View Full Version : 250R overheating?

Billy Golightly
08-16-2003, 11:12 AM
I was out riding yesterday, pulling some one mile laps through my trails around on our property, when I came around about the 7th time, and the 250R started acting kinda like it was running out of gas. It wouldn't rev, and then it'd zizz way up by itself, and then it'd come back down, backfire, and repeat the same process. I'm not sure what to think about the backfiring thing, to me that wouldn't be an indication to overheating, but poor timing or a real lean mixture. Thing is I've ran the same main-jet and needle clip posistion ever since I've had the R. I have changed it some in the past, but it went back to where it was and I haven't changed it any in the last 6 monthes. Don't think theres any airleaks, Carb is tight, intake boot is tight, good gasket there, airbox boot is tight, airfilter is secure. It does have gas, has a good antifreeze/water mixture (And theres enough in there). Not sure what all else is left to check unless I pull the head/cyl off and take a look at things. I'm not really to enthused with the guy that did the bore job on my cylinder last time, but It was right before I was trying to go to haspin and I was hauling ass as fast as I could to get things together to go...Maybe I'm getting some excessive blow by? It has pretty good compression, plug is a little on the rich side, but it seems to be ok.

I want to get a water temp guage and try and rig something up where I can keep an eye on it and see what runs at and stuff. Any ideas? I've got a hare scramble coming up soon I want to go to but I don't want to be dead in the water after the 1st or second lap.

08-16-2003, 02:10 PM

It has gas, is it actually getting it? From you describe, the bike seemed to lean way out like it actually had run out of gas. Remember something though, your riding a bike that didnt get much use. While you run it pretty frequent, there could always be a deposit of crap somewhere along the line thats just kept building up. Not too likely, but it is a possibility. It does sound like its going real leaned out. No air leaks? Wave a little acyetlene around just to be sure (not lit obviously).

I had a bike at some point that had a nearly identical problem but I cant remember what the hell the problem ended up being....

When I think of it, Ill let you know...but in the meantime I have a strange transmission problem to take care of on my car (think its just the cable adjustment)

08-17-2003, 02:14 PM
The first thing I thought of was fuel starvation. I would take the carb apart and thoroughly clean it and blow air through the passages.

08-18-2003, 09:41 PM
Check the rotor and see if its sheared a flywheel key and gone out of time. Could have chucked a CDI also, it may be in full advance.

Billy Golightly
08-20-2003, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the ideas. I'm at my Grandma's down here in South Florida, so I cant work on it right now, but when I get home I'll definetly check things out. I'm definetly thinking its carb or electrical related. Never thought of a bad CDI.

08-20-2003, 11:23 AM
... dont forget to check the gas cap breather hose - its so simple, yet they have caused me problems in the past. Also, is it actually spitting out Anti-freeze?.

08-20-2003, 10:24 PM
I'd make sure your fuel flow from the tank is good, check the strainer and fuel line, maybe even your flot. I'd had mis-adjusted floats give me a lot of prblems before with cars and trucks.

08-20-2003, 10:35 PM
Billy, your 250R is a GOLF CART!!! so why are you in TRIKEsylvania. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: you should know better :D :D :D

Billy Golightly
08-23-2003, 07:23 PM
I didn't say it was a quad, and the motors are very close to an ATC, So I figured I'd let it slide ;)

I believe my float might be a/the problem. I've had problems with it sticking and stuff before. I'll take the carb off and work on it some, blow some air through everything like 250R AL said. I'll also checkout the gas cap vent hose, I'm pretty sure its clear but I'll definetly check and see. Theres no coolant spray, And its not boiling or anything, so I'm not really sure. I'm 99.999% sure that its leaning out, and I'm pretty sure that the reason it is, is carb related. I've just got to find the problem and stuff. Fuel line is definetly good also.

I am back home though, so I'll get to mess with it some now. Had a pretty nice little vacation, but its nice to be home.