View Full Version : to silence or not?

03-10-2010, 02:08 PM
so i did a search and could not find anything that really answered my question. i was wondering if there were and downfalls to running a two stroke ''uncorked'' or without a silencer. other than being really loud, are there any bad results from this??? thank's

03-10-2010, 02:35 PM
The stinger length and diameter control backpressure. I would think the difference between running a silencer, no silencer, a gutted silencer, or any combination you can think of will have some effect on backpressure also. Depending on what you are doing, I would say that in some instances an 'uncorked' pipe will hurt performance. Unless you are building a full out drag bike, I would run a silencer. A two stroke exhaust is a system, and I gotta think that the factory got it pretty close and the aftermarket is not always better.

03-10-2010, 04:10 PM
The effect on power of not running a silencer depends on several factors....but the negative impact of being loud and garnering negative attention is almost guaranteed. If you have neighbors or ride around many people, I would run a silencer.

03-10-2010, 04:38 PM
thanks for the replies. i was just wondering cause i took it for a ride without the silencer and it definatly had more power, pulled harder, and just seemed to run better all around. but it is way too loud for me. i do however have a flowthru silencer i made for it.

03-10-2010, 05:35 PM
If the packing is all blown out of a silencer it will make less power than if its packed tightly. Honestly, I wouldn't even WANT to ride any of my trikes without some type of silencer. Even with the helmet on it just gives you a headache and makes it harder to concentrate on riding.


03-11-2010, 07:41 PM
Just packed mine,it's only 15bucks ..if you trail ride with a four stroke with you it will become anoying..thats what I have found anyway..and repacking is easy and cheap..my friend told me backpressure is good .

03-11-2010, 08:06 PM
Packed makes for less backpressure than with the packing blown out. When the silencer is tightly packed all the little holes inside the core are closed up with packing and the exhaust gasses flow smoothly over it. When the packing is blown out, the holes in the core cause a lot of turbulence which slows the flow of the gasses.


03-11-2010, 09:16 PM
less sound means more ground, thats what I always say. i run silencers just because it permits more riding areas and less comlpaints. Also, a church is next to my house.

03-11-2010, 10:55 PM
well also if you know how a 2 stroke works it scavenges exhaust flow to "supercharge" the motor, you can actually melt your piston top AKA blowing it up, if you have to much of a charge being brought back into the cylinder, run a silencer, it sounds better with one on.

03-11-2010, 11:10 PM
well also if you know how a 2 stroke works it scavenges exhaust flow to "supercharge" the motor, you can actually melt your piston top AKA blowing it up, if you have to much of a charge being brought back into the cylinder, run a silencer, it sounds better with one on.

I always thought that 2 stroke pipes worked on gas pressure pulses, expansion-contraction caused by heat transfer and so forth too. However, my Thermodynamics professor at Purdue said that was incorrect and somehow they work on Sonic pressure waves. I guess I believe him, but his explanation was pretty deep and I still don't understand. Apparently sound has force and can do work