.

That was the end of 3 wheelers for awhile. I bought a big red 250 about 10 years ago and was always scared to ride it too hard because it was raggedy, I couldn't fix it and couldn't afford to get it fixed. I still own it and it still runs-to some extent.

In May 2020, I bought another 90 and got it going. Since then I have bought 21 more, sold 5 and gave two away. I really enjoy the puzzle of figuring them out and getting them going again.

El Camexican
01-02-2021, 10:37 AM
First ride was in 1982. Last ride was in 2021.... yesterday to be precise.