View Full Version : honda paint

02-25-2010, 12:20 PM
does any body know what colors honda used to paint there 82 110 engines? i know it needs to be hi heat but what color are the cases. i plan on using high temperature black on the head. i just finished restoring the body so to speak and now im ready to move on to the engine.

02-25-2010, 08:10 PM
Do you mean black on the cylinder? The head and engine cases should be aluminum. I'm just going to go with Dupli-Color aluminum when I paint the engine of my 200. Getting custom high-heat paint could get expensive I would think.

02-25-2010, 09:25 PM
Do you mean black on the cylinder? The head and engine cases should be aluminum. I'm just going to go with Dupli-Color aluminum when I paint the engine of my 200. Getting custom high-heat paint could get expensive I would think.

I wouldn't paint the head or case if it wasn't done from the factory. Paint will trap heat, therefore your motor will run hotter & also the cooling fins won't be able to do their jobs effectively.

High temp engine paint isn't too bad actually. Usually auto parts stores carry them for about $5.00 a can, which should be enough to cover the job on one of these. Check out the wide selection of colors available from Duplicolor:
This is the stuff used for car engine blocks, so I would assume a three wheeler wouldn't run hot enough to peel the paint.

You could also bake your paint, if you don't mind using your oven & know how to do it.

02-26-2010, 10:34 AM
I wouldn't paint the head or case if it wasn't done from the factory. Paint will trap heat, therefore your motor will run hotter & also the cooling fins won't be able to do their jobs effectively.

I was concerned about this as well but was told it would be fine.

02-26-2010, 12:04 PM
I've seen it done before on a Volkswagen (air-cooled). The guy didn't seem to have problems, but I personally wouldn't do it. There's always a reason why the OEM chooses to do something a particular way. In this case the aluminum fins act as a radiator.

If you want a custom look you could always use some 1500 grit wet sanding paper followed with some 2000 grit & then finish with Mothers aluminum polish to make it polished on the cheap. Hit it with Aircraft remover first to eat off any grime that's accumulated over the years. I've done this to a set of vintage wheels before & they turned out nice. Surely it would look better than silver paint & to keep it shining, just get out there every once in a while when you're cleaning your bike & get out the polish.

02-26-2010, 04:18 PM
My Recon motor is stained so badly from iron ore mud that even muriatic acid won't eat the staining off. If the engine wasn't mostly covered by plastic cladding, I would've painted it.

02-26-2010, 10:36 PM
what i found was made by pj1, the same brand that makes oils and chain lubes. its called Honda XR Silver 2000-2006 epoxy paint. and another one is called yamaha metallic silver case paint.both look the same. thats what i used on the trick trike i posted some pics a couple days ago. hope this helps.

02-28-2010, 11:52 AM
i like that color and i like the whole bike in general. what kind of tire is on the front of that unit

02-28-2010, 12:24 PM
I don't painting the engine will do any harm. Lets see, Honda painted the airfooler motors, the first gen 200x motors and the 350x motors. All of which were their more performance oriented machines.

I still think that in some way, the black paint helps to dissipate the heat.

03-08-2010, 04:00 PM
i like that color and i like the whole bike in general. what kind of tire is on the front of that unit

The front tire on the Trick Trike is a Cheng Shin C-827 4ply....

03-08-2010, 04:06 PM
I haven't done it or used it but have heard if the paint has a high aluminum content it will dissipate heat properly.