View Full Version : Bought an 86R. PICS

03-08-2010, 07:58 PM
Hey guys I bought this 86R. I'll be able to see it in 19 days when I get back home from Iraq. :D I got a killer deal on a CT310 kit, so I bought that too. This will be the first time I've owned or ridden a 3rd gen R. I have a question though. What is a good pipe/silencer combo for this setup? As you can see it has a brand new FMF system on it. But reading through some of the threads I keep hearing not so flattering things about them. The 310 kit is a mid-top port set-up and I would like to get a pipe to match this. What would be a good candidate? Or will the FMF work fine? Thanks guys!!

03-08-2010, 08:05 PM
well first off, thankyou for doing whatever your doing in Iraq to serve our country. man she is sooo clean!!!! congrats :TrikesOwn

03-08-2010, 08:27 PM
such a nice bike. Glad to hear you finally got one. fmf pipe should work fine.

03-08-2010, 08:36 PM
FMF makes a decent 250r pipe. For a big bore though, I think a ESR or Paul Turner high rev would be a better choice. Depends on you though. What kind of riding you plan to do, what kind of rider are you, where do you want the power, etc. Ifyou just want a top end screamer, get the PT. ESR seems to have a wider powerband. FMF's are very mid rangey (in my experience).

03-08-2010, 08:38 PM
Nice score! Looks really nice.

03-08-2010, 08:40 PM
first thanks for serving, second i am pickng up your bikes twin!!!!, i am starting to wonder now lol

03-08-2010, 08:46 PM
Looks VERY nice and original! Do you plan on attending the Rampage again next month? Be great to see it in person.

03-08-2010, 09:08 PM
That's a real nice looking bike, congrats.

03-08-2010, 09:23 PM
Looks VERY nice and original! Do you plan on attending the Rampage again next month? Be great to see it in person. Thanks everyone. Yeah, I'm going to try to make it, but that's cutting it close. I do already have a rental property reserved for mid May though.

03-09-2010, 01:41 AM
i have a paul turner on my 85r and like it lots

03-09-2010, 01:36 PM
I would just stay with the FMF. The one you have is paid for and its in nice shape. I had a FMF on my 310. Great low-mid range pipe. If you looking for topend. You should look into something else. I mainly trail rode, and the FMF worked great.

03-09-2010, 01:45 PM
Ok don't forget to up-grade your Carb ( 38mm or 39mm ) also make sure your Reed's are good or you can up-grade those too.

If your going to ride trails than the FMF pipe will do, Now if your riding Dunes or Drags than - Paul Tuner or ESR Pipes would be BEST.

Quick Note ~ The Front Brake Line is NOT routed correctly ( the Lower Brake Line needs to go on the IN side ) Should be a Quick Fix.

03-09-2010, 01:53 PM
Nice bike, glad to hear your comming home. Where are you stationed at? I was in TALLIL air base running gun truck missions to ANACONDA and other places. When I was there my right index finger got me in the most trouble ever though. Every time I got to goto the MWR and use a computer I bought something:) When I got home my wife took me in the garage and goes "here's your spoils of war". Was the happiest day ever, i think I actually cried, looking a my new tecate, a 69 camaro and a slew of nos and hard to find parts. WOW, almost forgot about the kegerator:). Keep you ass clear, your a short timer now. Thanks for serving also. Denn

Ps. I bet you hate camels as much as I do