View Full Version : trying to learn, honda 110 drive chain removal

03-17-2010, 09:56 PM
this might sound like a stupid question but is there a master link on the chain on a 1979 honda 110. because i am looking for one on the parts wheeler i just picked up and i cant seem to find one. unless the person put it on while the chain was assembled and put the master link clip pointing in in witch case i am pretty much SOL right. any help would be great

03-17-2010, 09:58 PM
if the chain is stock i would say no master link

03-17-2010, 10:18 PM
Believe it or not, there is NOT always a master link. They must have been made that way.

I went to swap frames. Dropped my engine from the bad old frame, no problem. Went to remove the bad engine on the good frame, and I was puzzled. There was no master link. I ended up having to take the full chain off while still connected and took off one wheel. The next time I had to do it, it was so frustrating that I just cut the chain. I plan on replacing it with a new one; one with a master link!

You can try taking it off if you want. I'd suggest checking eBay and getting one for under $15 that's new.

03-18-2010, 07:32 PM
i went and bought a new chain but they said i need to cut out a few links to make it the proper length, does anyone know how long the chains were stock so i can make it about that long so i can allow for as much streching as possible