View Full Version : lining up shift drum with the shafts/forks

02-14-2010, 09:57 AM
Doing my bottom end on my T-3 but having issues with the installation of the shift drums and the shafts.The manual states to make sure the trans is in neutral before installing the case halves together,but it is not clear on how the forks are placed into the shift drum.Does it matter where the shift fork goes on the drum?I have the gears and fork mounted properly on the shafts as per the manaul, but I don't understand if you just insert the drum, shafts into the cases so they fit, or is there a pattern to go by?
Thanks for the replies in advance!!

02-14-2010, 10:38 AM
normally the forks have to be in a certain spot i dont know how the tecate is but my 200x theres a left right and center fork and center is facing up so u can see the c mark and left and right face down

02-14-2010, 10:41 AM
I have the forks mounted properly on the shafts as per the manual,I should be more specific here, the tabs on the forks that lie in the shift drum, do they need to be install into a certain pattern.groovbes on the shift drum?The manul doesn't specify this, or does it not matter?

02-14-2010, 11:39 AM
The grooves are what they are...... LOOK at the drum, you will only find 3 grooves. Is it possible to put 2 forks in one groove - YES!! seen it done. The L fork is for the L groove, the C - center groove and the R - right groove.

I can put cases together in any gear, they need not be in neutral......... Unless Tecates have a reason for that.

02-14-2010, 07:51 PM
yeah i never understood why it needs to be in neutral my 200x manual states the same thing

02-15-2010, 09:47 AM
I got them lined up and the gears all work correctly, thanks for the help!!