View Full Version : Fork Seals (350X)

01-23-2010, 06:54 PM
I am replacing the fork seals. The seals came with a no directions. Only thing it says is place the oil side down. How do I know which side is the oil side?

01-23-2010, 07:36 PM
The manual says install it with the seal markings facing up, if that helps.

Page 11-19

01-23-2010, 08:59 PM
I read that too, unfortunatly there are no markings.

01-23-2010, 11:34 PM
What brand seals dont have numbers on them?? Even the cheap 10$ K&S seals i get have numbers. The side that has the bigger (cup) faces down. Heres a cpl pics to give you an idea. First one is the view of what should be facing down and the second is what you should see after its installed into the fork leg. Whatcha got for a driver? A 2 dollar fix if you dont have one may be something as simple as a piece of pvc piping from your local hardware store.



01-24-2010, 08:59 AM
i would say the bottom picture up

01-24-2010, 10:06 AM
They are MSRHP.
The back of the packaging has a diagram (that of course doesn’t look like the seal). But it did show three ribs indicating that the two close to each other are on the oil side and one by itself on the air side. This is the way I'm going.
Jeff when you say "cups" are you referring to the little rectangular impressions on pic 2? Mine has 5 on one side (air side) and about 10 on the other side (oil side) if I go with the rib analogy. Dang you would think they would make it more obvious.

01-24-2010, 11:01 AM
The cup that im referring to is the gap in between the inner and outer ridge. Notice there is a bigger gap in between the 2 in the first pic? That should be facing down. Also the inner lip on the oil side has more taper. It's hard to say in words without actually taking a pencil and showing in person. Hope you get what im trying to say.

Edit: I drew an arrow pointing to the gap that im speaking of.

01-24-2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks Jeff. That make sense and that goes along with the ribs the diagram showed.

01-24-2010, 04:39 PM
OK got them done. Next question, I put one of the shocks on bike and realized I forgot to buy the blue boots. Where can I get one that looks like the original?
