View Full Version : some people just dont understand the love of 3 wheels

03-26-2010, 01:53 PM
i'm selling my dirtbike to buy another trike, i told my friend that and he said with a puzzled look on his face why do you wanna do that?? well i said i want another one because they're a blast to ride needless to say alot of people don't get it but i dont want anything else. i bought my 200s about 7 yrs ago and after i bought it and rode it for the first time i was hooked its like nothing else.my dirt bike friends and quad friends have tried to ride it and can't seem to get the hang of it all they do is turn and they almost roll it lol...i can't wait to sell my dirtbike to start looking for another one to put in the shed along side the ol 200 i guess i'm the 3 wheeler guy in the group. i'm not sure what i'll end up with:)

03-26-2010, 02:04 PM
I'm the same way, I have trikes/bikes and quads and in the end, I just want to ride trikes :beer:

03-26-2010, 02:09 PM
I'm the same way, I have trikes/bikes and quads and in the end, I just want to ride trikes :beer:

Same with me. I've had them all. I can't ride a bike worth a dam, anyone can ride a quad, the trike fit me like a glove.

03-26-2010, 02:11 PM
1st time i road a trike i was hooked, it was the most fun i had. i was always into dirtbikes and owned 1 quad before. i liked how it was the best of both worlds. i will take a trike over a quad anyday. i have respect for for all types of riding toys. i owned one of each, but i look at the trike more because no one likes them. at the dealer last night get have a cylinder bored when one customer asked whats that from and i said oh one of my 3wheelers, all the mechanics eyes opened up wide and everyone stopped talking haha.

03-26-2010, 02:12 PM
i'm selling my dirtbike to buy another trike, i told my friend that and he said with a puzzled look on his face why do you wanna do that?? well i said i want another one because they're a blast to ride needless to say alot of people don't get it but i dont want anything else. i bought my 200s about 7 yrs ago and after i bought it and rode it for the first time i was hooked its like nothing else.my dirt bike friends and quad friends have tried to ride it and can't seem to get the hang of it all they do is turn and they almost roll it lol...i can't wait to sell my dirtbike to start looking for another one to put in the shed along side the ol 200 i guess i'm the 3 wheeler guy in the group. i'm not sure what i'll end up with:)

And it starts... You buy 1 more to ride. Soon you'll see a great deal and buy it. Before you know it you'll need to buy a bigger shed for all the 3 wheelers..lol I know this first hand as I am up to 7 and am always on the look out for a new project. People just don't understand. There is something about 3 wheelers that is just awesome. I have a quad and go kart and I never ride them. Some people just are not meant to ride a trike. Which is fine by me as that is more chance for me to get another.. :naughty:

03-26-2010, 02:14 PM
1st time i road a trike i was hooked, it was the most fun i had. i was always into dirtbikes and owned 1 quad before. i liked how it was the best of both worlds. i will take a trike over a quad anyday. i have respect for for all types of riding toys. i owned one of each, but i look at the trike more because no one likes them. at the dealer last night get have a cylinder bored when one customer asked whats that from and i said oh one of my 3wheelers, all the mechanics eyes opened up wide and everyone stopped talking haha.

Thats awesome!! How did they look at you? Admire or crazy?

03-26-2010, 02:22 PM
That scared stupid look, like they couldnt belive what i just said. to top it off i was the youngest smalled dude there...im sure with my crazy hair, they only suspected a young punk azz kid...not a triker!

03-26-2010, 08:21 PM
oh yeah the good thing is where i go theres always 2 or 3, 3wheelers up there ive seen, atc70s,atc110s,200s,185s,ive seen a couple 250r's,200x's, 350x.mostly hondas but there sure isn't a problem with that : ) i bought an atc 70 up there years ago for $120 kinda rough and needed a little work but i got it runnin and rode it for a good while...my first machine when i was little was a atc70

03-26-2010, 08:33 PM
I have rode them all and the ATC is much more fun to ride period.. It's not like I can't afford to buy a new Honda 450R or something but I have little interest in a 4 wheeler . The BANN really sucks, my only wish is for someone to reproduce exact OEM discontinued parts.

03-26-2010, 09:29 PM
I got my first trike this fall, and the first time I came around a big snow covered corner hanging off the side like pictures I had seen I was hooked. Talked to my neighbor, who thinks my trike is kinda weird, told him I had been riding the snowmobile trails all winter and he was confused at first, he can't use his quad because if it gets stuck back there he's screwed. He forgets my trike doesn't weigh 700 lbs. I think the trike is the best off road vehicle ever made. It goes places nothing else will, it can be used all year long and its just pure fun to ride. Can't wait till I get my brother-in-law's old trike. Then I can start my collection.

03-26-2010, 10:09 PM
200Xmich, that is very true. My 200 can go where some cars and 4x4s cannot, they are the true All Terrain Cycle!
I can't wait to get my 84 Tecate running and go in the dunes and trails.

Texas 200x
03-26-2010, 10:17 PM
Man I had bikes, trikes, quads, skis, seas, and boats. I have the most fun on my trikes. At slow and fast speeds its fun. Quads and bikes are boring at slow speeds, except the Harley. Boats, skis, and seas are too expensive to upkeep especially in saltwater. The Harley can't go offroad but I wouldn't trade my Nighttrain for anything. Out of my Trikes my 70 is my favorite for cruising my yard, neighborhood, and THROUGH my buddy's restaurant. It's not my fault it fits through the door!