View Full Version : Mot*******ing decompression cable!

02-19-2010, 08:55 PM
I was working on the '82 ATC200 that I acquired a little while back this evening. Before tonight, I was just putzing around with getting some of the cosmetics done and rebuilt the carb. I got the carb to stop leaking, put in a new plug, adjusted the valves, cleaned up and adjusted the pulse generator, adjusted the clutch and gave the pull rope a yank. Nothing. Pulled again. Nothing. Checked for spark, checked that there was fuel getting to the carb. All good. Pull again. Nothing. Repeat over and over again. Finally my back was not liking this anymore. I decided to give up for the night and go inside to lay on the couch. Thinking over what I had done, I remembered the decompression cable. I go back outside, disconnect it and give it one pull and it fires and runs like a champ. Deepa The guy I got it from said it would run great but sometimes you would shut it off and it wouldn't start again. I bet that cable was also what was giving him issues too. So kids, if you think you've got everything right on your machine, it won't start and it's got that cable, try disconnecting it and see what happens. It'll be harder to pull so make sure you ate your Wheaties and the rope is up to par.